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// Generated service client for heroku API.
// To be able to interact with this API, you have to
// create a new service:
// s := heroku.NewService(nil)
// The Service struct has all the methods you need
// to interact with heroku API.
package heroku
import (
const (
Version = "v3"
DefaultUserAgent = "heroku/" + Version + " (" + runtime.GOOS + "; " + runtime.GOARCH + ")"
DefaultURL = "https://api.heroku.com"
// Service represents your API.
type Service struct {
client *http.Client
URL string
// NewService creates a Service using the given, if none is provided
// it uses http.DefaultClient.
func NewService(c *http.Client) *Service {
if c == nil {
c = http.DefaultClient
return &Service{
client: c,
URL: DefaultURL,
// NewRequest generates an HTTP request, but does not perform the request.
func (s *Service) NewRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, body interface{}, q interface{}) (*http.Request, error) {
var ctype string
var rbody io.Reader
switch t := body.(type) {
case nil:
case string:
rbody = bytes.NewBufferString(t)
case io.Reader:
rbody = t
v := reflect.ValueOf(body)
if !v.IsValid() {
if v.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = reflect.Indirect(v)
if !v.IsValid() {
j, err := json.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rbody = bytes.NewReader(j)
ctype = "application/json"
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, s.URL+path, rbody)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
if q != nil {
v, err := query.Values(q)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query := v.Encode()
if req.URL.RawQuery != "" && query != "" {
req.URL.RawQuery += "&"
req.URL.RawQuery += query
req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", DefaultUserAgent)
if ctype != "" {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ctype)
return req, nil
// Do sends a request and decodes the response into v.
func (s *Service) Do(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, method, path string, body interface{}, q interface{}, lr *ListRange) error {
req, err := s.NewRequest(ctx, method, path, body, q)
if err != nil {
return err
if lr != nil {
resp, err := s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
switch t := v.(type) {
case nil:
case io.Writer:
_, err = io.Copy(t, resp.Body)
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(v)
return err
// Get sends a GET request and decodes the response into v.
func (s *Service) Get(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, path string, query interface{}, lr *ListRange) error {
return s.Do(ctx, v, "GET", path, nil, query, lr)
// Patch sends a Path request and decodes the response into v.
func (s *Service) Patch(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, path string, body interface{}) error {
return s.Do(ctx, v, "PATCH", path, body, nil, nil)
// Post sends a POST request and decodes the response into v.
func (s *Service) Post(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, path string, body interface{}) error {
return s.Do(ctx, v, "POST", path, body, nil, nil)
// Put sends a PUT request and decodes the response into v.
func (s *Service) Put(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, path string, body interface{}) error {
return s.Do(ctx, v, "PUT", path, body, nil, nil)
// Delete sends a DELETE request.
func (s *Service) Delete(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, path string) error {
return s.Do(ctx, v, "DELETE", path, nil, nil, nil)
// ListRange describes a range.
type ListRange struct {
Field string
Max int
Descending bool
FirstID string
LastID string
// SetHeader set headers on the given Request.
func (lr *ListRange) SetHeader(req *http.Request) {
var hdrval string
if lr.Field != "" {
hdrval += lr.Field + " "
hdrval += lr.FirstID + ".." + lr.LastID
if lr.Max != 0 {
hdrval += fmt.Sprintf("; max=%d", lr.Max)
if lr.Descending {
hdrval += "; "
if lr.Descending {
hdrval += "order=desc"
req.Header.Set("Range", hdrval)
// Bool allocates a new int value returns a pointer to it.
func Bool(v bool) *bool {
p := new(bool)
*p = v
return p
// Int allocates a new int value returns a pointer to it.
func Int(v int) *int {
p := new(int)
*p = v
return p
// Float64 allocates a new float64 value returns a pointer to it.
func Float64(v float64) *float64 {
p := new(float64)
*p = v
return p
// String allocates a new string value returns a pointer to it.
func String(v string) *string {
p := new(string)
*p = v
return p
// An account represents an individual signed up to use the Heroku
// platform.
type Account struct {
AllowTracking bool `json:"allow_tracking" url:"allow_tracking,key"` // whether to allow third party web activity tracking
Beta bool `json:"beta" url:"beta,key"` // whether allowed to utilize beta Heroku features
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account was created
DefaultOrganization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"default_organization" url:"default_organization,key"` // organization selected by default
DelinquentAt *time.Time `json:"delinquent_at" url:"delinquent_at,key"` // when account became delinquent
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
IdentityProvider *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
} `json:"identity_provider" url:"identity_provider,key"` // Identity Provider details for federated users.
