package lang import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) var impureFunctions = []string{ "bcrypt", "timestamp", "uuid", } // Functions returns the set of functions that should be used to when evaluating // expressions in the receiving scope. func (s *Scope) Functions() map[string]function.Function { s.funcsLock.Lock() if s.funcs == nil { // Some of our functions are just directly the cty stdlib functions. // Others are implemented in the subdirectory "funcs" here in this // repository. New functions should generally start out their lives // in the "funcs" directory and potentially graduate to cty stdlib // later if the functionality seems to be something domain-agnostic // that would be useful to all applications using cty functions. s.funcs = map[string]function.Function{ "abs": stdlib.AbsoluteFunc, "basename": funcs.BasenameFunc, "base64decode": funcs.Base64DecodeFunc, "base64encode": funcs.Base64EncodeFunc, "base64gzip": funcs.Base64GzipFunc, "base64sha256": funcs.Base64Sha256Func, "base64sha512": funcs.Base64Sha512Func, "bcrypt": funcs.BcryptFunc, "ceil": funcs.CeilFunc, "chomp": funcs.ChompFunc, "cidrhost": funcs.CidrHostFunc, "cidrnetmask": funcs.CidrNetmaskFunc, "cidrsubnet": funcs.CidrSubnetFunc, "coalesce": stdlib.CoalesceFunc, "coalescelist": funcs.CoalesceListFunc, "compact": funcs.CompactFunc, "concat": stdlib.ConcatFunc, "contains": funcs.ContainsFunc, "csvdecode": stdlib.CSVDecodeFunc, "dirname": funcs.DirnameFunc, "distinct": funcs.DistinctFunc, "element": funcs.ElementFunc, "chunklist": funcs.ChunklistFunc, "file": funcs.MakeFileFunc(s.BaseDir, false), "fileexists": funcs.MakeFileExistsFunc(s.BaseDir), "filebase64": funcs.MakeFileFunc(s.BaseDir, true), "flatten": funcs.FlattenFunc, "floor": funcs.FloorFunc, "format": stdlib.FormatFunc, "formatdate": stdlib.FormatDateFunc, "formatlist": stdlib.FormatListFunc, "indent": funcs.IndentFunc, "index": funcs.IndexFunc, "join": funcs.JoinFunc, "jsondecode": stdlib.JSONDecodeFunc, "jsonencode": stdlib.JSONEncodeFunc, "keys": funcs.KeysFunc, "length": funcs.LengthFunc, "list": funcs.ListFunc, "log": funcs.LogFunc, "lookup": funcs.LookupFunc, "lower": stdlib.LowerFunc, "map": funcs.MapFunc, "matchkeys": funcs.MatchkeysFunc, "max": stdlib.MaxFunc, "md5": funcs.Md5Func, "merge": funcs.MergeFunc, "min": stdlib.MinFunc, "pathexpand": funcs.PathExpandFunc, "pow": funcs.PowFunc, "replace": funcs.ReplaceFunc, "rsadecrypt": funcs.RsaDecryptFunc, "sha1": funcs.Sha1Func, "sha256": funcs.Sha256Func, "sha512": funcs.Sha512Func, "signum": funcs.SignumFunc, "slice": funcs.SliceFunc, "sort": funcs.SortFunc, "split": funcs.SplitFunc, "substr": stdlib.SubstrFunc, "timestamp": funcs.TimestampFunc, "timeadd": funcs.TimeAddFunc, "title": funcs.TitleFunc, "transpose": funcs.TransposeFunc, "trimspace": funcs.TrimSpaceFunc, "upper": stdlib.UpperFunc, "urlencode": funcs.URLEncodeFunc, "uuid": funcs.UUIDFunc, "values": funcs.ValuesFunc, "zipmap": funcs.ZipmapFunc, } s.funcs["templatefile"] = funcs.MakeTemplateFileFunc(s.BaseDir, func() map[string]function.Function { // The templatefile function prevents recursive calls to itself // by copying this map and overwriting the "templatefile" entry. return s.funcs }) if s.PureOnly { // Force our few impure functions to return unknown so that we // can defer evaluating them until a later pass. for _, name := range impureFunctions { s.funcs[name] = function.Unpredictable(s.funcs[name]) } } } s.funcsLock.Unlock() return s.funcs } var unimplFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{ Type: func([]cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) { return cty.DynamicPseudoType, fmt.Errorf("function not yet implemented") }, Impl: func([]cty.Value, cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) { return cty.DynamicVal, fmt.Errorf("function not yet implemented") }, })