* merge master
* added new constructs/naming for deploy scripts, etc.
* suppress az login output
* merge of CI config
* initial commit; not working yet
* initial commit - added files - draft
* troubleshooting image uri
* null_resource added
* updating simple linux with Hashicorp's master
* in progress
* small README edit
* in progress
* adding graph to README of azure-vnet-two-subnets
* added graph to azure-vm-simple-linux-managed-disk
* cleanup
* chmod on deploy.ci.sh
* in progress; changed uri variables
* adding variables to deploy scripts
* chmod deploy.mac.sh
* in progress; troubleshooting variables
* deploys locally successfully
* returning cleanup to deploy
* typo on deploy.ci.sh
* added graph to README
* changed the subnet_id variable in ci
* reverting to Hashicorp's travis.yml
* merge master
* added new constructs/naming for deploy scripts, etc.
* suppress az login output
* removed .tfvars and provider.tf; updated prev merge
* reverted .travis.yml back to Hashicorp's
* Reverting back to the Hashicorp travis file