LastLogin *time.Time `json:"last_login" url:"last_login,key"` // when account last authorized with Heroku
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
SuspendedAt *time.Time `json:"suspended_at" url:"suspended_at,key"` // when account was suspended
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether two-factor auth is enabled on the account
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account was updated
Verified bool `json:"verified" url:"verified,key"` // whether account has been verified with billing information
type AccountInfoResult struct {
AllowTracking bool `json:"allow_tracking" url:"allow_tracking,key"` // whether to allow third party web activity tracking
Beta bool `json:"beta" url:"beta,key"` // whether allowed to utilize beta Heroku features
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account was created
DefaultOrganization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"default_organization" url:"default_organization,key"` // organization selected by default
DelinquentAt *time.Time `json:"delinquent_at" url:"delinquent_at,key"` // when account became delinquent
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
IdentityProvider *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
} `json:"identity_provider" url:"identity_provider,key"` // Identity Provider details for federated users.
LastLogin *time.Time `json:"last_login" url:"last_login,key"` // when account last authorized with Heroku
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
SuspendedAt *time.Time `json:"suspended_at" url:"suspended_at,key"` // when account was suspended
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether two-factor auth is enabled on the account
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account was updated
Verified bool `json:"verified" url:"verified,key"` // whether account has been verified with billing information
// Info for account.
func (s *Service) AccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AccountInfoResult, error) {
var account AccountInfoResult
return &account, s.Get(ctx, &account, fmt.Sprintf("/account"), nil, nil)
type AccountUpdateOpts struct {
AllowTracking *bool `json:"allow_tracking,omitempty" url:"allow_tracking,omitempty,key"` // whether to allow third party web activity tracking
Beta *bool `json:"beta,omitempty" url:"beta,omitempty,key"` // whether allowed to utilize beta Heroku features
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // full name of the account owner
type AccountUpdateResult struct {
AllowTracking bool `json:"allow_tracking" url:"allow_tracking,key"` // whether to allow third party web activity tracking
Beta bool `json:"beta" url:"beta,key"` // whether allowed to utilize beta Heroku features
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account was created
DefaultOrganization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"default_organization" url:"default_organization,key"` // organization selected by default
DelinquentAt *time.Time `json:"delinquent_at" url:"delinquent_at,key"` // when account became delinquent
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
IdentityProvider *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
} `json:"identity_provider" url:"identity_provider,key"` // Identity Provider details for federated users.
LastLogin *time.Time `json:"last_login" url:"last_login,key"` // when account last authorized with Heroku
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
SuspendedAt *time.Time `json:"suspended_at" url:"suspended_at,key"` // when account was suspended
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether two-factor auth is enabled on the account
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account was updated
Verified bool `json:"verified" url:"verified,key"` // whether account has been verified with billing information
// Update account.
func (s *Service) AccountUpdate(ctx context.Context, o AccountUpdateOpts) (*AccountUpdateResult, error) {
var account AccountUpdateResult
return &account, s.Patch(ctx, &account, fmt.Sprintf("/account"), o)
type AccountDeleteResult struct {
AllowTracking bool `json:"allow_tracking" url:"allow_tracking,key"` // whether to allow third party web activity tracking
Beta bool `json:"beta" url:"beta,key"` // whether allowed to utilize beta Heroku features
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account was created
DefaultOrganization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"default_organization" url:"default_organization,key"` // organization selected by default
DelinquentAt *time.Time `json:"delinquent_at" url:"delinquent_at,key"` // when account became delinquent
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
IdentityProvider *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
} `json:"identity_provider" url:"identity_provider,key"` // Identity Provider details for federated users.
