--- layout: "fastly" page_title: "Fastly: service_v1" sidebar_current: "docs-fastly-resource-service-v1" description: |- Provides an Fastly Service --- # fastly\_service\_v1 Provides a Fastly Service, representing the configuration for a website, app, API, or anything else to be served through Fastly. A Service encompasses Domains and Backends. The Service resource requires a domain name that is correctly set up to direct traffic to the Fastly service. See Fastly's guide on [Adding CNAME Records][fastly-cname] on their documentation site for guidance. ## Example Usage Basic usage: ``` resource "fastly_service_v1" "demo" { name = "demofastly" domain { name = "demo.notexample.com" comment = "demo" } backend { address = "" name = "localhost" port = 80 } force_destroy = true } ``` Basic usage with an Amazon S3 Website and that removes the `x-amz-request-id` header: ``` resource "fastly_service_v1" "demo" { name = "demofastly" domain { name = "demo.notexample.com" comment = "demo" } backend { address = "demo.notexample.com.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com" name = "AWS S3 hosting" port = 80 } header { destination = "http.x-amz-request-id" type = "cache" action = "delete" name = "remove x-amz-request-id" } gzip { name = "file extensions and content types" extensions = ["css", "js"] content_types = ["text/html", "text/css"] } default_host = "${aws_s3_bucket.website.name}.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com" force_destroy = true } resource "aws_s3_bucket" "website" { bucket = "demo.notexample.com" acl = "public-read" website { index_document = "index.html" error_document = "error.html" } } ``` Basic usage with [custom VCL](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/vcl/uploading-custom-vcl) (must be enabled on your Fastly account): ``` resource "fastly_service_v1" "demo" { name = "demofastly" domain { name = "demo.notexample.com" comment = "demo" } backend { address = "" name = "localhost" port = 80 } force_destroy = true vcl { name = "my_custom_main_vcl" content = "${file("${path.module}/my_custom_main.vcl")}" main = true } vcl { name = "my_custom_library_vcl" content = "${file("${path.module}/my_custom_library.vcl")}" } } ``` -> **Note:** For an AWS S3 Bucket, the Backend address is `.s3-website-.amazonaws.com`. The `default_host` attribute should be set to `.s3-website-.amazonaws.com`. See the Fastly documentation on [Amazon S3][fastly-s3]. ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The unique name for the Service to create. * `domain` - (Required) A set of Domain names to serve as entry points for your Service. Defined below. * `backend` - (Required) A set of Backends to service requests from your Domains. Defined below. * `condition` - (Optional) A set of conditions to add logic to any basic configuration object in this service. Defined below. * `cache_setting` - (Optional) A set of Cache Settings, allowing you to override when an item is not to be cached based on an above `condition`. Defined below * `gzip` - (Required) A set of gzip rules to control automatic gzipping of content. Defined below. * `header` - (Optional) A set of Headers to manipulate for each request. Defined below. * `healthcheck` - (Optional) Automated healthchecks on the cache that can change how fastly interacts with the cache based on its health. * `default_host` - (Optional) The default hostname. * `default_ttl` - (Optional) The default Time-to-live (TTL) for requests. * `force_destroy` - (Optional) Services that are active cannot be destroyed. In order to destroy the Service, set `force_destroy` to `true`. Default `false`. * `request_setting` - (Optional) A set of Request modifiers. Defined below * `s3logging` - (Optional) A set of S3 Buckets to send streaming logs too. Defined below. * `papertrail` - (Optional) A Papertrail endpoint to send streaming logs too. Defined below. * `vcl` - (Optional) A set of custom VCL configuration blocks. The ability to upload custom VCL code is not enabled by default for new Fastly accounts (see the [Fastly documentation](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/vcl/uploading-custom-vcl) for details). The `domain` block supports: * `name` - (Required) The domain to which this Service will respond. * `comment` - (Optional) An optional comment about the Domain. The `backend` block supports: * `name` - (Required, string) Name for this Backend. Must be unique to this Service. * `address` - (Required, string) An IPv4, hostname, or IPv6 address for the Backend. * `auto_loadbalance` - (Optional, boolean) Denotes if this Backend should be included in the pool of backends that requests are load balanced against. Default `true`. * `between_bytes_timeout` - (Optional) How long to wait between bytes in milliseconds. Default `10000`. * `connect_timeout` - (Optional) How long to wait for a timeout in milliseconds. Default `1000` * `error_threshold` - (Optional) Number of errors to allow before the Backend is marked as down. Default `0`. * `first_byte_timeout` - (Optional) How long to wait for the first bytes in milliseconds. Default `15000`. * `max_conn` - (Optional) Maximum number of connections for this Backend. Default `200`. * `port` - (Optional) The port number on which the Backend responds. Default `80`. * `request_condition` - (Optional, string) Name of already defined `condition`, which if met, will select this backend during a