diff --git a/website/intro/use-cases.html.markdown b/website/intro/use-cases.html.markdown
index cfe1798c6..d041c912e 100644
--- a/website/intro/use-cases.html.markdown
+++ b/website/intro/use-cases.html.markdown
@@ -3,19 +3,16 @@ layout: "intro"
page_title: "Use Cases"
sidebar_current: "use-cases"
description: |-
- Learn common use cases for Terraform including managing Heroku apps, self-service clusters, and multi-cloud deployments.
+ Learn common use cases for Terraform including managing Heroku apps, self-service clusters, and multi-cloud deployments.
# Use Cases
-This page lists a subset of use cases for [Terraform](/intro/index.html). Due to its extensible nature, providers and provisioners
-can be added to further extend Terraform's ability to manipulate resources.
+This page lists a subset of use cases for [Terraform](/intro/index.html).
## Heroku App Setup
-Heroku is a popular PaaS for hosting web apps. Developers create an app, and then attach add-ons, such as a database, or email provider. One of the best features is
-the ability to elastically scale the number of dynos or workers. However, most
-non-trivial applications quickly need many add-ons and external services.
+Heroku is a popular PaaS for hosting web apps. Developers create an app, and then attach add-ons, such as a database, or email provider. One of the best features is the ability to elastically scale the number of dynos or workers. However, most non-trivial applications quickly need many add-ons and external services.
You can use Terraform to codify the setup required for a Heroku application, ensuring that all the required add-ons are available, but it can go even further: configuring DNSimple to set a CNAME, or setting up Cloudflare as a CDN for the app. Best of all, Terraform can do all of this in under 30 seconds without using a web interface.