package azure import ( "fmt" "log" "" netsecgroup "" "" ) // resourceAzureSecurityGroupRule returns the *schema.Resource for // a network security group rule on Azure. func resourceAzureSecurityGroupRule() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleCreate, Read: resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleRead, Update: resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleUpdate, Exists: resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleExists, Delete: resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "name": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["name"], }, "security_group_name": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_secgroup_name"], }, "type": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_type"], }, "priority": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_priority"], }, "action": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_action"], }, "source_address_prefix": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_src_addr_prefix"], }, "source_port_range": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_src_port_range"], }, "destination_address_prefix": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_dest_addr_prefix"], }, "destination_port_range": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_dest_port_range"], }, "protocol": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Description: parameterDescriptions["netsecgroup_protocol"], }, }, } } // resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleCreate does all the necessary API calls to // create a new network security group rule on Azure. func resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { azureClient := meta.(*Client) mgmtClient := azureClient.mgmtClient secGroupClient := azureClient.secGroupClient // create and configure the RuleResponse: name := d.Get("name").(string) rule := netsecgroup.RuleRequest{ Name: name, Type: netsecgroup.RuleType(d.Get("type").(string)), Priority: d.Get("priority").(int), Action: netsecgroup.RuleAction(d.Get("action").(string)), SourceAddressPrefix: d.Get("source_address_prefix").(string), SourcePortRange: d.Get("source_port_range").(string), DestinationAddressPrefix: d.Get("destination_address_prefix").(string), DestinationPortRange: d.Get("destination_port_range").(string), Protocol: netsecgroup.RuleProtocol(d.Get("protocol").(string)), } // send the create request to Azure: log.Println("[INFO] Sending network security group rule creation request to Azure.") reqID, err := secGroupClient.SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule( d.Get("security_group_name").(string), rule, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error sending network security group rule creation request to Azure: %s", err) } err = mgmtClient.WaitForOperation(reqID, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating network security group rule on Azure: %s", err) } d.SetId(name) return nil } // resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleRead does all the necessary API calls to // read the state of a network security group ruke off Azure. func resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { azureClient := meta.(*Client) secGroupClient := azureClient.secGroupClient secGroupName := d.Get("security_group_name").(string) // get info on the network security group and check its rules for this one: log.Println("[INFO] Sending network security group rule query to Azure.") secgroup, err := secGroupClient.GetNetworkSecurityGroup(secGroupName) if err != nil { if !management.IsResourceNotFoundError(err) { return fmt.Errorf("Error issuing network security group rules query: %s", err) } else { // it meants that the network security group this rule belonged to has // been deleted; so we must remove this resource from the schema: d.SetId("") return nil } } // find our security rule: var found bool name := d.Get("name").(string) for _, rule := range secgroup.Rules { if rule.Name == name { found = true log.Println("[DEBUG] Reading state of Azure network security group rule.") d.Set("type", rule.Type) d.Set("priority", rule.Priority) d.Set("action", rule.Action) d.Set("source_address_prefix", rule.SourceAddressPrefix) d.Set("source_port_range", rule.SourcePortRange) d.Set("destination_address_prefix", rule.DestinationAddressPrefix) d.Set("destination_port_range", rule.DestinationPortRange) d.Set("protocol", rule.Protocol) break } } // check if the rule still exists, and is not, remove the resource: if !found { d.SetId("") } return nil } // resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleUpdate does all the necessary API calls to // update the state of a network security group ruke off Azure. func resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { azureClient := meta.(*Client) mgmtClient := azureClient.mgmtClient secGroupClient := azureClient.secGroupClient secGroupName := d.Get("security_group_name").(string) // get info on the network security group and check its rules for this one: log.Println("[INFO] Sending network security group rule query for update to Azure.") secgroup, err := secGroupClient.GetNetworkSecurityGroup(secGroupName) if err != nil { if !management.IsResourceNotFoundError(err) { return fmt.Errorf("Error issuing network security group rules query: %s", err) } else { // it meants that the network security group this rule belonged to has // been deleted; so we must remove this resource from the schema: d.SetId("") return nil } } // try and find our security group rule: var found bool name := d.Get("name").(string) for _, rule := range secgroup.Rules { if rule.Name == name { found = true } } // check is the resource has not been deleted in the meantime: if !found { // if not; remove the resource: d.SetId("") return nil } // else, start building up the rule request struct: newRule := netsecgroup.RuleRequest{ Name: d.Get("name").(string), Type: netsecgroup.RuleType(d.Get("type").(string)), Priority: d.Get("priority").(int), Action: netsecgroup.RuleAction(d.Get("action").(string)), SourceAddressPrefix: d.Get("source_address_prefix").(string), SourcePortRange: d.Get("source_port_range").(string), DestinationAddressPrefix: d.Get("destination_address_prefix").(string), DestinationPortRange: d.Get("destination_port_range").(string), Protocol: netsecgroup.RuleProtocol(d.Get("protocol").(string)), } // send the create request to Azure: log.Println("[INFO] Sending network security group rule update request to Azure.") reqID, err := secGroupClient.SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule( secGroupName, newRule, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error sending network security group rule update request to Azure: %s", err) } err = mgmtClient.WaitForOperation(reqID, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error updating network security group rule on Azure: %s", err) } return nil } // resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleExists does all the necessary API calls to // check for the existence of the network security group rule on Azure. func resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleExists(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (bool, error) { secGroupClient := meta.(*Client).secGroupClient secGroupName := d.Get("security_group_name").(string) // get info on the network security group and search for our rule: log.Println("[INFO] Sending network security group rule query for existence check to Azure.") secgroup, err := secGroupClient.GetNetworkSecurityGroup(secGroupName) if err != nil { if !management.IsResourceNotFoundError(err) { return false, fmt.Errorf("Error issuing network security group rules query: %s", err) } else { // it meants that the network security group this rule belonged to has // been deleted; so we must remove this resource from the schema: d.SetId("") return false, nil } } // try and find our security group rule: name := d.Get("name").(string) for _, rule := range secgroup.Rules { if rule.Name == name { return true, nil } } // if here; it means the resource has been deleted in the // meantime and must be removed from the schema: d.SetId("") return false, nil } // resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleDelete does all the necessary API calls to // delete a network security group rule off Azure. func resourceAzureSecurityGroupRuleDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { azureClient := meta.(*Client) mgmtClient := azureClient.mgmtClient secGroupClient := azureClient.secGroupClient secGroupName := d.Get("security_group_name").(string) // get info on the network security group and search for our rule: log.Println("[INFO] Sending network security group rule query for deletion to Azure.") secgroup, err := secGroupClient.GetNetworkSecurityGroup(secGroupName) if err != nil { if management.IsResourceNotFoundError(err) { // it meants that the network security group this rule belonged to has // been deleted; so we need do nothing more but stop tracking the resource: d.SetId("") return nil } else { return fmt.Errorf("Error issuing network security group rules query: %s", err) } } // check is the resource has not been deleted in the meantime: name := d.Get("name").(string) for _, rule := range secgroup.Rules { if rule.Name == name { // if not; we shall issue the delete: reqID, err := secGroupClient.DeleteNetworkSecurityGroupRule(secGroupName, name) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error sending network security group rule delete request to Azure: %s", err) } err = mgmtClient.WaitForOperation(reqID, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting network security group rule off Azure: %s", err) } } } return nil }