package circonus import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // circonus_contact attributes contactAggregationWindowAttr = "aggregation_window" contactAlertOptionAttr = "alert_option" contactEmailAttr = "email" contactHTTPAttr = "http" contactIRCAttr = "irc" contactLongMessageAttr = "long_message" contactLongSubjectAttr = "long_subject" contactLongSummaryAttr = "long_summary" contactNameAttr = "name" contactPagerDutyAttr = "pager_duty" contactSMSAttr = "sms" contactShortMessageAttr = "short_message" contactShortSummaryAttr = "short_summary" contactSlackAttr = "slack" contactTagsAttr = "tags" contactVictorOpsAttr = "victorops" contactXMPPAttr = "xmpp" // circonus_contact.alert_option attributes contactEscalateAfterAttr = "escalate_after" contactEscalateToAttr = "escalate_to" contactReminderAttr = "reminder" contactSeverityAttr = "severity" // attributes contactEmailAddressAttr = "address" //contactUserCIDAttr // circonus_contact.http attributes contactHTTPAddressAttr schemaAttr = "address" contactHTTPFormatAttr = "format" contactHTTPMethodAttr = "method" // circonus_contact.irc attributes //contactUserCIDAttr // circonus_contact.pager_duty attributes //contactContactGroupFallbackAttr contactPagerDutyServiceKeyAttr schemaAttr = "service_key" contactPagerDutyWebhookURLAttr schemaAttr = "webhook_url" // circonus_contact.slack attributes //contactContactGroupFallbackAttr contactSlackButtonsAttr = "buttons" contactSlackChannelAttr = "channel" contactSlackTeamAttr = "team" contactSlackUsernameAttr = "username" // circonus_contact.sms attributes contactSMSAddressAttr = "address" //contactUserCIDAttr // circonus_contact.victorops attributes //contactContactGroupFallbackAttr contactVictorOpsAPIKeyAttr = "api_key" contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr = "critical" contactVictorOpsInfoAttr = "info" contactVictorOpsTeamAttr = "team" contactVictorOpsWarningAttr = "warning" // circonus_contact.victorops attributes //contactUserCIDAttr contactXMPPAddressAttr = "address" // circonus_contact read-only attributes contactLastModifiedAttr = "last_modified" contactLastModifiedByAttr = "last_modified_by" // circonus_contact.* shared attributes contactContactGroupFallbackAttr = "contact_group_fallback" contactUserCIDAttr = "user" ) const ( // Contact methods from Circonus circonusMethodEmail = "email" circonusMethodHTTP = "http" circonusMethodIRC = "irc" circonusMethodPagerDuty = "pagerduty" circonusMethodSlack = "slack" circonusMethodSMS = "sms" circonusMethodVictorOps = "victorops" circonusMethodXMPP = "xmpp" ) type contactHTTPInfo struct { Address string `json:"url"` Format string `json:"params"` Method string `json:"method"` } type contactPagerDutyInfo struct { FallbackGroupCID int `json:"failover_group,string"` ServiceKey string `json:"service_key"` WebhookURL string `json:"webhook_url"` } type contactSlackInfo struct { Buttons int `json:"buttons,string"` Channel string `json:"channel"` FallbackGroupCID int `json:"failover_group,string"` Team string `json:"team"` Username string `json:"username"` } type contactVictorOpsInfo struct { APIKey string `json:"api_key"` Critical int `json:"critical,string"` FallbackGroupCID int `json:"failover_group,string"` Info int `json:"info,string"` Team string `json:"team"` Warning int `json:"warning,string"` } var contactGroupDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactAggregationWindowAttr: "", contactAlertOptionAttr: "", contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: "", contactEmailAttr: "", contactHTTPAttr: "", contactIRCAttr: "", contactLastModifiedAttr: "", contactLastModifiedByAttr: "", contactLongMessageAttr: "", contactLongSubjectAttr: "", contactLongSummaryAttr: "", contactNameAttr: "", contactPagerDutyAttr: "", contactSMSAttr: "", contactShortMessageAttr: "", contactShortSummaryAttr: "", contactSlackAttr: "", contactTagsAttr: "", contactVictorOpsAttr: "", contactXMPPAttr: "", } var contactAlertDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactEscalateAfterAttr: "", contactEscalateToAttr: "", contactReminderAttr: "", contactSeverityAttr: "", } var contactEmailDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactEmailAddressAttr: "", contactUserCIDAttr: "", } var contactHTTPDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactHTTPAddressAttr: "", contactHTTPFormatAttr: "", contactHTTPMethodAttr: "", } var contactPagerDutyDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: "", contactPagerDutyServiceKeyAttr: "", contactPagerDutyWebhookURLAttr: "", } var contactSlackDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: "", contactSlackButtonsAttr: "", contactSlackChannelAttr: "", contactSlackTeamAttr: "", contactSlackUsernameAttr: "Username Slackbot uses in Slack to deliver a notification", } var contactSMSDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactSMSAddressAttr: "", contactUserCIDAttr: "", } var contactVictorOpsDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: "", contactVictorOpsAPIKeyAttr: "", contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr: "", contactVictorOpsInfoAttr: "", contactVictorOpsTeamAttr: "", contactVictorOpsWarningAttr: "", } var contactXMPPDescriptions = attrDescrs{ contactUserCIDAttr: "", contactXMPPAddressAttr: "", } func resourceContactGroup() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: contactGroupCreate, Read: contactGroupRead, Update: contactGroupUpdate, Delete: contactGroupDelete, Exists: contactGroupExists, Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{ State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough, }, Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactGroupDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactAggregationWindowAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: defaultCirconusAggregationWindow, DiffSuppressFunc: suppressEquivalentTimeDurations, StateFunc: normalizeTimeDurationStringToSeconds, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateDurationMin(contactAggregationWindowAttr, "0s"), ), }, contactAlertOptionAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Set: contactGroupAlertOptionsChecksum, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactAlertDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactEscalateAfterAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, DiffSuppressFunc: suppressEquivalentTimeDurations, StateFunc: normalizeTimeDurationStringToSeconds, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateDurationMin(contactEscalateAfterAttr, defaultCirconusAlertMinEscalateAfter), ), }, contactEscalateToAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateContactGroupCID(contactEscalateToAttr), }, contactReminderAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, DiffSuppressFunc: suppressEquivalentTimeDurations, StateFunc: normalizeTimeDurationStringToSeconds, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateDurationMin(contactReminderAttr, "0s"), ), }, contactSeverityAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateIntMin(contactSeverityAttr, minSeverity), validateIntMax(contactSeverityAttr, maxSeverity), ), }, }), }, }, contactEmailAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactEmailDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactEmailAddressAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ConflictsWith: []string{contactEmailAttr + "." + contactUserCIDAttr}, }, contactUserCIDAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateUserCID(contactUserCIDAttr), ConflictsWith: []string{contactEmailAttr + "." + contactEmailAddressAttr}, }, }), }, }, contactHTTPAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactHTTPDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactHTTPAddressAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateHTTPURL(contactHTTPAddressAttr, urlBasicCheck), }, contactHTTPFormatAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: defaultCirconusHTTPFormat, ValidateFunc: validateStringIn(contactHTTPFormatAttr, validContactHTTPFormats), }, contactHTTPMethodAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: defaultCirconusHTTPMethod, ValidateFunc: validateStringIn(contactHTTPMethodAttr, validContactHTTPMethods), }, }), }, }, contactIRCAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ contactUserCIDAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateUserCID(contactUserCIDAttr), }, }, }, }, contactLongMessageAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, StateFunc: suppressWhitespace, }, contactLongSubjectAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, StateFunc: suppressWhitespace, }, contactLongSummaryAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, StateFunc: suppressWhitespace, }, contactNameAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, contactPagerDutyAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactPagerDutyDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateContactGroupCID(contactContactGroupFallbackAttr), }, contactPagerDutyServiceKeyAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Sensitive: true, ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(contactPagerDutyServiceKeyAttr, `^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$`), }, contactPagerDutyWebhookURLAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateHTTPURL(contactPagerDutyWebhookURLAttr, urlIsAbs), }, }), }, }, contactShortMessageAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, StateFunc: suppressWhitespace, }, contactShortSummaryAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, StateFunc: suppressWhitespace, }, contactSlackAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactSlackDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateContactGroupCID(contactContactGroupFallbackAttr), }, contactSlackButtonsAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: