--- layout: "scaleway" page_title: "Provider: Scaleway" sidebar_current: "docs-scaleway-index" description: |- The Scaleway provider is used to interact with Scaleway ARM cloud provider. --- # Scaleway Provider The Scaleway provider is used to manage Scaleway resources. Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources. ## Example Usage Here is an example that will setup the following: + An ARM Server. + An IP Address. + A security group. (create this as sl.tf and run terraform commands from this directory): ```hcl provider "scaleway" { access_key = "" organization = "" region = "par1" } resource "scaleway_ip" "ip" { server = "${scaleway_server.test.id}" } resource "scaleway_server" "test" { name = "test" image = "aecaed73-51a5-4439-a127-6d8229847145" type = "C2S" } resource "scaleway_volume" "test" { name = "test" size_in_gb = 20 type = "l_ssd" } resource "scaleway_volume_attachment" "test" { server = "${scaleway_server.test.id}" volume = "${scaleway_volume.test.id}" } resource "scaleway_security_group" "http" { name = "http" description = "allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic" } resource "scaleway_security_group_rule" "http_accept" { security_group = "${scaleway_security_group.http.id}" action = "accept" direction = "inbound" ip_range = "" protocol = "TCP" port = 80 } resource "scaleway_security_group_rule" "https_accept" { security_group = "${scaleway_security_group.http.id}" action = "accept" direction = "inbound" ip_range = "" protocol = "TCP" port = 443 } ``` You'll need to provide your Scaleway organization and access key, so that Terraform can connect. If you don't want to put credentials in your configuration file, you can leave them out: ``` provider "scaleway" { organization = "" access_key = "" region = "par1" } ``` ...and instead set these environment variables: - **SCALEWAY_ORGANIZATION**: Your Scaleway organization - **SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY**: Your API Access key - **SCALEWAY_REGION**: The Scaleway region