CI: Add broken link checking job for website content

This adds a CI job for running the new PR link checker for documentation.

[terraform-website PR 1574](
added a new link checking CI job specifically for warning about broken links in
pull requests. This link checker is optimized for:

- Running (relatively) quickly.
- Only reporting on files that were changed in the current PR, to avoid spamming
  you with problems you had nothing to do with.
- Being transparent and simple to maintain. (Note that this is in conflict with
  minimizing false positives/negatives! We try to give very few of both, but
  completely eliminating them would result in an unaffordable maintenance
  burden. We expect that some PRs will be merged with this job red.)

The tool is somewhat specific to our Middleman site builder, and we expect it
will be replaced or obviated in the transition to the Next.js platform... but in
the meantime, it should help make documentation slightly easier to maintain.
This commit is contained in:
Nick Fagerlund 2021-01-04 15:35:13 -08:00
parent 0a086030b1
commit 96ec703a8c
1 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ version: 2.1
slack: circleci/slack@3.4.2
@ -176,6 +180,97 @@ jobs:
name: test docker build for 'full' image
command: docker build -t test-docker-full .
# Based on a similar job in terraform-website repo.
- checkout:
path: terraform
- run:
name: Determine changed website files, if any
working_directory: terraform
command: |
# Figure out what the current branch forked from. Compare against
# master and the set of "vX.Y" branches, and choose whichever branch
# we're the *fewest* commits ahead of.
# The point here isn't to perfectly predict where this will be
# merged; all we really care about is determining which commits are
# *unique to this PR,* so we don't accidentally complain about
# problems you had nothing to do with.
for br in $(git branch -rl --format='%(refname:short)' | grep -E '^origin/(master|v\d+\.\d+)$'); do
new_commits=$(git rev-list --first-parent ^${br} HEAD | wc -l);
echo "${br} ${new_commits}";
done \
| sort -n -k2 \
| head -n1 \
| awk '{print $1}';
echo "Checking current branch against: ${PARENT_BRANCH}"
MERGE_BASE=$(git merge-base HEAD ${PARENT_BRANCH})
git diff --name-only -z --diff-filter=AMRCT ${MERGE_BASE}..HEAD -- ./website/ > /tmp/changed-website-files.txt
# --name-only: Return a list of affected files but don't show the changes.
# -z: Make that a null-separated list (instead of newline-separated), and
# DON'T mangle non-ASCII characters.
# --diff-filter=AMRCT: Only list files that were added, modified, renamed,
# copied, or had their type changed (file, symlink, etc.). In
# particular, we don't want to check deleted files.
# ${MERGE_BASE}..HEAD: Only consider files that have
# changed since this branch diverged from its parent branch.
# -- ./website/: Only consider files in the website directory.
echo "Changed website files:"
cat /tmp/changed-website-files.txt | tr '\0' '\n'
# Need to use "tr" for display because it's a null-separated list.
- run:
name: Exit early if there's nothing to check
command: |
if [ ! -s /tmp/changed-website-files.txt ]; then
circleci-agent step halt
- run:
name: Check out terraform-website repo
command: git clone
- run:
name: Use local checkout for terraform submodule, instead of cloning again
working_directory: terraform-website
command: |
# Set submodule's URL to our existing checkout.
# (Using `pwd` because git's behavior with strictly relative paths is unreliable.)
git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.ext/terraform.url $(pwd)/../terraform/.git
# Make it so `make sync` will grab our current branch instead of stable-website.
git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.ext/terraform.branch HEAD
- run:
name: Init/update terraform-website submodules
working_directory: terraform-website
command: make sync
- run:
name: Set up terraform-website dependencies
working_directory: terraform-website/content
# If this does anything interesting, then the container needs an update.
command: bundle check || bundle install --path vendor/bundle --retry=3
- run:
name: Run middleman in background
working_directory: terraform-website/content
background: true
command: bundle exec middleman server
- run:
name: Wait for server to start
command: until curl -sS http://localhost:4567/ > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done
- run:
name: Check links in changed pages
working_directory: terraform-website/content
command: cat /tmp/changed-website-files.txt | bundle exec ./scripts/check-pr-links.rb
version: 2
@ -203,3 +298,7 @@ workflows:
- build-386
- build-amd64
- build-arm
- website-link-check