--- layout: "template" page_title: "Provider: Template" sidebar_current: "docs-template-index" description: |- The Template provider is used to template strings for other Terraform resources. --- # Template Provider The template provider exposes resources to use templates to generate strings for other Terraform resources or outputs. The template provider is what we call a _logical provider_. This has no impact on how it behaves, but conceptually it is important to understand. The template provider doesn't manage any _physical_ resources; it isn't creating servers, writing files, etc. It is used to generate attributes that can be used for interpolation for other resources. Examples will explain this best. Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources. ## Example Usage ``` # Template for initial configuration bash script resource "template_file" "init" { filename = "init.tpl" vars { consul_address = "${aws_instance.consul.private_ip}" } } # Create a web server resource "aws_instance" "web" { # ... user_data = "${template_file.init.rendered}" } ```