true, }, contactSlackChannelAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateRegexp(contactSlackChannelAttr, `^#[\S]+$`), ), }, contactSlackTeamAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, contactSlackUsernameAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Default: defaultCirconusSlackUsername, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateRegexp(contactSlackChannelAttr, `^[\S]+$`), ), }, }), }, }, contactSMSAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactSMSDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactSMSAddressAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ConflictsWith: []string{contactSMSAttr + "." + contactUserCIDAttr}, }, contactUserCIDAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateUserCID(contactUserCIDAttr), ConflictsWith: []string{contactSMSAttr + "." + contactSMSAddressAttr}, }, }), }, }, contactTagsAttr: tagMakeConfigSchema(contactTagsAttr), contactVictorOpsAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactVictorOpsDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateContactGroupCID(contactContactGroupFallbackAttr), }, contactVictorOpsAPIKeyAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, Sensitive: true, }, contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateIntMin(contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr, 1), validateIntMax(contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr, 5), ), }, contactVictorOpsInfoAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateIntMin(contactVictorOpsInfoAttr, 1), validateIntMax(contactVictorOpsInfoAttr, 5), ), }, contactVictorOpsTeamAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, }, contactVictorOpsWarningAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Required: true, ValidateFunc: validateFuncs( validateIntMin(contactVictorOpsWarningAttr, 1), validateIntMax(contactVictorOpsWarningAttr, 5), ), }, }), }, }, contactXMPPAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeSet, Optional: true, Elem: &schema.Resource{ Schema: convertToHelperSchema(contactXMPPDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{ contactXMPPAddressAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ConflictsWith: []string{contactXMPPAttr + "." + contactUserCIDAttr}, }, contactUserCIDAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: validateUserCID(contactUserCIDAttr), ConflictsWith: []string{contactXMPPAttr + "." + contactXMPPAddressAttr}, }, }), }, }, // OUT parameters contactLastModifiedAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Computed: true, }, contactLastModifiedByAttr: &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, }), } } func contactGroupCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { ctxt := meta.(*providerContext) in, err := getContactGroupInput(d) if err != nil { return err } cg, err := ctxt.client.CreateContactGroup(in) if err != nil { return err } d.SetId(cg.CID) return contactGroupRead(d, meta) } func contactGroupExists(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (bool, error) { c := meta.(*providerContext) cid := d.Id() cg, err := c.client.FetchContactGroup(api.CIDType(&cid)) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), defaultCirconus404ErrorString) { return false, nil } return false, err } if cg.CID == "" { return false, nil } return true, nil } func contactGroupRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { c := meta.(*providerContext) cid := d.Id() cg, err := c.client.FetchContactGroup(api.CIDType(&cid)) if err != nil { return err } if cg.CID == "" { return nil } d.SetId(cg.CID) httpState, err := contactGroupHTTPToState(cg) if err != nil { return err } pagerDutyState, err := contactGroupPagerDutyToState(cg) if err != nil { return err } slackState, err := contactGroupSlackToState(cg) if err != nil { return err } smsState, err := contactGroupSMSToState(cg) if err != nil { return err } victorOpsState, err := contactGroupVictorOpsToState(cg) if err != nil { return err } xmppState, err := contactGroupXMPPToState(cg) if err != nil { return err } d.Set(contactAggregationWindowAttr, fmt.Sprintf("%ds", cg.AggregationWindow)) if err := d.Set(contactAlertOptionAttr, contactGroupAlertOptionsToState(cg)); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactAlertOptionAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactEmailAttr, contactGroupEmailToState(cg)); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactEmailAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactHTTPAttr, httpState); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactHTTPAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactIRCAttr, contactGroupIRCToState(cg)); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactIRCAttr), err) } d.Set(contactLongMessageAttr, cg.AlertFormats.LongMessage) d.Set(contactLongSubjectAttr, cg.AlertFormats.LongSubject) d.Set(contactLongSummaryAttr, cg.AlertFormats.LongSummary) d.Set(contactNameAttr, cg.Name) if