#!/usr/bin/env bats load test_helper @test "pool.create" { path="*/Resources/$(new_id)/$(new_id)" run govc pool.create $path assert_failure assert_line "govc: cannot create resource pool '$(basename ${path})': parent not found" id=$(new_id) path="*/Resources/$id" run govc pool.create -cpu.shares low -mem.reservation 500 $path assert_success run govc pool.info $path assert_success assert_line "Name: $id" assert_line "CPU Shares: low" assert_line "Mem Reservation: 500MB (expandable=true)" run govc pool.destroy $path assert_success } @test "pool.create multiple" { id=$(new_id) path="*/Resources/$id" govc pool.create $path # Create multiple parent pools with multiple arguments (without globbing) run govc pool.create $path/a $path/b assert_success result=$(govc ls "host/$path/*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 2 ] # Create multiple child pools with one argument (with globbing) run govc pool.create $path/*/{a,b} assert_success result=$(govc ls "host/$path/*/*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 4 ] # Clean up run govc pool.destroy $path/*/* $path/* $path assert_success } @test "pool.change" { id=$(new_id) path="*/Resources/$id" govc pool.create $path run govc pool.change -mem.shares high $path assert_success run govc pool.info $path assert_success assert_line "Mem Shares: high" assert_line "CPU Shares: normal" nid=$(new_id) run govc pool.change -name $nid $path assert_success path="*/Resources/$nid" run govc pool.info $path assert_success assert_line "Name: $nid" run govc pool.destroy $path assert_success } @test "pool.change multiple" { id=$(new_id) path="*/Resources/$id" govc pool.create $path # Create some nested pools so that we can test changing multiple in one call govc pool.create $path/{a,b} $path/{a,b}/test # Test precondition run govc pool.info $path/a/test assert_success assert_line "Name: test" run govc pool.info $path/b/test assert_success assert_line "Name: test" # Change name of both test pools run govc pool.change -name hello $path/*/test assert_success # Test postcondition run govc pool.info $path/a/hello assert_success assert_line "Name: hello" run govc pool.info $path/b/hello assert_success assert_line "Name: hello" # Clean up govc pool.destroy $path/a/hello govc pool.destroy $path/a govc pool.destroy $path/b/hello govc pool.destroy $path/b govc pool.destroy $path } @test "pool.destroy" { id=$(new_id) # should not be any existing test pools result=$(govc ls "host/*/Resources/govc-test-*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 0 ] # parent pool path="*/Resources/$id" run govc pool.create $path assert_success result=$(govc ls "host/$path/*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 0 ] # child pools run govc pool.create $path/$(new_id) assert_success run govc pool.create $path/$(new_id) assert_success # 2 child pools result=$(govc ls "host/$path/*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 2 ] # 1 parent pool result=$(govc ls "host/*/Resources/govc-test-*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 1 ] run govc pool.destroy -r $path assert_success # if we didn't -r, the child pools would end up here result=$(govc ls "host/*/Resources/govc-test-*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 0 ] } @test "pool.destroy multiple" { id=$(new_id) path="*/Resources/$id" govc pool.create $path # Create some nested pools so that we can test destroying multiple in one call govc pool.create $path/{a,b} # Test precondition result=$(govc ls "host/$path/*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 2 ] # Destroy both pools run govc pool.destroy $path/{a,b} assert_success # Test postcondition result=$(govc ls "host/$path/*" | wc -l) [ $result -eq 0 ] # Clean up govc pool.destroy $path } @test "vm.create -pool" { # test with full inventory path to pools parent_path=$(govc ls 'host/*/Resources') parent_name=$(basename $parent_path) [ "$parent_name" = "Resources" ] child_name=$(new_id) child_path="$parent_path/$child_name" grand_child_name=$(new_id) grand_child_path="$child_path/$grand_child_name" run govc pool.create $parent_path/$child_name{,/$grand_child_name} assert_success for path in $parent_path $child_path $grand_child_path do run govc vm.create -pool $path $(new_id) assert_success done run govc pool.change -debug -mem.limit 100 -mem.expandable=false $child_path assert_failure run govc pool.change -debug -mem.limit 100 $child_path assert_success run govc pool.change -debug -mem.limit 120 -mem.expandable $child_path assert_success # test with glob inventory path to pools parent_path="*/$parent_name" child_path="$parent_path/$child_name" grand_child_path="$child_path/$grand_child_name" for path in $grand_child_path $child_path do run govc pool.destroy $path assert_success done } @test "vm.create -pool host" { id=$(new_id) path=$(govc ls host) run govc vm.create -on=false -pool enoent $id assert_failure "govc: resource pool 'enoent' not found" run govc vm.create -on=false -pool $path $id assert_success } @test "vm.create -pool cluster" { vcsim_env id=$(new_id) path=$(dirname $GOVC_HOST) unset GOVC_HOST unset GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL run govc vm.create -on=false -pool enoent $id assert_failure "govc: resource pool 'enoent' not found" run govc vm.create -on=false -pool $path $id assert_success }