--- layout: "arukas" page_title: "Provider: Arukas" sidebar_current: "docs-arukas-index" description: |- The Arukas provider is used to interact with the resources supported by Arukas. --- # Arukas Provider The Arukas provider is used to manage [Arukas](https://arukas.io/en/) resources. Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources. For additional details please refer to [Arukas documentation](https://arukas.io/en/category/documents-en/). ## Example Usage Here is an example that will setup the following: + A container resource using the "NGINX" image + Instance count is 1 + Memory size is 256Mbyte + Expose tcp 80 port to the EndPoint + Set environments variable with like "key1=value1" Add the below to a file called `arukas.tf` and run the `terraform` command from the same directory: ```hcl provider "arukas" { token = "" secret = "" } resource "arukas_container" "foobar" { name = "terraform_for_arukas_test_foobar" image = "nginx:latest" instances = 1 memory = 256 ports = { protocol = "tcp" number = "80" } environments { key = "key1" value = "value1" } } ``` You'll need to provide your Arukas API token and secret, so that Terraform can connect. If you don't want to put credentials in your configuration file, you can leave them out: ``` provider "arukas" {} ``` ...and instead set these environment variables: - `ARUKAS_JSON_API_TOKEN` : Your Arukas API token - `ARUKAS_JSON_API_SECRET`: Your Arukas API secret ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `token` - (Required) This is the Arukas API token. It must be provided, but it can also be sourced from the `ARUKAS_JSON_API_TOKEN` environment variable. * `secret` - (Required) This is the Arukas API secret. It must be provided, but it can also be sourced from the `ARUKAS_JSON_API_SECRET` environment variable. * `api_url` - (Optional) Override Arukas API Root URL. Also taken from the `ARUKAS_JSON_API_URL` environment variable if provided. * `trace` - (Optional) The flag of Arukas API trace log. Also taken from the `ARUKAS_DEBUG` environment variable if provided. * `timeout` - (Optional) Override Arukas API timeout seconds. Also taken from the `ARUKAS_TIMEOUT` environment variable if provided.