package aws import ( "fmt" "log" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) func resourceAwsEbsVolume() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAwsEbsVolumeCreate, Read: resourceAwsEbsVolumeRead, Update: resourceAWSEbsVolumeUpdate, Delete: resourceAwsEbsVolumeDelete, Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{ State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough, }, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "availability_zone": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, }, "encrypted": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "iops": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "kms_key_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "size": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "snapshot_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "type": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, }, "tags": tagsSchema(), }, } } func resourceAwsEbsVolumeCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn request := &ec2.CreateVolumeInput{ AvailabilityZone: aws.String(d.Get("availability_zone").(string)), } if value, ok := d.GetOk("encrypted"); ok { request.Encrypted = aws.Bool(value.(bool)) } if value, ok := d.GetOk("kms_key_id"); ok { request.KmsKeyId = aws.String(value.(string)) } if value, ok := d.GetOk("size"); ok { request.Size = aws.Int64(int64(value.(int))) } if value, ok := d.GetOk("snapshot_id"); ok { request.SnapshotId = aws.String(value.(string)) } // IOPs are only valid, and required for, storage type io1. The current minimu // is 100. Instead of a hard validation we we only apply the IOPs to the // request if the type is io1, and log a warning otherwise. This allows users // to "disable" iops. See var t string if value, ok := d.GetOk("type"); ok { t = value.(string) request.VolumeType = aws.String(t) } iops := d.Get("iops").(int) if t != "io1" && iops > 0 { log.Printf("[WARN] IOPs is only valid for storate type io1 for EBS Volumes") } else if t == "io1" { // We add the iops value without validating it's size, to allow AWS to // enforce a size requirement (currently 100) request.Iops = aws.Int64(int64(iops)) } log.Printf( "[DEBUG] EBS Volume create opts: %s", request) result, err := conn.CreateVolume(request) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating EC2 volume: %s", err) } log.Println( "[DEBUG] Waiting for Volume to become available") stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: []string{"creating"}, Target: []string{"available"}, Refresh: volumeStateRefreshFunc(conn, *result.VolumeId), Timeout: 5 * time.Minute, Delay: 10 * time.Second, MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second, } _, err = stateConf.WaitForState() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf( "Error waiting for Volume (%s) to become available: %s", *result.VolumeId, err) } d.SetId(*result.VolumeId) if _, ok := d.GetOk("tags"); ok { setTags(conn, d) } return readVolume(d, result) } func resourceAWSEbsVolumeUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn if _, ok := d.GetOk("tags"); ok { setTags(conn, d) } return resourceAwsEbsVolumeRead(d, meta) } // volumeStateRefreshFunc returns a resource.StateRefreshFunc that is used to watch // a the state of a Volume. Returns successfully when volume is available func volumeStateRefreshFunc(conn *ec2.EC2, volumeID string) resource.StateRefreshFunc { return func() (interface{}, string, error) { resp, err := conn.DescribeVolumes(&ec2.DescribeVolumesInput{ VolumeIds: []*string{aws.String(volumeID)}, }) if err != nil { if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { // Set this to nil as if we didn't find anything. log.Printf("Error on Volume State Refresh: message: \"%s\", code:\"%s\"", ec2err.Message(), ec2err.Code()) resp = nil return nil, "", err } else { log.Printf("Error on Volume State Refresh: %s", err) return nil, "", err } } v := resp.Volumes[0] return v, *v.State, nil } } func resourceAwsEbsVolumeRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn request := &ec2.DescribeVolumesInput{ VolumeIds: []*string{aws.String(d.Id())}, } response, err := conn.DescribeVolumes(request) if err != nil { if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVolume.NotFound" { d.SetId("") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Error reading EC2 volume %s: %s", d.Id(), err) } return readVolume(d, response.Volumes[0]) } func resourceAwsEbsVolumeDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn request := &ec2.DeleteVolumeInput{ VolumeId: aws.String(d.Id()), } _, err := conn.DeleteVolume(request) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting EC2 volume %s: %s", d.Id(), err) } return nil } func readVolume(d *schema.ResourceData, volume *ec2.Volume) error { d.SetId(*volume.VolumeId) d.Set("availability_zone", *volume.AvailabilityZone) if volume.Encrypted != nil { d.Set("encrypted", *volume.Encrypted) } if volume.KmsKeyId != nil { d.Set("kms_key_id", *volume.KmsKeyId) } if volume.Size != nil { d.Set("size", *volume.Size) } if volume.SnapshotId != nil { d.Set("snapshot_id", *volume.SnapshotId) } if volume.VolumeType != nil { d.Set("type", *volume.VolumeType) } if volume.VolumeType != nil && *volume.VolumeType == "io1" { // Only set the iops attribute if the volume type is io1. Setting otherwise // can trigger a refresh/plan loop based on the computed value that is given // from AWS, and prevent us from specifying 0 as a valid iops. // See if volume.Iops != nil { d.Set("iops", *volume.Iops) } } if volume.Tags != nil { d.Set("tags", tagsToMap(volume.Tags)) } return nil }