# Metadata about this makefile and position MKFILE_PATH := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) CURRENT_DIR := $(dir $(realpath $(MKFILE_PATH))) CURRENT_DIR := $(CURRENT_DIR:/=) # Get the project metadata GOVERSION := 1.8 PROJECT := github.com/sethvargo/go-fastly OWNER := $(dir $(PROJECT)) OWNER := $(notdir $(OWNER:/=)) NAME := $(notdir $(PROJECT)) EXTERNAL_TOOLS = # List of tests to run TEST ?= ./... # List all our actual files, excluding vendor GOFILES = $(shell go list $(TEST) | grep -v /vendor/) # Tags specific for building GOTAGS ?= # Number of procs to use GOMAXPROCS ?= 4 # bootstrap installs the necessary go tools for development or build bootstrap: @echo "==> Bootstrapping ${PROJECT}..." @for t in ${EXTERNAL_TOOLS}; do \ echo "--> Installing $$t" ; \ go get -u "$$t"; \ done # deps gets all the dependencies for this repository and vendors them. deps: @echo "==> Updating dependencies..." @docker run \ --interactive \ --tty \ --rm \ --dns= \ --env="GOMAXPROCS=${GOMAXPROCS}" \ --workdir="/go/src/${PROJECT}" \ --volume="${CURRENT_DIR}:/go/src/${PROJECT}" \ "golang:${GOVERSION}" /usr/bin/env sh -c "scripts/deps.sh" # generate runs the code generator generate: @echo "==> Generating ${PROJECT}..." @go generate ${GOFILES} # test runs the test suite test: @echo "==> Testing ${PROJECT}..." @go test -timeout=60s -parallel=20 -tags="${GOTAGS}" ${GOFILES} ${TESTARGS} # test-race runs the race checker test-race: @echo "==> Testing ${PROJECT} (race)..." @go test -timeout=60s -race -tags="${GOTAGS}" ${GOFILES} ${TESTARGS} .PHONY: bootstrap deps generate test test-race