LastLogin *time.Time `json:"last_login" url:"last_login,key"` // when account last authorized with Heroku
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
SuspendedAt *time.Time `json:"suspended_at" url:"suspended_at,key"` // when account was suspended
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether two-factor auth is enabled on the account
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account was updated
Verified bool `json:"verified" url:"verified,key"` // whether account has been verified with billing information
// Delete account. Note that this action cannot be undone.
func (s *Service) AccountDelete(ctx context.Context) (*AccountDeleteResult, error) {
var account AccountDeleteResult
return &account, s.Delete(ctx, &account, fmt.Sprintf("/account"))
// An account feature represents a Heroku labs capability that can be
// enabled or disabled for an account on Heroku.
type AccountFeature struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
type AccountFeatureInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
// Info for an existing account feature.
func (s *Service) AccountFeatureInfo(ctx context.Context, accountFeatureIdentity string) (*AccountFeatureInfoResult, error) {
var accountFeature AccountFeatureInfoResult
return &accountFeature, s.Get(ctx, &accountFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/account/features/%v", accountFeatureIdentity), nil, nil)
type AccountFeatureListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
// List existing account features.
func (s *Service) AccountFeatureList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AccountFeatureListResult, error) {
var accountFeature AccountFeatureListResult
return accountFeature, s.Get(ctx, &accountFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/account/features"), nil, lr)
type AccountFeatureUpdateOpts struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
type AccountFeatureUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
// Update an existing account feature.
func (s *Service) AccountFeatureUpdate(ctx context.Context, accountFeatureIdentity string, o AccountFeatureUpdateOpts) (*AccountFeatureUpdateResult, error) {
var accountFeature AccountFeatureUpdateResult
return &accountFeature, s.Patch(ctx, &accountFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/account/features/%v", accountFeatureIdentity), o)
// Add-ons represent add-ons that have been provisioned and attached to
// one or more apps.
type AddOn struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
type AddOnCreateOpts struct {
Attachment *struct{} `json:"attachment,omitempty" url:"attachment,omitempty,key"` // name for add-on's initial attachment
Config *map[string]string `json:"config,omitempty" url:"config,omitempty,key"` // custom add-on provisioning options
Plan string `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
type AddOnCreateResult struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// Create a new add-on.
func (s *Service) AddOnCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o AddOnCreateOpts) (*AddOnCreateResult, error) {
var addOn AddOnCreateResult
return &addOn, s.Post(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addons", appIdentity), o)
type AddOnDeleteResult struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// Delete an existing add-on.
func (s *Service) AddOnDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, addOnIdentity string) (*AddOnDeleteResult, error) {
var addOn AddOnDeleteResult
return &addOn, s.Delete(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addons/%v", appIdentity, addOnIdentity))
type AddOnInfoResult struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// Info for an existing add-on.
func (s *Service) AddOnInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, addOnIdentity string) (*AddOnInfoResult, error) {
var addOn AddOnInfoResult
return &addOn, s.Get(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addons/%v", appIdentity, addOnIdentity), nil, nil)
type AddOnListResult []struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// List all existing add-ons.
func (s *Service) AddOnList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AddOnListResult, error) {
var addOn AddOnListResult
return addOn, s.Get(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/addons"), nil, lr)
type AddOnListByUserResult []struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// List all existing add-ons a user has access to
func (s *Service) AddOnListByUser(ctx context.Context, accountIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AddOnListByUserResult, error) {
var addOn AddOnListByUserResult
return addOn, s.Get(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/addons", accountIdentity), nil, lr)
type AddOnListByAppResult []struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// List existing add-ons for an app.
func (s *Service) AddOnListByApp(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AddOnListByAppResult, error) {
var addOn AddOnListByAppResult
return addOn, s.Get(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addons", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type AddOnUpdateOpts struct {
Plan string `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
// Change add-on plan. Some add-ons may not support changing plans. In
// that case, an error will be returned.
func (s *Service) AddOnUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, addOnIdentity string, o AddOnUpdateOpts) (*AddOn, error) {
var addOn AddOn
return &addOn, s.Patch(ctx, &addOn, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addons/%v", appIdentity, addOnIdentity), o)
// Add-on Actions are lifecycle operations for add-on provisioning and
// deprovisioning. They allow whitelisted add-on providers to
// (de)provision add-ons in the background and then report back when
// (de)provisioning is complete.
type AddOnAction struct{}
type AddOnActionCreateProvisionResult struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// Mark an add-on as provisioned for use.
func (s *Service) AddOnActionCreateProvision(ctx context.Context, addOnIdentity string) (*AddOnActionCreateProvisionResult, error) {
var addOnAction AddOnActionCreateProvisionResult
return &addOnAction, s.Post(ctx, &addOnAction, fmt.Sprintf("/addons/%v/actions/provision", addOnIdentity), nil)
type AddOnActionCreateDeprovisionResult struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// Mark an add-on as deprovisioned.
