these changes were added to reflect what was required to run the tutorial on my local machine. Below is my context for the above changes:
[2016-03-04T18:22:44] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform remote config -backend-config="name=puhrez/getting-started"
missing 'access_token' configuration or ATLAS_TOKEN environmental variable
If the error message above mentions requiring or modifying configuration
options, these are set using the `-backend-config` flag. Example:
-backend-config="name=foo" to set the `name` configuration
[2016-03-04T18:23:27] micperez in terraform_test
[2016-03-04T18:24:12] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform remote config -backend-config="name=puhrez/getting-started"
Remote state management enabled
Remote state configured and pulled.
[2016-03-04T18:24:16] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:
error detecting VCS: no VCS found for path: /Users/micperez/code/terraform_test
[2016-03-04T18:24:39] micperez in terraform_test
λ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/micperez/code/terraform_test/.git/
[2016-03-04T18:25:09] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:
error getting git commit: exit status 128
stderr: fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'
[2016-03-04T18:25:12] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git status
On branch master
Initial commit
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
[2016-03-04T18:25:17] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git add
[2016-03-04T18:25:24] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git commit -m "init commit"
[master (root-commit) 34c4fa5] init commit
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
[2016-03-04T18:25:32] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
Uploading Terraform configuration...
Configuration "puhrez/getting-started" uploaded! (v1)
This means that terraform commands like `plan`, `apply`, `show`, and
`graph` will expand all modules by default.
While modules-as-black-boxes is still very true in the conceptual design
of modules, feedback on this behavior has consistently suggested that
users would prefer to see more verbose output by default.
The `-module-depth` flag and env var are retained to allow output to be
optionally limited / summarized by these commands.