--- layout: "grafana" page_title: "Grafana: grafana_dashboard" sidebar_current: "docs-influxdb-resource-dashboard" description: |- The grafana_dashboard resource allows a Grafana dashboard to be created. --- # grafana\_dashboard The dashboard resource allows a dashboard to created on a Grafana server. ## Example Usage ``` resource "grafana_dashboard" "metrics" { config_json = "${file("grafana-dashboard.json")}" } ``` Dashboards can be exported from Grafana's web UI in JSON format and provided via the `config_json` argument. The exported JSON will include references to Grafana data sources, but the data source configuration is not exported in this way. In order to fully manage a dashboard with Terraform, necessary data sources can be created using the `grafana_data_source` resource. In order to ensure that a data source is created before a dashboard that refers to it, use the `depends_on` meta-parameter: ``` depends_on = ["grafana_data_source.metrics"] ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `config_json` - (Required) The JSON configuration for the dashboard. ## Attributes Reference The resource exports the following attributes: * `slug` - A URL "slug" for this dashboard, generated by Grafana by removing certain characters from the dashboard name given as part of the `config_json` argument. This can be used to generate the URL for a dashboard.