website: Document alternatives to terraform_remote_state

For some time now we've been recommending explicitly passing data between
configurations using separate resource types and data sources, rather than
always using terraform_remote_state, for reasons including reducing
coupling between subsystems and allowing a configuration's state snapshots
to be under restrictive access controls.

However, those recommendations have so far not appeared directly in the
documentation for terraform_remote_state, and have instead just been
alluded to elsewhere in the documentation when discussing ways to pass
data between configurations.

This change, then, is an attempt to be clear and explicit about the
recommendation and to give a variety of specific examples of how to
implement it. The terraform_remote_state data source page is admittedly
not the most obvious place in the information architecture to put a set
of alternatives to it, but it does appear that this documentation page is
where people most commonly end up when researching options in this area
and so I've put this here in an attempt to "meet people where they are".

Possibly in a future documentation reorganization we might have an
separate page specifically about sharing data between configurations, but
we don't currently have time to do that bigger reorganization. If we do so
later, the content on this page could potentially be replaced with a
summary of the recommendation and a link to another place for the details,
but the goal here is to make this information visible in the existing
location people look for it, rather than blocking until there's a better
place for it to live.

This also includes a small amount of editing of some existing content on
the page to use terminology and style more similar to how our main
configuration language documentation is written,.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Atkins 2020-11-16 15:54:51 -08:00
parent 79fd81775e
commit 6bb9fa7341
1 changed files with 99 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -3,21 +3,90 @@ layout: "language"
page_title: "Terraform: terraform_remote_state"
sidebar_current: "docs-terraform-datasource-remote-state"
description: |-
Accesses state meta data from a remote backend.
Retrieves the root module output values from a Terraform state snapshot stored in a remote backend.
# remote_state
# terraform_remote_state
[backends]: /docs/backends/index.html
Retrieves state data from a [Terraform backend][backends]. This allows you to
use the root-level outputs of one or more Terraform configurations as input data
for another configuration.
The `terraform_remote_state` data source retrieves the root module output
values saved as part of the latest state snapshot from the remote backend for
some other Terraform configuration.
Although this data source uses Terraform's [backends][], it doesn't have the
same limitations as the main backend configuration. You can use any number of
`remote_state` data sources with differently configured backends, and you can
use interpolations when configuring them.
This can be a convenient way to make use of data already generated by another
Terraform configuration without publishing it explicitly elsewhere, but it's
important to note that output values are only a small part of a Terraform
state snapshot. Although `terraform_remote_state` only exposes the output
values, any user of this data source must have full access to the other aspects
of the state snapshot, which may be considered sensitive information.
Rather than directly sharing state snapshots between your configurations, we
recommend explicitly publishing data for external consumption to a separate
location than to the producing configuration's remote state backend.
The shared information will then be separated from the internal details in the
state snapshots, and so you can apply different access controls to each.
To share data explicitly between configurations, you can use pairs of managed
resource types and data sources in various providers, including (but not
limited to) the following:
| System | Publish with... | Read with... |
| Alibaba Cloud DNS<br><small>(for IP addresses and hostnames)</small> | [`alicloud_alidns_record` resource type]( | Normal DNS lookups, or [the `dns` provider]( |
| Amazon Route53<br><small>(for IP addresses and hostnames)</small> | [`aws_route53_record` resource type]( | Normal DNS lookups, or [the `dns` provider]( |
| Amazon S3 | [`aws_s3_bucket_object` resource type]( | [`aws_s3_bucket_object` data source]( |
| Amazon SSM Parameter Store | [`aws_ssm_parameter` resource type]( | [`aws_ssm_parameter` data source]( |
| Azure Automation | [`azurerm_automation_variable_string` resource type]( | [`azurerm_automation_variable_string` data source]( |
| Azure DNS<br><small>(for IP addresses and hostnames)</small> | [`azurerm_dns_a_record` resource type](, etc | Normal DNS lookups, or [the `dns` provider]( |
| Google Cloud DNS<br><small>(for IP addresses and hostnames)</small> | [`google_dns_record_set` resource type]( | Normal DNS lookups, or [the `dns` provider]( |
| Google Cloud Storage | [`google_storage_bucket_object` resource type]( | [`google_storage_bucket_object` data source]( and [`http` data source]( |
| HashiCorp Consul | [`consul_key_prefix` resource type]( | [`consul_key_prefix` data source]( |
| Kubernetes | [`kubernetes_config_map` resource type]( | [`kubernetes_config_map` data source]( |
| OCI Object Storage | [`oci_objectstorage_bucket` resource type]( | [`oci_objectstorage_bucket` data source]( |
-> These are some common options from the Official Terraform providers, but
there are too many configuration storage options for us to list them all
here, including some in partner and community providers.
Any pair of managed resource type and corresponding data source can potentially
be used to share data between Terraform configurations. See individual provider
documentation to find other possibilities.
A key advantage of using a separate explicit configuration store instead of
`terraform_remote_state` is that the data can potentially also be read by
systems other than Terraform, such as configuration management or scheduler
systems within your compute instances. For that reason, we recommend selecting
a configuration store that your other infrastructure could potentially make
use of. For example:
* If you wish to share IP addresses and hostnames, you could publish them as
normal DNS `A`, `AAAA`, `CNAME`, and `SRV` records in a private DNS zone and
then configure your other infrastructure to refer to that zone so you can
find infrastructure objects via your system's built-in DNS resolver.
* If you use HashiCorp Consul then publishing data to the Consul key/value
store or Consul service catalog can make that data also accessible via
[Consul Template](
or the
[HashiCorp Nomad](
`template` stanza.
* If you use Kubernetes then you can
[make Config Maps available to your Pods](
Some of the data stores listed above are specifically designed for storing
small configuration values, while others are generic blob storage systems. For
those generic systems, you can use
[the `jsonencode` function](
[the `jsondecode` function]( respectively
to store and retrieve structured data.
You can encapsulate the implementation details of retrieving your published
configuration data by writing a
[data-only module](/docs/modules/composition.html#data-only-modules)
containing the necessary data source configuration and any necessary
post-processing such as JSON decoding. You can then change that module later
if you switch to a different strategy for sharing data between multiple
Terraform configurations.
## Example Usage (`remote` Backend)
@ -103,10 +172,13 @@ In addition to the above, the following attributes are exported:
## Root Outputs Only
Only the root-level outputs from the remote state are accessible. Outputs from
modules within the state cannot be accessed. If you want a module output or a
resource attribute to be accessible via a remote state, you must thread the
output through to a root output.
Only the root-level output values from the remote state snapshot are exposed
for use elsewhere in your module. Resource data and output values from nested
modules are not accessible.
If you wish to make a nested module output value accessible as a root module
output value, you must explicitly configure a passthrough in the root module.
For example:
For example:
@ -116,10 +188,20 @@ module "app" {
output "app_value" {
value = "${}"
# This syntax is for Terraform 0.12 or later.
value =
In this example, the output `value` from the "app" module is available as
`app_value`. If this root level output hadn't been created, then a remote state
resource wouldn't be able to access the `value` output on the module.
In this example, the output value named `example` from the "app" module is
available as the `app_value` root module output value. If this configuration
didn't include the `output "app_value"` block then the data would not be
accessible via `terraform_remote_state`.
~> **Warning:** Although `terraform_remote_state` doesn't expose any other
state snapshot information for use in configuration, the state snapshot data
is a single object and so any user or server which has enough access to read
the root module output values will also always have access to the full state
snapshot data by direct network requests. Don't use `terraform_remote_state`
if any of the resources in your configuration work with data that you consider