package test import ( "fmt" "" ) func testResourceCustomDiff() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: testResourceCustomDiffCreate, Read: testResourceCustomDiffRead, CustomizeDiff: testResourceCustomDiffCustomizeDiff, Update: testResourceCustomDiffUpdate, Delete: testResourceCustomDiffDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "required": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, "computed": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Computed: true, }, "index": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Computed: true, }, "veto": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, }, }, } } func testResourceCustomDiffCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { d.SetId("testId") // Required must make it through to Create if _, ok := d.GetOk("required"); !ok { return fmt.Errorf("missing attribute 'required', but it's required") } _, new := d.GetChange("computed") expected := new.(int) - 1 actual := d.Get("index").(int) if expected != actual { return fmt.Errorf("expected computed to be 1 ahead of index, got computed: %d, index: %d", expected, actual) } d.Set("index", new) return testResourceCustomDiffRead(d, meta) } func testResourceCustomDiffRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { return nil } func testResourceCustomDiffCustomizeDiff(d *schema.ResourceDiff, meta interface{}) error { if d.Get("veto").(bool) == true { return fmt.Errorf("veto is true, diff vetoed") } // Note that this gets put into state after the update, regardless of whether // or not anything is acted upon in the diff. d.SetNew("computed", d.Get("computed").(int)+1) return nil } func testResourceCustomDiffUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { _, new := d.GetChange("computed") expected := new.(int) - 1 actual := d.Get("index").(int) if expected != actual { return fmt.Errorf("expected computed to be 1 ahead of index, got computed: %d, index: %d", expected, actual) } d.Set("index", new) return nil } func testResourceCustomDiffDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { d.SetId("") return nil }