--- layout: "clc" page_title: "clc: clc_group" sidebar_current: "docs-clc-resource-group" description: |- Manages a CLC server group. --- # clc\_group Manages a CLC server group. Either provisions or resolves to an existing group. See also [Complete API documentation](https://www.ctl.io/api-docs/v2/#groups). ## Example Usage ``` # Provision/Resolve a server group resource "clc_group" "frontends" { location_id = "WA1" name = "frontends" parent = "Default Group" } output "group_id" { value = "clc_group.frontends.id" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required, string) The name (or GUID) of this server group. Will resolve to existing if present. * `parent` - (Required, string) The name or ID of the parent group. Will error if absent or unable to resolve. * `location_id` - (Required, string) The datacenter location of both parent group and this group. Examples: "WA1", "VA1" * `description` - (Optional, string) Description for server group (visible in control portal only) * `custom_fields` - (Optional) See [CustomFields](#custom_fields) below for details. ## CustomFields `custom_fields` is a block within the configuration that may be repeated to bind custom fields for a server. CustomFields need be set up in advance. Each `custom_fields` block supports the following: * `id` - (Required, string) The ID of the custom field to set. * `value` - (Required, string) The value for the specified field.