package aws import ( "reflect" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Returns test configuration func testConfSDK() map[string]string { return map[string]string{ "listener.#": "1", "listener.0.lb_port": "80", "listener.0.lb_protocol": "http", "listener.0.instance_port": "8000", "listener.0.instance_protocol": "http", "availability_zones.#": "2", "availability_zones.0": "us-east-1a", "availability_zones.1": "us-east-1b", "ingress.#": "1", "ingress.0.protocol": "icmp", "ingress.0.from_port": "1", "ingress.0.to_port": "-1", "ingress.0.cidr_blocks.#": "1", "ingress.0.cidr_blocks.0": "", "ingress.0.security_groups.#": "2", "ingress.0.security_groups.0": "sg-11111", "ingress.0.security_groups.1": "foo/sg-22222", } } func TestExpandIPPermsSDK(t *testing.T) { hash := func(v interface{}) int { return hashcode.String(v.(string)) } expanded := []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "protocol": "icmp", "from_port": 1, "to_port": -1, "cidr_blocks": []interface{}{""}, "security_groups": schema.NewSet(hash, []interface{}{ "sg-11111", "foo/sg-22222", }), }, map[string]interface{}{ "protocol": "icmp", "from_port": 1, "to_port": -1, "self": true, }, } group := &ec2.SecurityGroup{ GroupID: aws.String("foo"), VPCID: aws.String("bar"), } perms := expandIPPermsSDK(group, expanded) expected := []ec2.IPPermission{ ec2.IPPermission{ IPProtocol: aws.String("icmp"), FromPort: aws.Long(1), ToPort: aws.Long(-1), IPRanges: []*ec2.IPRange{&ec2.IPRange{CIDRIP: aws.String("")}}, UserIDGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ &ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ UserID: aws.String("foo"), GroupID: aws.String("sg-22222"), }, &ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ GroupID: aws.String("sg-22222"), }, }, }, ec2.IPPermission{ IPProtocol: aws.String("icmp"), FromPort: aws.Long(1), ToPort: aws.Long(-1), UserIDGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ &ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ UserID: aws.String("foo"), }, }, }, } exp := expected[0] perm := perms[0] if *exp.FromPort != *perm.FromPort { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", *perm.FromPort, *exp.FromPort) } if *exp.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP != *perm.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", *perm.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP, *exp.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP) } if *exp.UserIDGroupPairs[0].UserID != *perm.UserIDGroupPairs[0].UserID { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", *perm.UserIDGroupPairs[0].UserID, *exp.UserIDGroupPairs[0].UserID) } } func TestExpandIPPerms_nonVPCSDK(t *testing.T) { hash := func(v interface{}) int { return hashcode.String(v.(string)) } expanded := []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "protocol": "icmp", "from_port": 1, "to_port": -1, "cidr_blocks": []interface{}{""}, "security_groups": schema.NewSet(hash, []interface{}{ "sg-11111", "foo/sg-22222", }), }, map[string]interface{}{ "protocol": "icmp", "from_port": 1, "to_port": -1, "self": true, }, } group := &ec2.SecurityGroup{ GroupName: aws.String("foo"), } perms := expandIPPermsSDK(group, expanded) expected := []ec2.IPPermission{ ec2.IPPermission{ IPProtocol: aws.String("icmp"), FromPort: aws.Long(1), ToPort: aws.Long(-1), IPRanges: []*ec2.IPRange{&ec2.IPRange{CIDRIP: aws.String("")}}, UserIDGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ &ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ GroupName: aws.String("sg-22222"), }, &ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ GroupName: aws.String("sg-22222"), }, }, }, ec2.IPPermission{ IPProtocol: aws.String("icmp"), FromPort: aws.Long(1), ToPort: aws.Long(-1), UserIDGroupPairs: []*ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ &ec2.UserIDGroupPair{ GroupName: aws.String("foo"), }, }, }, } exp := expected[0] perm := perms[0] if *exp.FromPort != *perm.FromPort { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", *perm.FromPort, *exp.FromPort) } if *exp.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP != *perm.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", *perm.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP, *exp.IPRanges[0].CIDRIP) } } func TestExpandListenersSDK(t *testing.T) { expanded := []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "instance_port": 8000, "lb_port": 80, "instance_protocol": "http", "lb_protocol": "http", }, } listeners, err := expandListenersSDK(expanded) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", err) } expected := elb.Listener{ InstancePort: aws.Integer(8000), LoadBalancerPort: aws.Integer(80), InstanceProtocol: aws.String("http"), Protocol: aws.String("http"), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(listeners[0], expected) { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", listeners[0], expected) } } func TestFlattenHealthCheckSDK(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Input elb.HealthCheck Output []map[string]interface{} }{ { Input: elb.HealthCheck{ UnhealthyThreshold: aws.Integer(10), HealthyThreshold: aws.Integer(10), Target: aws.String("HTTP:80/"), Timeout: aws.Integer(30), Interval: aws.Integer(30), }, Output: []map[string]interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "unhealthy_threshold": 10, "healthy_threshold": 10, "target": "HTTP:80/", "timeout": 30, "interval": 30, }, }, }, } for _, tc := range cases { output := flattenHealthCheckSDK(&tc.Input) if !reflect.DeepEqual(output, tc.Output) { t.Fatalf("Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v", output, tc.Output) } } } func TestExpandStringListSDK(t *testing.T) { expanded := flatmap.Expand(testConfSDK(), "availability_zones").