func (s *Service) AddOnActionCreateDeprovision(ctx context.Context, addOnIdentity string) (*AddOnActionCreateDeprovisionResult, error) {
var addOnAction AddOnActionCreateDeprovisionResult
return &addOnAction, s.Post(ctx, &addOnAction, fmt.Sprintf("/addons/%v/actions/deprovision", addOnIdentity), nil)
// An add-on attachment represents a connection between an app and an
// add-on that it has been given access to.
type AddOnAttachment struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
type AddOnAttachmentCreateOpts struct {
Addon string `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
App string `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // unique identifier of app
Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty" url:"force,omitempty,key"` // whether or not to allow existing attachment with same name to be
// replaced
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
type AddOnAttachmentCreateResult struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// Create a new add-on attachment.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentCreate(ctx context.Context, o AddOnAttachmentCreateOpts) (*AddOnAttachmentCreateResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentCreateResult
return &addOnAttachment, s.Post(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-attachments"), o)
type AddOnAttachmentDeleteResult struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// Delete an existing add-on attachment.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentDelete(ctx context.Context, addOnAttachmentIdentity string) (*AddOnAttachmentDeleteResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentDeleteResult
return &addOnAttachment, s.Delete(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-attachments/%v", addOnAttachmentIdentity))
type AddOnAttachmentInfoResult struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// Info for existing add-on attachment.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentInfo(ctx context.Context, addOnAttachmentIdentity string) (*AddOnAttachmentInfoResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentInfoResult
return &addOnAttachment, s.Get(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-attachments/%v", addOnAttachmentIdentity), nil, nil)
type AddOnAttachmentListResult []struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// List existing add-on attachments.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AddOnAttachmentListResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentListResult
return addOnAttachment, s.Get(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-attachments"), nil, lr)
type AddOnAttachmentListByAddOnResult []struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// List existing add-on attachments for an add-on.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentListByAddOn(ctx context.Context, addOnIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AddOnAttachmentListByAddOnResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentListByAddOnResult
return addOnAttachment, s.Get(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/addons/%v/addon-attachments", addOnIdentity), nil, lr)
type AddOnAttachmentListByAppResult []struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// List existing add-on attachments for an app.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentListByApp(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AddOnAttachmentListByAppResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentListByAppResult
return addOnAttachment, s.Get(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addon-attachments", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type AddOnAttachmentInfoByAppResult struct {
Addon struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // identity of add-on
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application that is attached to add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on attachment
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for this add-on attachment to this app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on attachment was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on in attached app context
// Info for existing add-on attachment for an app.
func (s *Service) AddOnAttachmentInfoByApp(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, addOnAttachmentScopedIdentity string) (*AddOnAttachmentInfoByAppResult, error) {
var addOnAttachment AddOnAttachmentInfoByAppResult
return &addOnAttachment, s.Get(ctx, &addOnAttachment, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/addon-attachments/%v", appIdentity, addOnAttachmentScopedIdentity), nil, nil)
// Configuration of an Add-on
type AddOnConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of the config
Value *string `json:"value" url:"value,key"` // value of the config
type AddOnConfigListResult []struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of the config
Value *string `json:"value" url:"value,key"` // value of the config
// Get an add-on's config. Accessible by customers with access and by
// the add-on partner providing this add-on.
func (s *Service) AddOnConfigList(ctx context.Context, addOnIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AddOnConfigListResult, error) {
var addOnConfig AddOnConfigListResult
return addOnConfig, s.Get(ctx, &addOnConfig, fmt.Sprintf("/addons/%v/config", addOnIdentity), nil, lr)
type AddOnConfigUpdateOpts struct {
Config *[]*struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of the config
Value *string `json:"value,omitempty" url:"value,omitempty,key"` // value of the config
} `json:"config,omitempty" url:"config,omitempty,key"`
type AddOnConfigUpdateResult []struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of the config
Value *string `json:"value" url:"value,key"` // value of the config
// Update an add-on's config. Can only be accessed by the add-on partner
// providing this add-on.
func (s *Service) AddOnConfigUpdate(ctx context.Context, addOnIdentity string, o AddOnConfigUpdateOpts) (AddOnConfigUpdateResult, error) {
var addOnConfig AddOnConfigUpdateResult
return addOnConfig, s.Patch(ctx, &addOnConfig, fmt.Sprintf("/addons/%v/config", addOnIdentity), o)
// Add-on Plan Actions are Provider functionality for specific add-on
// installations
type AddOnPlanAction struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // identifier of the action to take that is sent via SSO
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // a unique identifier
Label string `json:"label" url:"label,key"` // the display text shown in Dashboard
RequiresOwner bool `json:"requires_owner" url:"requires_owner,key"` // if the action requires the user to own the app
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // absolute URL to use instead of an action
// Add-on region capabilities represent the relationship between an
// Add-on Service and a specific Region. Only Beta and GA add-ons are
// returned by these endpoints.
