package librato import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "time" "" "" "" ) func resourceLibratoMetric() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceLibratoMetricCreate, Read: resourceLibratoMetricRead, Update: resourceLibratoMetricUpdate, Delete: resourceLibratoMetricDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "name": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: false, }, "type": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, "display_name": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "description": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "period": { Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, }, "composite": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "attributes": { Type: schema.TypeList, Optional: true, MaxItems: 1, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "color": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "display_max": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "display_min": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "display_units_long": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "display_units_short": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, }, "display_stacked": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, "created_by_ua": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "gap_detection": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, }, "aggregate": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, }, }, }, }, }, } } func resourceLibratoMetricCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*librato.Client) metric := librato.Metric{ Name: librato.String(d.Get("name").(string)), Type: librato.String(d.Get("type").(string)), } if a, ok := d.GetOk("display_name"); ok { metric.DisplayName = librato.String(a.(string)) } if a, ok := d.GetOk("description"); ok { metric.Description = librato.String(a.(string)) } if a, ok := d.GetOk("period"); ok { metric.Period = librato.Uint(uint(a.(int))) } if a, ok := d.GetOk("composite"); ok { metric.Composite = librato.String(a.(string)) } if a, ok := d.GetOk("attributes"); ok { attributeData := a.([]interface{}) attributeDataMap := attributeData[0].(map[string]interface{}) attributes := new(librato.MetricAttributes) if v, ok := attributeDataMap["color"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.Color = librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_max"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayMax = librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_min"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayMin = librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_units_long"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayUnitsLong = *librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_units_short"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayUnitsShort = *librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["created_by_ua"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.CreatedByUA = *librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_stacked"].(bool); ok { attributes.DisplayStacked = *librato.Bool(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["gap_detection"].(bool); ok { attributes.GapDetection = *librato.Bool(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["aggregate"].(bool); ok { attributes.Aggregate = *librato.Bool(v) } metric.Attributes = attributes } _, err := client.Metrics.Edit(&metric) if err != nil { log.Printf("[INFO] ERROR creating Metric: %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("Error creating Librato metric: %s", err) } retryErr := resource.Retry(1*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError { _, _, err := client.Metrics.Get(*metric.Name) if err != nil { if errResp, ok := err.(*librato.ErrorResponse); ok && errResp.Response.StatusCode == 404 { return resource.RetryableError(err) } return resource.NonRetryableError(err) } return nil }) if retryErr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating Librato metric: %s", retryErr) } d.SetId(*metric.Name) return resourceLibratoMetricRead(d, meta) } func resourceLibratoMetricRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*librato.Client) id := d.Id() log.Printf("[INFO] Reading Librato Metric: %s", id) metric, _, err := client.Metrics.Get(id) if err != nil { if errResp, ok := err.(*librato.ErrorResponse); ok && errResp.Response.StatusCode == 404 { d.SetId("") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Error reading Librato Metric %s: %s", id, err) } d.Set("name", metric.Name) d.Set("type", metric.Type) if metric.Description != nil { d.Set("description", metric.Description) } if metric.DisplayName != nil { d.Set("display_name", metric.DisplayName) } if metric.Period != nil { d.Set("period", metric.Period) } if metric.Composite != nil { d.Set("composite", metric.Composite) } attributes := metricAttributesGather(d, metric.Attributes) // Since attributes isn't a simple terraform type (TypeList), it's best to // catch the error returned from the d.Set() function, and handle accordingly. if err := d.Set("attributes", attributes); err != nil { return err } return nil } func resourceLibratoMetricUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*librato.Client) id := d.Id() metric := new(librato.Metric) metric.Name = librato.String(id) if d.HasChange("type") { metric.Type = librato.String(d.Get("type").