([]interface{}) stringList := expandStringList(expanded) expected := []string{ "us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", } if !reflect.DeepEqual(stringList, expected) { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", stringList, expected) } } func TestExpandParametersSDK(t *testing.T) { expanded := []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "name": "character_set_client", "value": "utf8", "apply_method": "immediate", }, } parameters, err := expandParametersSDK(expanded) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", err) } expected := rds.Parameter{ ParameterName: aws.String("character_set_client"), ParameterValue: aws.String("utf8"), ApplyMethod: aws.String("immediate"), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(parameters[0], expected) { t.Fatalf( "Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v\n", parameters[0], expected) } } func TestFlattenParametersSDK(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Input []rds.Parameter Output []map[string]interface{} }{ { Input: []rds.Parameter{ rds.Parameter{ ParameterName: aws.String("character_set_client"), ParameterValue: aws.String("utf8"), }, }, Output: []map[string]interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "name": "character_set_client", "value": "utf8", }, }, }, } for _, tc := range cases { output := flattenParametersSDK(tc.Input) if !reflect.DeepEqual(output, tc.Output) { t.Fatalf("Got:\n\n%#v\n\nExpected:\n\n%#v", output, tc.Output) } } } func TestExpandInstanceStringSDK(t *testing.T) { expected := []elb.Instance{ elb.Instance{aws.String("test-one")}, elb.Instance{aws.String("test-two")}, } ids := []interface{}{ "test-one", "test-two", } expanded := expandInstanceStringSDK(ids) if !reflect.DeepEqual(expanded, expected) { t.Fatalf("Expand Instance String output did not match.\nGot:\n%#v\n\nexpected:\n%#v", expanded, expected) } } func TestFlattenNetworkInterfacesPrivateIPAddessesSDK(t *testing.T) { expanded := []*ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIPAddress{ &ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIPAddress{PrivateIPAddress: aws.String("")}, &ec2.NetworkInterfacePrivateIPAddress{PrivateIPAddress: aws.String("")}, } result := flattenNetworkInterfacesPrivateIPAddessesSDK(expanded) if result == nil { t.Fatal("result was nil") } if len(result) != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected result had %d elements, but got %d", 2, len(result)) } if result[0] != "" { t.Fatalf("expected ip to be, but was %s", result[0]) } if result[1] != "" { t.Fatalf("expected ip to be, but was %s", result[1]) } } func TestFlattenGroupIdentifiersSDK(t *testing.T) { expanded := []*ec2.GroupIdentifier{ &ec2.GroupIdentifier{GroupID: aws.String("sg-001")}, &ec2.GroupIdentifier{GroupID: aws.String("sg-002")}, } result := flattenGroupIdentifiersSDK(expanded) if len(result) != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected result had %d elements, but got %d", 2, len(result)) } if result[0] != "sg-001" { t.Fatalf("expected id to be sg-001, but was %s", result[0]) } if result[1] != "sg-002" { t.Fatalf("expected id to be sg-002, but was %s", result[1]) } } func TestExpandPrivateIPAddessesSDK(t *testing.T) { ip1 := "" ip2 := "" flattened := []interface{}{ ip1, ip2, } result := expandPrivateIPAddessesSDK(flattened) if len(result) != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected result had %d elements, but got %d", 2, len(result)) } if *result[0].PrivateIPAddress != "" || !*result[0].Primary { t.Fatalf("expected ip to be and Primary, but got %v, %t", *result[0].PrivateIPAddress, *result[0].Primary) } if *result[1].PrivateIPAddress != "" || *result[1].Primary { t.Fatalf("expected ip to be and not Primary, but got %v, %t", *result[1].PrivateIPAddress, *result[1].Primary) } } func TestFlattenAttachmentSDK(t *testing.T) { expanded := &ec2.NetworkInterfaceAttachment{ InstanceID: aws.String("i-00001"), DeviceIndex: aws.Long(1), AttachmentID: aws.String("at-002"), } result := flattenAttachmentSDK(expanded) if result == nil { t.Fatal("expected result to have value, but got nil") } if result["instance"] != "i-00001" { t.Fatalf("expected instance to be i-00001, but got %s", result["instance"]) } if result["device_index"] != int64(1) { t.Fatalf("expected device_index to be 1, but got %d", result["device_index"]) } if result["attachment_id"] != "at-002" { t.Fatalf("expected attachment_id to be at-002, but got %s", result["attachment_id"]) } }