--- layout: "pagerduty" page_title: "PagerDuty: pagerduty_escalation_policy" sidebar_current: "docs-pagerduty-resource-escalation_policy" description: |- Creates and manages an escalation policy in PagerDuty. --- # pagerduty\_escalation_policy An [escalation policy](https://v2.developer.pagerduty.com/v2/page/api-reference#!/Escalation_Policies/get_escalation_policies) determines what user or schedule will be notified first, second, and so on when an incident is triggered. Escalation policies are used by one or more services. ## Example Usage ``` resource "pagerduty_team" "example" { name = "Engineering" description = "All engineering" } resource "pagerduty_user" "example" { name = "Earline Greenholt" email = "125.greenholt.earline@graham.name" teams = ["${pagerduty_team.example.id}"] } resource "pagerduty_escalation_policy" "example" { name = "Engineering Escalation Policy" num_loops = 2 teams = ["${pagerduty_team.example.id}"] rule { escalation_delay_in_minutes = 10 target { type = "user" id = "${pagerduty_user.example.id}" } } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The name of the escalation policy. * `teams` - (Optional) Teams associated with the policy. Account must have the `teams` ability to use this parameter. * `description` - (Optional) A human-friendly description of the escalation policy. If not set, a placeholder of "Managed by Terraform" will be set. * `num_loops` - (Optional) The number of times the escalation policy will repeat after reaching the end of its escalation. * `rule` - (Required) An Escalation rule block. Escalation rules documented below. Escalation rules (`rule`) supports the following: * `escalation_delay_in_minutes` - (Required) The number of minutes before an unacknowledged incident escalates away from this rule. * `targets` - (Required) A target block. Target blocks documented below. Targets (`target`) supports the following: * `type` - (Optional) Can be `user`, `schedule`, `user_reference` or `schedule_reference`. Defaults to `user_reference` * `id` - (Required) A target ID ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - The ID of the escalation policy. ## Import Escalation policies can be imported using the `id`, e.g. ``` $ terraform import pagerduty_escalation_policy.main PLBP09X ```