(string)) } if d.HasChange("description") { metric.Description = librato.String(d.Get("description").(string)) } if d.HasChange("display_name") { metric.DisplayName = librato.String(d.Get("display_name").(string)) } if d.HasChange("period") { metric.Period = librato.Uint(uint(d.Get("period").(int))) } if d.HasChange("composite") { metric.Composite = librato.String(d.Get("composite").(string)) } if d.HasChange("attributes") { attributeData := d.Get("attributes").([]interface{}) attributeDataMap := attributeData[0].(map[string]interface{}) attributes := new(librato.MetricAttributes) if v, ok := attributeDataMap["color"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.Color = librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_max"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayMax = librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_min"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayMin = librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_units_long"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayUnitsLong = *librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_units_short"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.DisplayUnitsShort = *librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["created_by_ua"].(string); ok && v != "" { attributes.CreatedByUA = *librato.String(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["display_stacked"].(bool); ok { attributes.DisplayStacked = *librato.Bool(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["gap_detection"].(bool); ok { attributes.GapDetection = *librato.Bool(v) } if v, ok := attributeDataMap["aggregate"].(bool); ok { attributes.Aggregate = *librato.Bool(v) } metric.Attributes = attributes } log.Printf("[INFO] Updating Librato metric: %v", structToString(metric)) _, err := client.Metrics.Edit(metric) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Librato metric: %s", err) } log.Printf("[INFO] Updated Librato metric %s", id) // Wait for propagation since Librato updates are eventually consistent wait := resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%t", false)}, Target: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%t", true)}, Timeout: 5 * time.Minute, MinTimeout: 2 * time.Second, ContinuousTargetOccurence: 5, Refresh: func() (interface{}, string, error) { log.Printf("[INFO] Checking if Librato Metric %s was updated yet", id) changedMetric, _, getErr := client.Metrics.Get(id) if getErr != nil { return changedMetric, "", getErr } return changedMetric, "true", nil }, } _, err = wait.WaitForState() if err != nil { log.Printf("[INFO] ERROR - Failed updating Librato Metric %s: %s", id, err) return fmt.Errorf("Failed updating Librato Metric %s: %s", id, err) } return resourceLibratoMetricRead(d, meta) } func resourceLibratoMetricDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { client := meta.(*librato.Client) id := d.Id() log.Printf("[INFO] Deleting Metric: %s", id) _, err := client.Metrics.Delete(id) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting Metric: %s", err) } log.Printf("[INFO] Verifying Metric %s deleted", id) retryErr := resource.Retry(1*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError { log.Printf("[INFO] Getting Metric %s", id) _, _, err := client.Metrics.Get(id) if err != nil { if errResp, ok := err.(*librato.ErrorResponse); ok && errResp.Response.StatusCode == 404 { log.Printf("[INFO] Metric %s not found, removing from state", id) return nil } log.Printf("[INFO] non-retryable error attempting to Get metric: %s", err) return resource.NonRetryableError(err) } log.Printf("[INFO] retryable error attempting to Get metric: %s", id) return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("metric still exists")) }) if retryErr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting librato metric: %s", retryErr) } return nil } // Flattens an attributes hash into something that flatmap.Flatten() can handle func metricAttributesGather(d *schema.ResourceData, attributes *librato.MetricAttributes) []map[string]interface{} { result := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1) if attributes != nil { retAttributes := make(map[string]interface{}) if attributes.Color != nil { retAttributes["color"] = *attributes.Color } if attributes.DisplayMax != nil { retAttributes["display_max"] = attributes.DisplayMax } if attributes.DisplayMin != nil { retAttributes["display_min"] = attributes.DisplayMin } if attributes.DisplayUnitsLong != "" { retAttributes["display_units_long"] = attributes.DisplayUnitsLong } if attributes.DisplayUnitsShort != "" { retAttributes["display_units_short"] = attributes.DisplayUnitsShort } if attributes.CreatedByUA != "" { retAttributes["created_by_ua"] = attributes.CreatedByUA } retAttributes["display_stacked"] = attributes.DisplayStacked || false retAttributes["gap_detection"] = attributes.GapDetection || false retAttributes["aggregate"] = attributes.Aggregate || false result = append(result, retAttributes) } return result } func structToString(i interface{}) string { s, _ := json.Marshal(i) return string(s) }