* master:
Code cleanup
fix nit-pick from go vet
remove duplicated function
provider/aws: Convert AWS Route Table Association to aws-sdk-go
Cleansup: Restore expandIPPerms, remove flattenIPPerms
clean up debug output to make go vet happy
providers/aws: Convert AWS VPC Peering to aws-sdk-go
provider/aws: Add env default for AWS_ACCOUNT_ID in VPC Peering connection
convert route table tests to aws-sdk-go
provider/aws: Convert AWS Route Table to aws-sdk-go
providers/aws: iops in root device skipped when output state
Give route table assoc it's own copy of this method for now
provider/aws: Convert Main Route Table assoc. to aws-sdk-go
aws/Route53 record creation timeout 10->30 mins
provider/aws: Convert AWS Security Group to aws-sdk-go
Fixing up the tests to make them pass correctly
Fixing a corner case while retrieving a template UUID
Adding tests and docs for the new VPN resources
Adding a few new resources
Docker's API is huge and only a small subset is currently implemented,
but this is expected to grow over time. Currently it's enough to
satisfy the use cases of probably 95% of Docker users.
I'm preparing this initial pull request as a preview step for feedback.
My ideal scenario would be to develop this within a branch in the main
repository; the more eyes and testing and pitching in on the code, the
better (this would avoid a merge request-to-the-merge-request scenario,
as I figure this will be built up over the longer term, even before
a merge into master).
Unit tests do not exist yet. Right now I've just been focused on getting
initial functionality ported over. I've been testing each option
extensively via the Docker inspect capabilities.
This code (C)2014-2015 Akamai Technologies, Inc. <opensource@akamai.com>
Providers get a per-resource SchemaVersion integer that they can bump
when a resource's schema changes format. Each InstanceState with an
older recorded SchemaVersion than the cureent one is yielded to a
`MigrateSchema` function to be transformed such that it can be addressed
by the current version of the resource's Schema.