err := d.Set(contactPagerDutyAttr, pagerDutyState); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactPagerDutyAttr), err) } d.Set(contactShortMessageAttr, cg.AlertFormats.ShortMessage) d.Set(contactShortSummaryAttr, cg.AlertFormats.ShortSummary) if err := d.Set(contactSlackAttr, slackState); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactSlackAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactSMSAttr, smsState); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactSMSAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactTagsAttr, cg.Tags); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactTagsAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactVictorOpsAttr, victorOpsState); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactVictorOpsAttr), err) } if err := d.Set(contactXMPPAttr, xmppState); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store contact %q attribute: {{err}}", contactXMPPAttr), err) } // Out parameters d.Set(contactLastModifiedAttr, cg.LastModified) d.Set(contactLastModifiedByAttr, cg.LastModifiedBy) return nil } func contactGroupUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { c := meta.(*providerContext) in, err := getContactGroupInput(d) if err != nil { return err } in.CID = d.Id() if _, err := c.client.UpdateContactGroup(in); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to update contact group %q: {{err}}", d.Id()), err) } return contactGroupRead(d, meta) } func contactGroupDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { c := meta.(*providerContext) cid := d.Id() if _, err := c.client.DeleteContactGroupByCID(api.CIDType(&cid)); err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to delete contact group %q: {{err}}", d.Id()), err) } d.SetId("") return nil } func contactGroupAlertOptionsToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) []interface{} { if config.NumSeverityLevels != len(cg.Reminders) { log.Printf("[FATAL] PROVIDER BUG: Need to update constants in contactGroupAlertOptionsToState re: reminders") return nil } if config.NumSeverityLevels != len(cg.Escalations) { log.Printf("[FATAL] PROVIDER BUG: Need to update constants in contactGroupAlertOptionsToState re: escalations") return nil } // Populate all alert options for every severity level. We'll prune empty // values at the end of this function. const defaultNumAlertOptions = 4 alertOptions := make([]*map[string]interface{}, config.NumSeverityLevels) for severityIndex := 0; severityIndex < config.NumSeverityLevels; severityIndex++ { sevAction := make(map[string]interface{}, defaultNumAlertOptions) sevAction[string(contactSeverityAttr)] = severityIndex + 1 alertOptions[severityIndex] = &sevAction } for severityIndex, reminder := range cg.Reminders { if reminder != 0 { (*alertOptions[severityIndex])[string(contactReminderAttr)] = fmt.Sprintf("%ds", reminder) } } for severityIndex, escalate := range cg.Escalations { if escalate == nil { continue } (*alertOptions[severityIndex])[string(contactEscalateAfterAttr)] = fmt.Sprintf("%ds", escalate.After) (*alertOptions[severityIndex])[string(contactEscalateToAttr)] = escalate.ContactGroupCID } alertOptionsList := make([]interface{}, 0, config.NumSeverityLevels) for i := 0; i < config.NumSeverityLevels; i++ { // NOTE: the 1 is from the always-populated contactSeverityAttr which is // always set. if len(*alertOptions[i]) > 1 { alertOptionsList = append(alertOptionsList, *alertOptions[i]) } } return alertOptionsList } func contactGroupEmailToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) []interface{} { emailContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.Users)+len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodEmail: emailContacts = append(emailContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactEmailAddressAttr: ext.Info, }) } } for _, user := range cg.Contacts.Users { switch user.Method { case circonusMethodEmail: emailContacts = append(emailContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactUserCIDAttr: user.UserCID, }) } } return emailContacts } func contactGroupHTTPToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) ([]interface{}, error) { httpContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodHTTP: url := contactHTTPInfo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ext.Info), &url); err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode external %s JSON (%q): {{err}}", contactHTTPAttr, ext.Info), err) } httpContacts = append(httpContacts, map[string]interface{}{ string(contactHTTPAddressAttr): url.Address, string(contactHTTPFormatAttr): url.Format, string(contactHTTPMethodAttr): url.Method, }) } } return httpContacts, nil } func getContactGroupInput(d *schema.ResourceData) (*api.ContactGroup, error) { cg := api.NewContactGroup() if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactAggregationWindowAttr); ok { aggWindow, _ := time.ParseDuration(v.