package consul import ( "fmt" "testing" consulapi "" "" "" ) func TestAccConsulKeyPrefix_basic(t *testing.T) { resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("species"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("meat"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("cheese"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("bread"), ), Steps: []resource.TestStep{ resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccConsulKeyPrefixConfig, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyValue("cheese", "chevre"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyValue("bread", "baguette"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("species"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("meat"), ), }, resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccConsulKeyPrefixConfig, ExpectNonEmptyPlan: true, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( // This will add a rogue key that Terraform isn't // expecting, causing a non-empty plan that wants // to remove it. testAccAddConsulKeyPrefixRogue("species", "gorilla"), ), }, resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccConsulKeyPrefixConfig_Update, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyValue("meat", "ham"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyValue("bread", "batard"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("cheese"), testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent("species"), ), }, resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccConsulKeyPrefixConfig_Update, ExpectNonEmptyPlan: true, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccAddConsulKeyPrefixRogue("species", "gorilla"), ), }, }, }) } func testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { kv := testAccProvider.Meta().(*consulapi.Client).KV() opts := &consulapi.QueryOptions{Datacenter: "dc1"} pair, _, err := kv.Get("test/set", opts) if err != nil { return err } if pair != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Key still exists: %#v", pair) } return nil } func testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyAbsent(name string) resource.TestCheckFunc { fullName := "prefix_test/" + name return func(s *terraform.State) error { kv := testAccProvider.Meta().(*consulapi.Client).KV() opts := &consulapi.QueryOptions{Datacenter: "dc1"} pair, _, err := kv.Get(fullName, opts) if err != nil { return err } if pair != nil { return fmt.Errorf("key '%s' exists, but shouldn't", fullName) } return nil } } // This one is actually not a check, but rather a mutation step. It writes // a value directly into Consul, bypassing our Terraform resource. func testAccAddConsulKeyPrefixRogue(name, value string) resource.TestCheckFunc { fullName := "prefix_test/" + name return func(s *terraform.State) error { kv := testAccProvider.Meta().(*consulapi.Client).KV() opts := &consulapi.WriteOptions{Datacenter: "dc1"} pair := &consulapi.KVPair{ Key: fullName, Value: []byte(value), } _, err := kv.Put(pair, opts) return err } } func testAccCheckConsulKeyPrefixKeyValue(name, value string) resource.TestCheckFunc { fullName := "prefix_test/" + name return func(s *terraform.State) error { kv := testAccProvider.Meta().(*consulapi.Client).KV() opts := &consulapi.QueryOptions{Datacenter: "dc1"} pair, _, err := kv.Get(fullName, opts) if err != nil { return err } if pair == nil { return fmt.Errorf("key %v doesn't exist, but should", fullName) } if string(pair.Value) != value { return fmt.Errorf("key %v has value %v; want %v", fullName, pair.Value, value) } return nil } } const testAccConsulKeyPrefixConfig = ` resource "consul_key_prefix" "app" { datacenter = "dc1" path_prefix = "prefix_test/" subkeys = { cheese = "chevre" bread = "baguette" } } ` const testAccConsulKeyPrefixConfig_Update = ` resource "consul_key_prefix" "app" { datacenter = "dc1" path_prefix = "prefix_test/" subkeys = { bread = "batard" meat = "ham" } } `