--- layout: "rabbitmq" page_title: "Provider: RabbitMQ" sidebar_current: "docs-rabbitmq-index" description: |- A provider for a RabbitMQ Server. --- # RabbitMQ Provider [RabbitMQ](http://www.rabbitmq.com) is an AMQP message broker server. The RabbitMQ provider exposes resources used to manage the configuration of resources in a RabbitMQ server. Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources. ## Example Usage The following is a minimal example: ``` # Configure the RabbitMQ provider provider "rabbitmq" { endpoint = "" username = "guest" password = "guest" } # Create a virtual host resource "rabbitmq_vhost" "vhost_1" { name = "vhost_1" } ``` ## Requirements The RabbitMQ management plugin must be enabled to use this provider. You can enable the plugin by doing something similar to: ``` $ sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `endpoint` - (Required) The HTTP URL of the management plugin on the RabbitMQ server. The RabbitMQ management plugin *must* be enabled in order to use this provder. _Note_: This is not the IP address or hostname of the RabbitMQ server that you would use to access RabbitMQ directly. * `username` - (Required) Username to use to authenticate with the server. * `password` - (Optional) Password for the given user. * `insecure` - (Optional) Trust self-signed certificates. * `cacert_file` - (Optional) The path to a custom CA / intermediate certificate.