package s3 import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "log" "" "" "" "" multierror "" uuid "" "" "" ) type RemoteClient struct { s3Client *s3.S3 dynClient *dynamodb.DynamoDB bucketName string path string serverSideEncryption bool acl string kmsKeyID string lockTable string } func (c *RemoteClient) Get() (*remote.Payload, error) { output, err := c.s3Client.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput{ Bucket: &c.bucketName, Key: &c.path, }) if err != nil { if awserr := err.(awserr.Error); awserr != nil { if awserr.Code() == "NoSuchKey" { return nil, nil } else { return nil, err } } else { return nil, err } } defer output.Body.Close() buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if _, err := io.Copy(buf, output.Body); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read remote state: %s", err) } payload := &remote.Payload{ Data: buf.Bytes(), } // If there was no data, then return nil if len(payload.Data) == 0 { return nil, nil } return payload, nil } func (c *RemoteClient) Put(data []byte) error { contentType := "application/json" contentLength := int64(len(data)) i := &s3.PutObjectInput{ ContentType: &contentType, ContentLength: &contentLength, Body: bytes.NewReader(data), Bucket: &c.bucketName, Key: &c.path, } if c.serverSideEncryption { if c.kmsKeyID != "" { i.SSEKMSKeyId = &c.kmsKeyID i.ServerSideEncryption = aws.String("aws:kms") } else { i.ServerSideEncryption = aws.String("AES256") } } if c.acl != "" { i.ACL = aws.String(c.acl) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Uploading remote state to S3: %#v", i) if _, err := c.s3Client.PutObject(i); err == nil { return nil } else { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to upload state: %v", err) } } func (c *RemoteClient) Delete() error { _, err := c.s3Client.DeleteObject(&s3.DeleteObjectInput{ Bucket: &c.bucketName, Key: &c.path, }) return err } func (c *RemoteClient) Lock(info *state.LockInfo) (string, error) { if c.lockTable == "" { return "", nil } stateName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.bucketName, c.path) info.Path = stateName if info.ID == "" { lockID, err := uuid.GenerateUUID() if err != nil { return "", err } info.ID = lockID } putParams := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{ Item: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{ "LockID": {S: aws.String(stateName)}, "Info": {S: aws.String(string(info.Marshal()))}, }, TableName: aws.String(c.lockTable), ConditionExpression: aws.String("attribute_not_exists(LockID)"), } _, err := c.dynClient.PutItem(putParams) if err != nil { lockInfo, infoErr := c.getLockInfo() if infoErr != nil { err = multierror.Append(err, infoErr) } lockErr := &state.LockError{ Err: err, Info: lockInfo, } return "", lockErr } return info.ID, nil } func (c *RemoteClient) getLockInfo() (*state.LockInfo, error) { getParams := &dynamodb.GetItemInput{ Key: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{ "LockID": {S: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.bucketName, c.path))}, }, ProjectionExpression: aws.String("LockID, Info"), TableName: aws.String(c.lockTable), } resp, err := c.dynClient.GetItem(getParams) if err != nil { return nil, err } var infoData string if v, ok := resp.Item["Info"]; ok && v.S != nil { infoData = *v.S } lockInfo := &state.LockInfo{} err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(infoData), lockInfo) if err != nil { return nil, err } return lockInfo, nil } func (c *RemoteClient) Unlock(id string) error { if c.lockTable == "" { return nil } lockErr := &state.LockError{} // TODO: store the path and lock ID in separate fields, and have proper // projection expression only delete the lock if both match, rather than // checking the ID from the info field first. lockInfo, err := c.getLockInfo() if err != nil { lockErr.Err = fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve lock info: %s", err) return lockErr } lockErr.Info = lockInfo if lockInfo.ID != id { lockErr.Err = fmt.Errorf("lock id %q does not match existing lock", id) return lockErr } params := &dynamodb.DeleteItemInput{ Key: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{ "LockID": {S: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.bucketName, c.path))}, }, TableName: aws.String(c.lockTable), } _, err = c.dynClient.DeleteItem(params) if err != nil { lockErr.Err = err return lockErr } return nil }