set :base_url, "" activate :hashicorp do |h| = "terraform" h.version = "0.8.2" h.github_slug = "hashicorp/terraform" end helpers do # Get the title for the page. # # @param [Middleman::Page] page # # @return [String] def title_for(page) if page && return "#{} - Terraform by HashiCorp" end "Terraform by HashiCorp" end # Get the description for the page # # @param [Middleman::Page] page # # @return [String] def description_for(page) return escape_html( || "") end # This helps by setting the "active" class for sidebar nav elements # if the YAML frontmatter matches the expected value. def sidebar_current(expected) current = || "" if current == expected or (expected.is_a?(Regexp) and expected.match(current)) return " class=\"active\"" else return "" end end end