(string)) cg.AggregationWindow = uint(aggWindow.Seconds()) } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactAlertOptionAttr); ok { alertOptionsRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() ensureEscalationSeverity := func(severity int) { if cg.Escalations[severity] == nil { cg.Escalations[severity] = &api.ContactGroupEscalation{} } } for _, alertOptionRaw := range alertOptionsRaw { alertOptionsMap := alertOptionRaw.(map[string]interface{}) severityIndex := -1 if optRaw, ok := alertOptionsMap[contactSeverityAttr]; ok { severityIndex = optRaw.(int) - 1 } if optRaw, ok := alertOptionsMap[contactEscalateAfterAttr]; ok { if optRaw.(string) != "" { d, _ := time.ParseDuration(optRaw.(string)) if d != 0 { ensureEscalationSeverity(severityIndex) cg.Escalations[severityIndex].After = uint(d.Seconds()) } } } if optRaw, ok := alertOptionsMap[contactEscalateToAttr]; ok && optRaw.(string) != "" { ensureEscalationSeverity(severityIndex) cg.Escalations[severityIndex].ContactGroupCID = optRaw.(string) } if optRaw, ok := alertOptionsMap[contactReminderAttr]; ok { if optRaw.(string) == "" { optRaw = "0s" } d, _ := time.ParseDuration(optRaw.(string)) cg.Reminders[severityIndex] = uint(d.Seconds()) } } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactNameAttr); ok { cg.Name = v.(string) } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactEmailAttr); ok { emailListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, emailMapRaw := range emailListRaw { emailMap := emailMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) var requiredAttrFound bool if v, ok := emailMap[contactEmailAddressAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { requiredAttrFound = true cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: v.(string), Method: circonusMethodEmail, }) } if v, ok := emailMap[contactUserCIDAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { requiredAttrFound = true cg.Contacts.Users = append(cg.Contacts.Users, api.ContactGroupContactsUser{ Method: circonusMethodEmail, UserCID: v.(string), }) } // Can't mark two attributes that are conflicting as required so we do our // own validation check here. if !requiredAttrFound { return nil, fmt.Errorf("In type %s, either %s or %s must be specified", contactEmailAttr, contactEmailAddressAttr, contactUserCIDAttr) } } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactHTTPAttr); ok { httpListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, httpMapRaw := range httpListRaw { httpMap := httpMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) httpInfo := contactHTTPInfo{} if v, ok := httpMap[string(contactHTTPAddressAttr)]; ok { httpInfo.Address = v.(string) } if v, ok := httpMap[string(contactHTTPFormatAttr)]; ok { httpInfo.Format = v.(string) } if v, ok := httpMap[string(contactHTTPMethodAttr)]; ok { httpInfo.Method = v.(string) } js, err := json.Marshal(httpInfo) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("error marshalling %s JSON config string: {{err}}", contactHTTPAttr), err) } cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: string(js), Method: circonusMethodHTTP, }) } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactIRCAttr); ok { ircListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, ircMapRaw := range ircListRaw { ircMap := ircMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) if v, ok := ircMap[contactUserCIDAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { cg.Contacts.Users = append(cg.Contacts.Users, api.ContactGroupContactsUser{ Method: circonusMethodIRC, UserCID: v.(string), }) } } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactPagerDutyAttr); ok { pagerDutyListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, pagerDutyMapRaw := range pagerDutyListRaw { pagerDutyMap := pagerDutyMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) pagerDutyInfo := contactPagerDutyInfo{} if v, ok := pagerDutyMap[contactContactGroupFallbackAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { cid := v.(string) contactGroupID, err := failoverGroupCIDToID(api.CIDType(&cid)) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("error reading contact group CID: {{err}}", err) } pagerDutyInfo.FallbackGroupCID = contactGroupID } if v, ok := pagerDutyMap[string(contactPagerDutyServiceKeyAttr)]; ok { pagerDutyInfo.ServiceKey = v.(string) } if v, ok := pagerDutyMap[string(contactPagerDutyWebhookURLAttr)]; ok { pagerDutyInfo.WebhookURL = v.