--- layout: "docker" page_title: "Docker: docker_container" sidebar_current: "docs-docker-resource-container" description: |- Manages the lifecycle of a Docker container. --- # docker\_container Manages the lifecycle of a Docker container. ## Example Usage ``` # Start a container resource "docker_container" "ubuntu" { name = "foo" image = "${docker_image.ubuntu.latest}" } # Find the latest Ubuntu precise image. resource "docker_image" "ubuntu" { name = "ubuntu:precise" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required, string) The name of the Docker container. * `image` - (Required, string) The ID of the image to back this container. The easiest way to get this value is to use the `docker_image` resource as is shown in the example above. * `command` - (Optional, list of strings) The command to use to start the container. For example, to run `/usr/bin/myprogram -f baz.conf` set the command to be `["/usr/bin/myprogram", "-f", "baz.conf"]`. * `dns` - (Optional, set of strings) Set of DNS servers. * `env` - (Optional, set of strings) Environmental variables to set. * `links` - (Optional, set of strings) Set of links for link based connectivity between containers that are running on the same host. * `hostname` - (Optional, string) Hostname of the container. * `domainname` - (Optional, string) Domain name of the container. * `must_run` - (Optional, bool) If true, then the Docker container will be kept running. If false, then as long as the container exists, Terraform assumes it is successful. * `ports` - (Optional) See [Ports](#ports) below for details. * `privileged` - (Optional, bool) Run container in privileged mode. * `publish_all_ports` - (Optional, bool) Publish all ports of the container. * `volumes` - (Optional) See [Volumes](#volumes) below for details. ## Ports `ports` is a block within the configuration that can be repeated to specify the port mappings of the container. Each `ports` block supports the following: * `internal` - (Required, int) Port within the container. * `external` - (Required, int) Port exposed out of the container. * `ip` - (Optional, string) IP address/mask that can access this port. * `protocol` - (Optional, string) Protocol that can be used over this port, defaults to TCP. ## Volumes `volumes` is a block within the configuration that can be repeated to specify the volumes attached to a container. Each `volumes` block supports the following: * `from_container` - (Optional, string) The container where the volume is coming from. * `container_path` - (Optional, string) The path in the container where the volume will be mounted. * `host_path` - (Optional, string) The path on the host where the volume is coming from. * `read_only` - (Optional, bool) If true, this volume will be readonly. Defaults to false. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `ip_address` - The IP address of the container as read from its NetworkSettings. * `ip_prefix_length` - The IP prefix length of the container as read from its NetworkSettings. * `gateway` - The network gateway of the container as read from its NetworkSettings. * `bridge` - The network bridge of the container as read from its NetworkSettings.