request. * `ssl_check_cert` - (Optional) Be strict about checking SSL certs. Default `true`. * `ssl_hostname` - (Optional) Used for both SNI during the TLS handshake and to validate the cert. * `shield` - (Optional) The POP of the shield designated to reduce inbound load. * `weight` - (Optional) The [portion of traffic](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/performance-tuning/load-balancing-configuration.html#how-weight-affects-load-balancing) to send to this Backend. Each Backend receives `weight / total` of the traffic. Default `100`. The `condition` block supports allows you to add logic to any basic configuration object in a service. See Fastly's documentation ["About Conditions"](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/conditions/about-conditions) for more detailed information on using Conditions. The Condition `name` can be used in the `request_condition`, `response_condition`, or `cache_condition` attributes of other block settings. * `name` - (Required) The unique name for the condition. * `statement` - (Required) The statement used to determine if the condition is met. * `priority` - (Required) A number used to determine the order in which multiple conditions execute. Lower numbers execute first. * `type` - (Required) Type of condition, either `REQUEST` (req), `RESPONSE` (req, resp), or `CACHE` (req, beresp). The `cache_setting` block supports: * `name` - (Required) Unique name for this Cache Setting. * `action` - (Required) One of `cache`, `pass`, or `restart`, as defined on Fastly's documentation under ["Caching action descriptions"](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/performance-tuning/controlling-caching#caching-action-descriptions). * `cache_condition` - (Required) Name of already defined `condition` used to test whether this settings object should be used. This `condition` must be of type `CACHE`. * `stale_ttl` - (Optional) Max "Time To Live" for stale (unreachable) objects. Default `300`. * `ttl` - (Optional) The Time-To-Live (TTL) for the object. The `gzip` block supports: * `name` - (Required) A unique name. * `content_types` - (Optional) The content-type for each type of content you wish to have dynamically gzip'ed. Example: `["text/html", "text/css"]`. * `extensions` - (Optional) File extensions for each file type to dynamically gzip. Example: `["css", "js"]`. * `cache_condition` - (Optional) Name of already defined `condition` controlling when this gzip configuration applies. This `condition` must be of type `CACHE`. For detailed information about Conditionals, see [Fastly's Documentation on Conditionals][fastly-conditionals]. The `Header` block supports adding, removing, or modifying Request and Response headers. See Fastly's documentation on [Adding or modifying headers on HTTP requests and responses](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/basic-configuration/adding-or-modifying-headers-on-http-requests-and-responses#field-description-table) for more detailed information on any of the properties below. * `name` - (Required) Unique name for this header attribute. * `action` - (Required) The Header manipulation action to take; must be one of `set`, `append`, `delete`, `regex`, or `regex_repeat`. * `type` - (Required) The Request type on which to apply the selected Action; must be one of `request`, `fetch`, `cache` or `response`. * `destination` - (Required) The name of the header that is going to be affected by the Action. * `ignore_if_set` - (Optional) Do not add the header if it is already present. (Only applies to the `set` action.). Default `false`. * `source` - (Optional) Variable to be used as a source for the header content. (Does not apply to the `delete` action.) * `regex` - (Optional) Regular expression to use (Only applies to the `regex` and `regex_repeat` actions.) * `substitution` - (Optional) Value to substitute in place of regular expression. (Only applies to the `regex` and `regex_repeat` actions.) * `priority` - (Optional) Lower priorities execute first. Default: `100`. * `request_condition` - (Optional) Name of already defined `condition` to apply. This `condition` must be of type `REQUEST`. * `cache_condition` - (Optional) Name of already defined `condition` to apply. This `condition` must be of type `CACHE`. * `response_condition` - (Optional) Name of already defined `condition` to apply. This `condition` must be of type `RESPONSE`. For detailed information about Conditionals, see [Fastly's Documentation on Conditionals][fastly-conditionals]. The `healthcheck` block supports: * `name` - (Required) A unique name to identify this Healthcheck. * `host` - (Required) Address of the host to check. * `path` - (Required) The path to check. * `check_interval` - (Optional) How often to run the Healthcheck in milliseconds. Default `5000`. * `expected_response` - (Optional) The status code expected from the host. Default `200`. * `http_version` - (Optional) Whether to use version 1.0 or 1.1 HTTP. Default `1.1`. * `initial` - (Optional) When loading a config, the initial number of probes to be seen as OK. Default `2`. * `method` - (Optional) Which HTTP method to use. Default `HEAD`. * `threshold` - (Optional) How many Healthchecks must succeed to be considered healthy. Default `3`. * `timeout` - (Optional) Timeout in milliseconds. Default `500`. * `window` - (Optional) The number of most recent Healthcheck queries to keep for this Healthcheck. Default `5`. The `request_setting` block allow you to customize Fastly's request handling, by defining behavior that should change based on a predefined `condition`: * `name` - (Required) The domain for this request setting. * `request_condition` - (Required) Name of already defined `condition` to determine if this request setting should be applied. * `max_stale_age` - (Optional) How old an object is allowed to be to serve `stale-if-error` or `stale-while-revalidate`, in seconds. Default `60`. * `force_miss` - (Optional) Force a cache miss for the request. If specified, can be `true` or `false`. * `force_ssl` - (Optional) Forces the request to use SSL (Redirects a non-SSL request to SSL). * `action` - (Optional) Allows you to terminate request handling and immediately perform an action. When set it can be `lookup` or `pass` (Ignore the cache completely). * `bypass_busy_wait` - (Optional) Disable collapsed forwarding, so you don't wait for other objects to origin. * `hash_keys` - (Optional) Comma separated list of varnish request object fields that should be in the hash key. * `xff` - (Optional) X-Forwarded-For, should be `clear`, `leave`, `append`, `append_all`, or `overwrite`. Default `append`. * `timer_support` - (Optional) Injects the X-Timer info into the request for viewing origin fetch durations. * `geo_headers` - (Optional) Injects Fastly-Geo-Country, Fastly-Geo-City, and Fastly-Geo-Region into the request headers. * `default_host` - (Optional) Sets the host header. The `s3logging` block supports: * `name` - (Required) A unique name to identify this S3 Logging Bucket. * `bucket_name` - (Optional) An optional comment about the Domain. * `s3_access_key` - (Required) AWS Access Key of an account with the required permissions to post logs. It is **strongly** recommended you create a separate IAM user with permissions to only operate on this Bucket. This key will be not be encrypted. You can provide this key via an environment variable, `FASTLY_S3_ACCESS_KEY`. * `s3_secret_key` - (Required) AWS Secret Key of an account with the required permissions to post logs. It is **strongly** recommended you create a separate IAM user with permissions to only operate on this Bucket. This secret will be not be encrypted. You can provide this secret via an environment variable, `FASTLY_S3_SECRET_KEY`. * `path` - (Optional) Path to store the files. Must end with a trailing slash. If this field is left empty, the files will be saved in the bucket's root path. * `domain` - (Optional) If you created the S3 bucket outside of `us-east-1`, then specify the corresponding bucket endpoint. Example: `s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com`. * `period` - (Optional) How frequently the logs should be transferred, in seconds. Default `3600`. * `gzip_level` - (Optional) Level of GZIP compression, from `0-9`. `0` is no compression. `1` is fastest and least compressed, `9` is slowest and most compressed. Default `0`. * `format` - (Optional) Apache-style string or VCL variables to use for log formatting. Defaults to Apache Common Log format (`%h %l %u %t %r %>s`) * `timestamp_format` - (Optional) `strftime` specified timestamp formatting (default `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000`). * `request_condition` - (Optional) Name of already defined `condition` to apply. This `condition` must be of type `REQUEST`. For detailed information about Conditionals, see [Fastly's Documentation on Conditionals][fastly-conditionals]. The `papertrail` block supports: * `name` - (Required) A unique name to identify this Papertrail endpoint. * `address` - (Required) The address of the Papertrail endpoint. * `port` - (Required) The port associated with the address where the Papertrail endpoint can be accessed. * `format` - (Optional) Apache-style string or VCL variables to use for log formatting. Defaults to Apache Common Log format (`%h %l %u %t %r %>s`) * `request_condition` - (Optional) Name of already defined `condition` to apply. This `condition` must be of type `REQUEST`. For detailed information about Conditionals, see [Fastly's Documentation on Conditionals][fastly-conditionals]. The `vcl` block supports: * `name` - (Required) A unique name for this configuration block. * `content` - (Required) The custom VCL code to upload. * `main` - (Optional) If `true`, use this block as the main configuration. If `false`, use this block as an includable library. Only a single VCL block can be marked as the main block. Default is `false`. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - The ID of the Service. * `name` – Name of this service. * `active_version` - The currently active version of your Fastly Service. * `domain` – Set of Domains. See above for details. * `backend` – Set of Backends. See above for details. * `header` – Set of Headers. See above for details. * `s3logging` – Set of S3 Logging configurations. See above for details. * `papertrail` – Set of Papertrail configurations. See above for details. * `vcl` – Set of custom VCL configurations. See above for details. * `default_host` – Default host specified. * `default_ttl` - Default TTL. * `force_destroy` - Force the destruction of the Service on delete. [fastly-s3]: https://docs.fastly.com/guides/integrations/amazon-s3 [fastly-cname]: https://docs.fastly.com/guides/basic-setup/adding-cname-records [fastly-conditionals]: https://docs.fastly.com/guides/conditions/using-conditions