package aws import ( "fmt" "" "" ) // Security group import fans out to multiple resources due to the // security group rules. Instead of creating one resource with nested // rules, we use the best practices approach of one resource per rule. func resourceAwsSecurityGroupImportState( d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) ([]*schema.ResourceData, error) { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn // First query the security group sgRaw, _, err := SGStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id())() if err != nil { return nil, err } if sgRaw == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("security group not found") } sg := sgRaw.(*ec2.SecurityGroup) sgId := d.Id() // Start building our results results := make([]*schema.ResourceData, 1, 1+len(sg.IpPermissions)+len(sg.IpPermissionsEgress)) results[0] = d // Construct the rules ruleResource := resourceAwsSecurityGroupRule() permMap := map[string][]*ec2.IpPermission{ "ingress": sg.IpPermissions, "egress": sg.IpPermissionsEgress, } for ruleType, perms := range permMap { for _, perm := range perms { // Construct the rule. We do this by populating the absolute // minimum necessary for Refresh on the rule to work. This // happens to be a lot of fields since they're almost all needed // for de-dupping. id := ipPermissionIDHash(sgId, ruleType, perm) d := ruleResource.Data(nil) d.SetId(id) d.SetType("aws_security_group_rule") d.Set("security_group_id", sgId) d.Set("type", ruleType) // XXX If the rule contained more than one source security group, this // will choose one of them. We actually need to create one rule for each // source security group. setFromIPPerm(d, sg, perm) results = append(results, d) } } return results, nil }