(string) } js, err := json.Marshal(pagerDutyInfo) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("error marshalling %s JSON config string: {{err}}", contactPagerDutyAttr), err) } cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: string(js), Method: circonusMethodPagerDuty, }) } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactSlackAttr); ok { slackListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, slackMapRaw := range slackListRaw { slackMap := slackMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) slackInfo := contactSlackInfo{} var buttons int if v, ok := slackMap[contactSlackButtonsAttr]; ok { if v.(bool) { buttons = 1 } slackInfo.Buttons = buttons } if v, ok := slackMap[contactSlackChannelAttr]; ok { slackInfo.Channel = v.(string) } if v, ok := slackMap[contactContactGroupFallbackAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { cid := v.(string) contactGroupID, err := failoverGroupCIDToID(api.CIDType(&cid)) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("error reading contact group CID: {{err}}", err) } slackInfo.FallbackGroupCID = contactGroupID } if v, ok := slackMap[contactSlackTeamAttr]; ok { slackInfo.Team = v.(string) } if v, ok := slackMap[contactSlackUsernameAttr]; ok { slackInfo.Username = v.(string) } js, err := json.Marshal(slackInfo) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("error marshalling %s JSON config string: {{err}}", contactSlackAttr), err) } cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: string(js), Method: circonusMethodSlack, }) } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactSMSAttr); ok { smsListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, smsMapRaw := range smsListRaw { smsMap := smsMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) var requiredAttrFound bool if v, ok := smsMap[contactSMSAddressAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { requiredAttrFound = true cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: v.(string), Method: circonusMethodSMS, }) } if v, ok := smsMap[contactUserCIDAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { requiredAttrFound = true cg.Contacts.Users = append(cg.Contacts.Users, api.ContactGroupContactsUser{ Method: circonusMethodSMS, UserCID: v.(string), }) } // Can't mark two attributes that are conflicting as required so we do our // own validation check here. if !requiredAttrFound { return nil, fmt.Errorf("In type %s, either %s or %s must be specified", contactEmailAttr, contactEmailAddressAttr, contactUserCIDAttr) } } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactVictorOpsAttr); ok { victorOpsListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, victorOpsMapRaw := range victorOpsListRaw { victorOpsMap := victorOpsMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) victorOpsInfo := contactVictorOpsInfo{} if v, ok := victorOpsMap[contactContactGroupFallbackAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { cid := v.(string) contactGroupID, err := failoverGroupCIDToID(api.CIDType(&cid)) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("error reading contact group CID: {{err}}", err) } victorOpsInfo.FallbackGroupCID = contactGroupID } if v, ok := victorOpsMap[contactVictorOpsAPIKeyAttr]; ok { victorOpsInfo.APIKey = v.(string) } if v, ok := victorOpsMap[contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr]; ok { victorOpsInfo.Critical = v.(int) } if v, ok := victorOpsMap[contactVictorOpsInfoAttr]; ok { victorOpsInfo.Info = v.(int) } if v, ok := victorOpsMap[contactVictorOpsTeamAttr]; ok { victorOpsInfo.Team = v.(string) } if v, ok := victorOpsMap[contactVictorOpsWarningAttr]; ok { victorOpsInfo.Warning = v.(int) } js, err := json.Marshal(victorOpsInfo) if err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("error marshalling %s JSON config string: {{err}}", contactVictorOpsAttr), err) } cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: string(js), Method: circonusMethodVictorOps, }) } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactXMPPAttr); ok { xmppListRaw := v.(*schema.Set).List() for _, xmppMapRaw := range xmppListRaw { xmppMap := xmppMapRaw.(map[string]interface{}) if v, ok := xmppMap[contactXMPPAddressAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { cg.Contacts.External = append(cg.Contacts.External, api.ContactGroupContactsExternal{ Info: v.(string), Method: circonusMethodXMPP, }) } if v, ok := xmppMap[contactUserCIDAttr]; ok && v.(string) != "" { cg.Contacts.Users = append(cg.Contacts.Users, api.ContactGroupContactsUser{ Method: circonusMethodXMPP, UserCID: v.(string), }) } } } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactLongMessageAttr); ok { msg := v.(string) cg.AlertFormats.LongMessage = &msg } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactLongSubjectAttr); ok { msg := v.(string) cg.AlertFormats.LongSubject = &msg } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactLongSummaryAttr); ok { msg := v.(string) cg.AlertFormats.LongSummary = &msg } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactShortMessageAttr); ok { msg := v.(string) cg.AlertFormats.ShortMessage = &msg } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactShortSummaryAttr); ok { msg := v.