package alerts // CreateAlertResponse holds the result data of the CreateAlertRequest type CreateAlertResponse struct { Message string `json:"message"` AlertID string `json:"alertId"` Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // CountAlertResponse holds the result data of the CountAlertRequest type CountAlertResponse struct { Count int `json:"count"` } // CloseAlertResponse holds the result data of the CloseAlertRequest type CloseAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // DeleteAlertResponse holds the result data of the DeleteAlertRequest type DeleteAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // ListAlertsResponse holds the result data of the ListAlertsRequest type ListAlertsResponse struct { Alerts []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Alias string `json:"alias"` Message string `json:"message"` Status string `json:"status"` IsSeen bool `json:"isSeen"` Acknowledged bool `json:"acknowledged"` CreatedAt uint64 `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt uint64 `json:"updatedAt"` TinyID string `json:"tinyId"` Owner string `json:"owner"` } `json:"alerts"` } // ListAlertNotesResponse holds the result data of the ListAlertNotesRequest type ListAlertNotesResponse struct { Took int `json:"took"` LastKey string `json:"lastKey"` Notes []struct { Note string `json:"note"` Owner string `json:"owner"` CreatedAt uint64 `json:"createdAt"` } `json:"notes"` } // ListAlertLogsResponse holds the result data of the ListAlertLogsRequest type ListAlertLogsResponse struct { LastKey string `json:"lastKey"` Logs []struct { Log string `json:"log"` LogType string `json:"logType"` Owner string `json:"owner"` CreatedAt uint64 `json:"createdAt"` } `json:"logs"` } // ListAlertRecipientsResponse holds the result data of the ListAlertRecipientsRequest. type ListAlertRecipientsResponse struct { Users []struct { Username string `json:"username"` State string `json:"state"` Method string `json:"method"` StateChangedAt uint64 `json:"stateChangedAt"` } `json:"users"` Groups map[string][]struct { Username string `json:"username"` State string `json:"state"` Method string `json:"method"` StateChangedAt uint64 `json:"stateChangedAt"` } `json:"groups"` } // AcknowledgeAlertResponse holds the result data of the AcknowledgeAlertRequest. type AcknowledgeAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // RenotifyAlertResponse holds the result data of the RenotifyAlertRequest. type RenotifyAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // TakeOwnershipAlertResponse holds the result data of the TakeOwnershipAlertRequest. type TakeOwnershipAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // AssignOwnerAlertResponse holds the result data of the AssignOwnerAlertRequest. type AssignOwnerAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // AddTeamAlertResponse holds the result data of the AddTeamAlertRequest. type AddTeamAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // AddRecipientAlertResponse holds the result data of the AddRecipientAlertRequest. type AddRecipientAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // AddNoteAlertResponse holds the result data of the AddNoteAlertRequest. type AddNoteAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // AddTagsAlertResponse holds the result data of the AddTagsAlertRequest. type AddTagsAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // ExecuteActionAlertResponse holds the result data of the ExecuteActionAlertRequest. type ExecuteActionAlertResponse struct { Result string `json:"result"` Code int `json:"code"` } // AttachFileAlertResponse holds the result data of the AttachFileAlertRequest. type AttachFileAlertResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Code int `json:"code"` } // GetAlertResponse holds the result data of the GetAlertRequest. type GetAlertResponse struct { Tags []string `json:"tags"` Count int `json:"count"` Status string `json:"status"` Teams []string `json:"teams"` Recipients []string `json:"recipients"` TinyID string `json:"tinyId"` Alias string `json:"alias"` Entity string `json:"entity"` ID string `json:"id"` UpdatedAt uint64 `json:"updatedAt"` Message string `json:"message"` Details map[string]string `json:"details"` Source string `json:"source"` Description string `json:"description"` CreatedAt uint64 `json:"createdAt"` IsSeen bool `json:"isSeen"` Acknowledged bool `json:"acknowledged"` Owner string `json:"owner"` Actions []string `json:"actions"` SystemData map[string]interface{} `json:"systemData"` } //IntegrationType returns extracted "integrationType" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) IntegrationType() string { if val, ok := res.SystemData["integrationType"].(string); ok { return val } return "" } //IntegrationID returns extracted "integrationId" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) IntegrationID() string { if val, ok := res.SystemData["integrationId"].(string); ok { return val } return "" } //IntegrationName returns extracted "integrationName" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) IntegrationName() string { if val, ok := res.SystemData["integrationName"].(string); ok { return val } return "" } //AckTime returns extracted "ackTime" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) AckTime() uint64 { if val, ok := res.SystemData["ackTime"].(uint64); ok { return val } return 0 } //AcknowledgedBy returns extracted "acknowledgedBy" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) AcknowledgedBy() string { if val, ok := res.SystemData["acknowledgedBy"].(string); ok { return val } return "" } //CloseTime returns extracted "closeTime" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) CloseTime() uint64 { if val, ok := res.SystemData["closeTime"].(uint64); ok { return val } return 0 } //ClosedBy returns extracted "closedBy" data from the retrieved alert' SystemData property. func (res *GetAlertResponse) ClosedBy() string { if val, ok := res.SystemData["closedBy"].(string); ok { return val } return "" }