package aws import ( "fmt" "log" "sort" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func resourceAwsElasticacheCluster() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAwsElasticacheClusterCreate, Read: resourceAwsElasticacheClusterRead, Update: resourceAwsElasticacheClusterUpdate, Delete: resourceAwsElasticacheClusterDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "cluster_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, }, "engine": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, "node_type": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, }, "num_cache_nodes": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, }, "parameter_group_name": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, "port": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, ForceNew: true, }, "engine_version": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, "maintenance_window": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, "subnet_group_name": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "security_group_names": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, Set: func(v interface{}) int { return hashcode.String(v.(string)) }, }, "security_group_ids": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Computed: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, Set: func(v interface{}) int { return hashcode.String(v.(string)) }, }, // Exported Attributes "cache_nodes": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeList, Computed: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "address": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "port": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Computed: true, }, }, }, }, // A single-element string list containing an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that // uniquely identifies a Redis RDB snapshot file stored in Amazon S3. The snapshot // file will be used to populate the node group. // // See also: // "snapshot_arns": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString}, Set: func(v interface{}) int { return hashcode.String(v.(string)) }, }, "tags": tagsSchema(), // apply_immediately is used to determine when the update modifications // take place. // See "apply_immediately": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, }, } } func resourceAwsElasticacheClusterCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn clusterId := d.Get("cluster_id").(string) nodeType := d.Get("node_type").(string) // e.g) cache.m1.small numNodes := int64(d.Get("num_cache_nodes").(int)) // 2 engine := d.Get("engine").(string) // memcached engineVersion := d.Get("engine_version").(string) // 1.4.14 port := int64(d.Get("port").(int)) // e.g) 11211 subnetGroupName := d.Get("subnet_group_name").(string) securityNameSet := d.Get("security_group_names").(*schema.Set) securityIdSet := d.Get("security_group_ids").(*schema.Set) securityNames := expandStringList(securityNameSet.List()) securityIds := expandStringList(securityIdSet.List()) tags := tagsFromMapEC(d.Get("tags").(map[string]interface{})) req := &elasticache.CreateCacheClusterInput{ CacheClusterId: aws.String(clusterId), CacheNodeType: aws.String(nodeType), NumCacheNodes: aws.Int64(numNodes), Engine: aws.String(engine), EngineVersion: aws.String(engineVersion), Port: aws.Int64(port), CacheSubnetGroupName: aws.String(subnetGroupName), CacheSecurityGroupNames: securityNames, SecurityGroupIds: securityIds, Tags: tags, } // parameter groups are optional and can be defaulted by AWS if v, ok := d.GetOk("parameter_group_name"); ok { req.CacheParameterGroupName = aws.String(v.(string)) } if v, ok := d.GetOk("maintenance_window"); ok { req.PreferredMaintenanceWindow = aws.String(v.(string)) } snaps := d.Get("snapshot_arns").(*schema.Set).List() if len(snaps) > 0 { s := expandStringList(snaps) req.SnapshotArns = s log.Printf("[DEBUG] Restoring Redis cluster from S3 snapshot: %#v", s) } resp, err := conn.CreateCacheCluster(req) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating Elasticache: %s", err) } d.SetId(*resp.CacheCluster.CacheClusterId) pending := []string{"creating"} stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: pending, Target: "available", Refresh: cacheClusterStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id(), "available", pending), Timeout: 10 * time.Minute, Delay: 10 * time.Second, MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second, } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Waiting for state to become available: %v", d.Id()) _, sterr := stateConf.WaitForState() if sterr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for elasticache (%s) to be created: %s", d.Id(), sterr) } return