This commit is contained in:
James Nugent 2016-05-08 19:22:42 -04:00
parent 6ca0e0064a
commit dc3a78eac8
1 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -12,59 +12,59 @@ FEATURES:
* **New resource:** `aws_api_gateway_account` [GH-6321]
* **New resource:** `aws_api_gateway_authorizer` [GH-6320]
* **New resource:** `aws_db_event_subscription` [GH-6367]
* **New resource:** `openstack_networking_secgroup_v2` [GH-6410]
* **New resource:** `openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2` [GH-6410]
* **New resource:** `openstack_networking_secgroup_v2` [GH-6410]
* **New resource:** `vsphere_file` [GH-6401]
* core: update HCL dependency to improve whitespace handling in `terraform fmt` [GH-6347]
* provider/aws: Add agent_version argument to `aws_opswork_stack` [GH-6493]
* provider/aws: Add support for request parameters to `api_gateway_method` & `api_gateway_integration` [GH-6501]
* provider/aws: Add support for response parameters to `api_gateway_method_response` & `api_gateway_integration_response` [GH-6344]
* provider/aws: Allow empty S3 config in Cloudfront Origin [GH-6487]
* provider/aws: Improve error handling in IAM Server Certificates [GH-6442]
* provider/aws: Use `sts:GetCallerIdentity` as additional method for getting AWS account ID [GH-6385]
* provider/aws: `aws_redshift_cluster` `automated_snapshot_retention_period` didn't allow 0 value [GH-6537]
* provider/azurerm: Increase timeout for ARM Template deployments to 40 minutes [GH-6319]
* provider/cloudflare: Add proxied option to `cloudflare_record` [GH-5508]
* provider/docker: Add ability to keep docker image locally on terraform destroy [GH-6376]
* provider/fastly: Add S3 Log Streaming to Fastly Service [GH-6378]
* provider/aws: Improve error handling in IAM Server Certificates [GH-6442]
* provider/aws: Add support for response parameters to `api_gateway_method_response` & `api_gateway_integration_response` [GH-6344]
* provider/aws: Add support for request parameters to `api_gateway_method` & `api_gateway_integration` [GH-6501]
* provider/aws: Allow empty S3 config in Cloudfront Origin [GH-6487]
* provider/aws: Use `sts:GetCallerIdentity` as additional method for getting AWS account ID [GH-6385]
* provider/aws: Add agent_version argument to `aws_opswork_stack` [GH-6493]
* provider/aws: `aws_redshift_cluster` `automated_snapshot_retention_period` didn't allow 0 value [GH-6537]
* provider/triton: Add support for specifying network interfaces on `triton machine` resources [GH-6418]
* provider/triton: Deleted firewall rules no longer prevent refresh [GH-6529]
* provider/vsphere: Add `skip_customization` option to `vsphere_virtual_machine` resources [GH-6355]
* provider/vsphere: Add ability to specify and mount bootable vmdk in `vsphere_virtual_machine` [GH-6146]
* provider/vsphere: Add support for IPV6 to `vsphere_virtual_machine` [GH-6457]
* provider/vsphere: Add support for `memory_reservation` to `vsphere_virtual_machine` [GH-6036]
* provider/vsphere: Checking for empty diskPath in `vsphere_virtual_machine` before creating [GH-6400]
* provider/vsphere: Support updates to vcpu and memory on `vsphere_virtual_machine` [GH-6356]
* provider/vsphere: Add support for IPV6 to `vsphere_virtual_machine` [GH-6457]
* remote/s3: Logic for loading credentials now follows the same [conventions as AWS provider](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/index.html#authentication)
which means it also supports EC2 role auth and session token (e.g. assumed IAM Roles) [GH-5270]
* remote/s3: Logic for loading credentials now follows the same [conventions as AWS provider](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/index.html#authentication) which means it also supports EC2 role auth and session token (e.g. assumed IAM Roles) [GH-5270]
* provider/aws: Allow account ID checks on EC2 instances & w/ federated accounts [GH-5030]
* provider/aws: Fix an eventually consistent issue aws_security_group_rule and possible duplications [GH-6325]
* provider/aws: Fix bug where `aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment` ignored `wait_for_ready_timeout` [GH-6358]
* provider/aws: Fix bug where `aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment` update config template didn't work [GH-6342]
* provider/aws: Fix issue in updating CloudFront distribution LoggingConfig [GH-6407]
* provider/aws: Fix issue in upgrading AutoScaling Policy to use `min_adjustment_magnitude` [GH-6440]
* provider/aws: Fix issue replacing Network ACL Relationship [GH-6421]
* provider/aws: Fix issue with KMS Alias keys and name prefixes [GH-6328]
* provider/aws: Fix issue with encrypted snapshots of block devices in `aws_launch_configuration` resources [GH-6452]
* provider/aws: Fix read of `aws_cloudwatch_log_group` after an update is applied [GH-6384]
* provider/aws: Fix updating `number_of_nodes` on `aws_redshift_cluster` [GH-6333]
* provider/aws: Omit `aws_cloudfront_distribution` custom_error fields when not explicitly set [GH-6382]
* provider/aws: Refresh state on `aws_sqs_queue` not found [GH-6381]
* provider/aws: Fix issue in updating CloudFront distribution LoggingConfig [GH-6407]
* provider/aws: Fix an eventually consistent issue aws_security_group_rule and possible duplications [GH-6325]
* provider/aws: Respect `selection_pattern` in `aws_api_gateway_integration_response` (previously ignored field) [GH-5893]
* provider/aws: `aws_route` crash when used with `aws_vpc_endpoint` [GH-6338]
* provider/aws: Fix issue replacing Network ACL Relationship [GH-6421]
* provider/aws: validate `cluster_id` length for `aws_elasticache_cluster` [GH-6330]
* provider/aws: Fix issue in upgrading AutoScaling Policy to use `min_adjustment_magnitude` [GH-6440]
* provider/aws: Fix issue with encrypted snapshots of block devices in `aws_launch_configuration` resources [GH-6452]
* provider/azure: `ssh_keys` can now be set for `azurerm_virtual_machine` resources, allowing provisioning [GH-6541]
* provider/azurerm: Fix issue that updating `azurerm_virtual_machine` was failing due to empty adminPassword [GH-6528]
* provider/cloudflare: can manage apex records [GH-6449]
* provider/cloudflare: won't refresh with incorrect record if names match [GH-6449]
* provider/datadog: `notify_no_data` and `no_data_timeframe` are set correctly for `datadog_monitor` resources [GH-6509]
* provider/docker: Fix crash when using empty string in the `command` list in `docker_container` resources [GH-6424]
* provider/vsphere: Memory reservations are now set correctly in `vsphere_virtual_machine` resources [GH-6482]
* provider/azurerm: Fix issue that updating `azurerm_virtual_machine` was failing due to empty adminPassword [GH-6528]
## 0.6.15 (April 22, 2016)