--- layout: "aws" page_title: "AWS: aws_ecs_service" sidebar_current: "docs-aws-resource-ecs-service" description: |- Provides an ECS service. --- # aws\_ecs\_service -> **Note:** To prevent race condition during service deletion, make sure to set `depends_on` to related `aws_iam_role_policy`, otherwise policy may be destroyed too soon and ECS service will then stuck in `DRAINING` state. Provides an ECS service - effectively a task that is expected to run until an error occures or user terminates it (typically a webserver or a database). See [ECS Services section in AWS developer guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs_services.html). ## Example Usage ``` resource "aws_ecs_service" "mongo" { name = "mongodb" cluster = "${aws_ecs_cluster.foo.id}" task_definition = "${aws_ecs_task_definition.mongo.arn}" desired_count = 3 iam_role = "${aws_iam_role.foo.arn}" depends_on = ["aws_iam_role_policy.foo"] load_balancer { elb_name = "${aws_elb.foo.name}" container_name = "mongo" container_port = 8080 } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The name of the service (up to 255 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores) * `task_definition` - (Required) The family and revision (`family:revision`) or full ARN of the task definition that you want to run in your service. * `desired_count` - (Required) The number of instances of the task definition to place and keep running * `cluster` - (Optional) ARN of an ECS cluster * `iam_role` - (Optional) IAM role that allows your Amazon ECS container agent to make calls to your load balancer on your behalf. This parameter is only required if you are using a load balancer with your service. * `deployment_maximum_percent` - (Optional) The upper limit (as a percentage of the service's desiredCount) of the number of running tasks that can be running in a service during a deployment. * `deployment_minimum_healthy_percent` - (Optional) The lower limit (as a percentage of the service's desiredCount) of the number of running tasks that must remain running and healthy in a service during a deployment. * `load_balancer` - (Optional) A load balancer block. Load balancers documented below. -> **Note:** As a result of AWS limitation a single `load_balancer` can be attached to the ECS service at most. See [related docs](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/service-load-balancing.html#load-balancing-concepts). Load balancers support the following: * `elb_name` - (Required) The name of the load balancer. * `container_name` - (Required) The name of the container to associate with the load balancer (as it appears in a container definition). * `container_port` - (Required) The port on the container to associate with the load balancer. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the service * `name` - The name of the service * `cluster` - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of cluster which the service runs on * `iam_role` - The ARN of IAM role used for ELB * `desired_count` - The number of instances of the task definition