Example addons_config was supposed to show how to disable addons (http_load_balancing and horizontal_pod_autoscaling), but it was enabling them instead.
This fix changes acceptance tests for VPN tunnel to use the correct ports (UDP
500 and 4500). It also changes the documentation to demonstrate using these
port single ports in a `port_range` field.
Some google resources required network be refernced by resource URL (aka self_link), while others required network name.
This change allows either to be supplied.
DRY it out, and add a fix for #5552.
* providers/google: Add google_compute_image resource
This change introduces the google_compute_image resource, which allows
Terraform users to create a bootable VM image from a raw disk tarball
stored in Google Cloud Storage. The google_compute_image resource
may be referenced as a boot image for a google_compute_instance.
* providers/google: Support family property in google_compute_image
* provider/google: Idiomatic checking for presence of config val
* vendor: Update Google client libraries
* provider/google: Support static private IP addresses
The private address of an instance's network interface may now be specified.
If no value is provided, an address will be chosen by Google Compute Engine
and that value will be read into Terraform state.
* docs: GCE private static IP address information
This commit allows an operator to specify the e-mail address of a service
account to use with a Google Compute Engine instance. If no service account
e-mail is provided, the default service account is used.
Auto-generating an Instance Template name (or just its suffix) allows the
create_before_destroy lifecycle option to function correctly on the
Instance Template resource. This in turn allows Instance Group Managers
to be updated without being destroyed.
The description field for a managed-zone is now a required field when using the Cloud API.
This commit defaults the field to use the text "Managed by Terraform" to minimize required boilerplate for Terraform users.
Ref: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/dns/managed-zones/create