(string) cg.AlertFormats.ShortSummary = &msg } if v, ok := d.GetOk(contactShortMessageAttr); ok { msg := v.(string) cg.AlertFormats.ShortMessage = &msg } if v, found := d.GetOk(checkTagsAttr); found { cg.Tags = derefStringList(flattenSet(v.(*schema.Set))) } if err := validateContactGroup(cg); err != nil { return nil, err } return cg, nil } func contactGroupIRCToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) []interface{} { ircContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.Users)) for _, user := range cg.Contacts.Users { switch user.Method { case circonusMethodIRC: ircContacts = append(ircContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactUserCIDAttr: user.UserCID, }) } } return ircContacts } func contactGroupPagerDutyToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) ([]interface{}, error) { pdContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodPagerDuty: pdInfo := contactPagerDutyInfo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ext.Info), &pdInfo); err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode external %s JSON (%q): {{err}}", contactPagerDutyAttr, ext.Info), err) } pdContacts = append(pdContacts, map[string]interface{}{ string(contactContactGroupFallbackAttr): failoverGroupIDToCID(pdInfo.FallbackGroupCID), string(contactPagerDutyServiceKeyAttr): pdInfo.ServiceKey, string(contactPagerDutyWebhookURLAttr): pdInfo.WebhookURL, }) } } return pdContacts, nil } func contactGroupSlackToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) ([]interface{}, error) { slackContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodSlack: slackInfo := contactSlackInfo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ext.Info), &slackInfo); err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode external %s JSON (%q): {{err}}", contactSlackAttr, ext.Info), err) } slackContacts = append(slackContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: failoverGroupIDToCID(slackInfo.FallbackGroupCID), contactSlackButtonsAttr: int(slackInfo.Buttons) == int(1), contactSlackChannelAttr: slackInfo.Channel, contactSlackTeamAttr: slackInfo.Team, contactSlackUsernameAttr: slackInfo.Username, }) } } return slackContacts, nil } func contactGroupSMSToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) ([]interface{}, error) { smsContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.Users)+len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodSMS: smsContacts = append(smsContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactSMSAddressAttr: ext.Info, }) } } for _, user := range cg.Contacts.Users { switch user.Method { case circonusMethodSMS: smsContacts = append(smsContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactUserCIDAttr: user.UserCID, }) } } return smsContacts, nil } func contactGroupVictorOpsToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) ([]interface{}, error) { victorOpsContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodVictorOps: victorOpsInfo := contactVictorOpsInfo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ext.Info), &victorOpsInfo); err != nil { return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("unable to decode external %s JSON (%q): {{err}}", contactVictorOpsInfoAttr, ext.Info), err) } victorOpsContacts = append(victorOpsContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactContactGroupFallbackAttr: failoverGroupIDToCID(victorOpsInfo.FallbackGroupCID), contactVictorOpsAPIKeyAttr: victorOpsInfo.APIKey, contactVictorOpsCriticalAttr: victorOpsInfo.Critical, contactVictorOpsInfoAttr: victorOpsInfo.Info, contactVictorOpsTeamAttr: victorOpsInfo.Team, contactVictorOpsWarningAttr: victorOpsInfo.Warning, }) } } return victorOpsContacts, nil } func contactGroupXMPPToState(cg *api.ContactGroup) ([]interface{}, error) { xmppContacts := make([]interface{}, 0, len(cg.Contacts.Users)+len(cg.Contacts.External)) for _, ext := range cg.Contacts.External { switch ext.Method { case circonusMethodXMPP: xmppContacts = append(xmppContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactXMPPAddressAttr: ext.Info, }) } } for _, user := range cg.Contacts.Users { switch user.Method { case circonusMethodXMPP: xmppContacts = append(xmppContacts, map[string]interface{}{ contactUserCIDAttr: user.UserCID, }) } } return xmppContacts, nil } // contactGroupAlertOptionsChecksum creates a stable hash of the normalized values func contactGroupAlertOptionsChecksum(v interface{}) int { m := v.(map[string]interface{}) b := &bytes.Buffer{} b.Grow(defaultHashBufSize) fmt.Fprintf(b, "%x", m[contactSeverityAttr].(int)) fmt.Fprint(b, normalizeTimeDurationStringToSeconds(m[contactEscalateAfterAttr])) fmt.Fprint(b, m[contactEscalateToAttr]) fmt.Fprint(b, normalizeTimeDurationStringToSeconds(m[contactReminderAttr])) return hashcode.String(b.String()) }