Aleksejs Sinicins
website: fix "contains" interpolation example
2017-10-17 07:25:09 -07:00
Gauthier Wallet
core: New interpolation function "chunklist"
This turns a list into a list of lists with each element (apart from possibly the last) being the given length.
2017-10-10 11:56:13 -07:00
Ariel Alonso
config: new "transpose" interpolation function
This function takes a map of lists of strings and inverts it so that
the string values become keys and the keys become items within the
corresponding lists.
2017-09-28 10:29:25 -07:00
Krzysztof Wilczynski
config: new "abs" interpolation function
This new function returns the absolute value for a given number.
2017-09-25 14:19:18 -07:00
Micah Hausler
config: multi-line "indent" function
This function prepends a number of spaces on to all but the first line
of a string containing multiple lines of text.
2017-09-14 09:47:48 -07:00
Gabriel Francisco
Resource aws_instance does not have attr private_ip_address ( #15890 )
2017-08-23 11:41:16 -05:00
config: urlencode interpolation function
This escapes all characters that might have a special interpretation when embedded into a portion of a URL, including slashes, equals signs and ampersands.
2017-08-22 11:26:09 -07:00
Gorka Lerchundi Osa
config: base64gzip interpolation function
Since Terraform's internals are not 8-bit clean (it assumes UTF-8
strings), we can't implement raw gzip directly. We're going to add
support where it makes sense for passing data to attributes as
base64 so that the result of this function can be used.
2017-08-22 10:44:55 -07:00
Sebastian Maj
config: jsonencode function to support nested lists and maps
2017-08-18 09:57:57 -07:00
config: Add "flatten" interpolation function
This function turns a list of lists or any arbitrary number of nested
lists into a flat list of primitive values.
2017-08-16 13:46:19 -07:00
#15291 : config/interpolate_funcs: Added contains() function to test if a given element is present in the list
2017-06-16 15:05:19 -07:00
Martin Atkins
website: new filesystem layout for core/provider split
This repo now contains only the core docs, with other content moving elsewhere.
2017-06-13 11:25:32 -07:00