resourceAwsElasticacheClusterRead(d, meta) } func resourceAwsElasticacheClusterRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn req := &elasticache.DescribeCacheClustersInput{ CacheClusterId: aws.String(d.Id()), ShowCacheNodeInfo: aws.Bool(true), } res, err := conn.DescribeCacheClusters(req) if err != nil { return err } if len(res.CacheClusters) == 1 { c := res.CacheClusters[0] d.Set("cluster_id", c.CacheClusterId) d.Set("node_type", c.CacheNodeType) d.Set("num_cache_nodes", c.NumCacheNodes) d.Set("engine", c.Engine) d.Set("engine_version", c.EngineVersion) if c.ConfigurationEndpoint != nil { d.Set("port", c.ConfigurationEndpoint.Port) } d.Set("subnet_group_name", c.CacheSubnetGroupName) d.Set("security_group_names", c.CacheSecurityGroups) d.Set("security_group_ids", c.SecurityGroups) d.Set("parameter_group_name", c.CacheParameterGroup) d.Set("maintenance_window", c.PreferredMaintenanceWindow) if err := setCacheNodeData(d, c); err != nil { return err } // list tags for resource // set tags arn, err := buildECARN(d, meta) if err != nil { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error building ARN for ElastiCache Cluster, not setting Tags for cluster %s", *c.CacheClusterId) } else { resp, err := conn.ListTagsForResource(&elasticache.ListTagsForResourceInput{ ResourceName: aws.String(arn), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error retreiving tags for ARN: %s", arn) } var et []*elasticache.Tag if len(resp.TagList) > 0 { et = resp.TagList } d.Set("tags", tagsToMapEC(et)) } } return nil } func resourceAwsElasticacheClusterUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn arn, err := buildECARN(d, meta) if err != nil { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error building ARN for ElastiCache Cluster, not updating Tags for cluster %s", d.Id()) } else { if err := setTagsEC(conn, d, arn); err != nil { return err } } req := &elasticache.ModifyCacheClusterInput{ CacheClusterId: aws.String(d.Id()), ApplyImmediately: aws.Bool(d.Get("apply_immediately").(bool)), } requestUpdate := false if d.HasChange("security_group_ids") { if attr := d.Get("security_group_ids").(*schema.Set); attr.Len() > 0 { req.SecurityGroupIds = expandStringList(attr.List()) requestUpdate = true } } if d.HasChange("parameter_group_name") { req.CacheParameterGroupName = aws.String(d.Get("parameter_group_name").(string)) requestUpdate = true } if d.HasChange("maintenance_window") { req.PreferredMaintenanceWindow = aws.String(d.Get("maintenance_window").(string)) requestUpdate = true } if d.HasChange("engine_version") { req.EngineVersion = aws.String(d.Get("engine_version").(string)) requestUpdate = true } if d.HasChange("num_cache_nodes") { req.NumCacheNodes = aws.Int64(int64(d.Get("num_cache_nodes").(int))) requestUpdate = true } if requestUpdate { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Modifying ElastiCache Cluster (%s), opts:\n%s", d.Id(), req) _, err := conn.ModifyCacheCluster(req) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[WARN] Error updating ElastiCache cluster (%s), error: %s", d.Id(), err) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Waiting for update: %s", d.Id()) pending := []string{"modifying", "rebooting cache cluster nodes", "snapshotting"} stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: pending, Target: "available", Refresh: cacheClusterStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id(), "available", pending), Timeout: 5 * time.Minute, Delay: 5 * time.Second, MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second, } _, sterr := stateConf.WaitForState() if sterr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for elasticache (%s) to update: %s", d.Id(), sterr) } } return resourceAwsElasticacheClusterRead(d, meta) } func setCacheNodeData(d *schema.ResourceData, c *elasticache.CacheCluster) error { sortedCacheNodes := make([]*elasticache.CacheNode, len(c.CacheNodes)) copy(sortedCacheNodes, c.CacheNodes) sort.Sort(byCacheNodeId(sortedCacheNodes)) cacheNodeData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, len(sortedCacheNodes)) for _, node := range sortedCacheNodes { if node.CacheNodeId == nil || node.Endpoint == nil || node.Endpoint.Address == nil || node.Endpoint.Port == nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected nil pointer in: %s", node) } cacheNodeData = append(cacheNodeData, map[string]interface{}{ "id": *node.CacheNodeId, "address": *node.Endpoint.Address, "port": int(*node.Endpoint.Port), }) } return d.Set("cache_nodes", cacheNodeData) } type byCacheNodeId []*elasticache.CacheNode func (b byCacheNodeId) Len() int { return len(b) } func (b byCacheNodeId) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } func (b byCacheNodeId) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].CacheNodeId != nil && b[j].CacheNodeId != nil && *b[i].CacheNodeId < *b[j].CacheNodeId } func resourceAwsElasticacheClusterDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn req := &elasticache.DeleteCacheClusterInput{ CacheClusterId: aws.String(d.Id()), } _, err := conn.DeleteCacheCluster(req) if err != nil { return err } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Waiting for deletion: %v", d.Id()) stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: []string{"creating", "available", "deleting", "incompatible-parameters", "incompatible-network", "restore-failed"}, Target: "", Refresh: cacheClusterStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id(), "", []string{}), Timeout: 10 * time.Minute, Delay: 10 * time.Second, MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second, } _, sterr := stateConf.WaitForState() if sterr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for elasticache (%s) to delete: %s", d.Id(), sterr) } d.SetId("") return nil } func cacheClusterStateRefreshFunc(conn *elasticache.ElastiCache, clusterID, givenState string, pending []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc { return func() (interface{}, string, error) { resp, err := conn.DescribeCacheClusters(&elasticache.DescribeCacheClustersInput{ CacheClusterId: aws.String(clusterID), ShowCacheNodeInfo: aws.Bool(true), }) if err != nil { apierr := err.(awserr.Error) log.Printf("[DEBUG] message: %v, code: %v", apierr.Message(), apierr.Code()) if apierr.Message() == fmt.Sprintf("CacheCluster not found: %v", clusterID) { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Detect deletion") return nil, "", nil } log.Printf("[ERROR] CacheClusterStateRefreshFunc: %s", err) return nil, "", err } if len(resp.CacheClusters) == 0 { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("[WARN] Error: no Cache Clusters found for id (%s)", clusterID) } var c *elasticache.CacheCluster for _, cluster := range resp.CacheClusters { if *cluster.CacheClusterId == clusterID { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Found matching ElastiCache cluster: %s", *cluster.CacheClusterId) c = cluster } } if c == nil { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("[WARN] Error: no matching Elastic Cache cluster for id (%s)", clusterID) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] ElastiCache Cluster (%s) status: %v", clusterID, *c.CacheClusterStatus) // return the current state if it's in the pending array for _, p := range pending { log.Printf("[DEBUG] ElastiCache: checking pending state (%s) for cluster (%s), cluster status: %s", pending, clusterID, *c.CacheClusterStatus) s := *c.CacheClusterStatus if p == s { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Return with status: %v", *c.CacheClusterStatus) return c, p, nil } } // return given state if it's not in pending if givenState != "" { log.Printf("[DEBUG] ElastiCache: checking given state (%s) of cluster (%s) against cluster status (%s)", givenState, clusterID, *c.CacheClusterStatus) // check to make sure we have the node count we're expecting if int64(len(c.CacheNodes)) != *c.NumCacheNodes { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Node count is not what is expected: %d found, %d expected", len(c.CacheNodes), *c.NumCacheNodes) return nil, "creating", nil } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Node count matched (%d)", len(c.CacheNodes)) // loop the nodes and check their status as well for _, n := range c.CacheNodes { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Checking cache node for status: %s", n) if n.CacheNodeStatus != nil && *n.CacheNodeStatus != "available" { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Node (%s) is not yet available, status: %s", *n.CacheNodeId, *n.CacheNodeStatus) return nil, "creating", nil } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Cache node not in expected state") } log.Printf("[DEBUG] ElastiCache returning given state (%s), cluster: %s", givenState, c) return c, givenState, nil } log.Printf("[DEBUG] current status: %v", *c.CacheClusterStatus) return c, *c.CacheClusterStatus, nil } } func buildECARN(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (string, error) { iamconn := meta.(*AWSClient).iamconn region := meta.(*AWSClient).region // An zero value GetUserInput{} defers to the currently logged in user resp, err := iamconn.GetUser(&iam.GetUserInput{}) if err != nil { return "", err } userARN := *resp.User.Arn accountID := strings.Split(userARN, ":")[4] arn := fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:elasticache:%s:%s:cluster:%s", region, accountID, d.Id()) return arn, nil }