core: Fix TestContext2Plan_createBefore_deposed

This regressed after the recent changes to include deposed object changes
explicitly in the plan, since it was previously (correctly) asserting that
only the current object was covered by the plan.

Now we assert that both are present, and check that they have the correct
actions associated so that we are sure we're going to only delete the
deposed object and not the current object that sits alongside it.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Atkins 2018-09-20 16:09:02 -07:00
parent efe956524d
commit 3aebaf7a32
1 changed files with 52 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -145,23 +145,63 @@ func TestContext2Plan_createBefore_deposed(t *testing.T) {
schema := p.GetSchemaReturn.ResourceTypes["aws_instance"]
ty := schema.ImpliedType()
res := plan.Changes.Resources[0]
if res.DeposedKey != states.NotDeposed {
t.Fatal("primary resource should not be deposed")
type InstanceGen struct {
Addr string
DeposedKey states.DeposedKey
want := map[InstanceGen]bool{
Addr: "",
}: true,
Addr: "",
DeposedKey: states.DeposedKey("00000001"),
}: true,
got := make(map[InstanceGen]bool)
changes := make(map[InstanceGen]*plans.ResourceInstanceChangeSrc)
for _, change := range plan.Changes.Resources {
k := InstanceGen{
Addr: change.Addr.String(),
DeposedKey: change.DeposedKey,
got[k] = true
changes[k] = change
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("wrong resource instance object changes in plan\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", spew.Sdump(got), spew.Sdump(want))
ric, err := res.Decode(ty)
if err != nil {
ric, err := changes[InstanceGen{Addr:""}].Decode(ty)
if err != nil {
if got, want := ric.Action, plans.NoOp; got != want {
t.Errorf("current object change action is %s; want %s", got, want)
// the existing instance should only have an unchanged id
expected, err := schema.CoerceValue(cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"id": cty.StringVal("baz")}))
if err != nil {
checkVals(t, expected, ric.After)
// the existing instance should only have an unchanged id
expected, err := schema.CoerceValue(cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"id": cty.StringVal("baz")}))
if err != nil {
ric, err := changes[InstanceGen{Addr:"", DeposedKey: states.DeposedKey("00000001")}].Decode(ty)
if err != nil {
checkVals(t, expected, ric.After)
if got, want := ric.Action, plans.Delete; got != want {
t.Errorf("deposed object change action is %s; want %s", got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_createBefore_maintainRoot(t *testing.T) {