type AddOnRegionCapability struct {
AddonService struct {
CliPluginName *string `json:"cli_plugin_name" url:"cli_plugin_name,key"` // npm package name of the add-on service's Heroku CLI plugin
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on-service was created
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for add-on service
SupportsMultipleInstallations bool `json:"supports_multiple_installations" url:"supports_multiple_installations,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to more than one instance of this
// add-on at the same time
SupportsSharing bool `json:"supports_sharing" url:"supports_sharing,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to add-ons billed to a different
// app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on-service was updated
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // Add-on services represent add-ons that may be provisioned for apps.
// Endpoints under add-on services can be accessed without
// authentication.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-region-capability
Region struct {
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country where the region exists
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when region was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of region
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Locale string `json:"locale" url:"locale,key"` // area in the country where the region exists
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
PrivateCapable bool `json:"private_capable" url:"private_capable,key"` // whether or not region is available for creating a Private Space
Provider struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of provider
Region string `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // region name used by provider
} `json:"provider" url:"provider,key"` // provider of underlying substrate
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when region was updated
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // A region represents a geographic location in which your application
// may run.
SupportsPrivateNetworking bool `json:"supports_private_networking" url:"supports_private_networking,key"` // whether the add-on can be installed to a Space
type AddOnRegionCapabilityListResult []struct {
AddonService struct {
CliPluginName *string `json:"cli_plugin_name" url:"cli_plugin_name,key"` // npm package name of the add-on service's Heroku CLI plugin
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on-service was created
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for add-on service
SupportsMultipleInstallations bool `json:"supports_multiple_installations" url:"supports_multiple_installations,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to more than one instance of this
// add-on at the same time
SupportsSharing bool `json:"supports_sharing" url:"supports_sharing,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to add-ons billed to a different
// app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on-service was updated
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // Add-on services represent add-ons that may be provisioned for apps.
// Endpoints under add-on services can be accessed without
// authentication.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-region-capability
Region struct {
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country where the region exists
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when region was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of region
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Locale string `json:"locale" url:"locale,key"` // area in the country where the region exists
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
PrivateCapable bool `json:"private_capable" url:"private_capable,key"` // whether or not region is available for creating a Private Space
Provider struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of provider
Region string `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // region name used by provider
} `json:"provider" url:"provider,key"` // provider of underlying substrate
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when region was updated
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // A region represents a geographic location in which your application
// may run.
SupportsPrivateNetworking bool `json:"supports_private_networking" url:"supports_private_networking,key"` // whether the add-on can be installed to a Space
// List all existing add-on region capabilities.
func (s *Service) AddOnRegionCapabilityList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AddOnRegionCapabilityListResult, error) {
var addOnRegionCapability AddOnRegionCapabilityListResult
return addOnRegionCapability, s.Get(ctx, &addOnRegionCapability, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-region-capabilities"), nil, lr)
type AddOnRegionCapabilityListByAddOnServiceResult []struct {
AddonService struct {
CliPluginName *string `json:"cli_plugin_name" url:"cli_plugin_name,key"` // npm package name of the add-on service's Heroku CLI plugin
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on-service was created
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for add-on service
SupportsMultipleInstallations bool `json:"supports_multiple_installations" url:"supports_multiple_installations,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to more than one instance of this
// add-on at the same time
SupportsSharing bool `json:"supports_sharing" url:"supports_sharing,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to add-ons billed to a different
// app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on-service was updated
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // Add-on services represent add-ons that may be provisioned for apps.
// Endpoints under add-on services can be accessed without
// authentication.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-region-capability
Region struct {
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country where the region exists
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when region was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of region
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Locale string `json:"locale" url:"locale,key"` // area in the country where the region exists
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
PrivateCapable bool `json:"private_capable" url:"private_capable,key"` // whether or not region is available for creating a Private Space
Provider struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of provider
Region string `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // region name used by provider
} `json:"provider" url:"provider,key"` // provider of underlying substrate
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when region was updated
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // A region represents a geographic location in which your application
// may run.
SupportsPrivateNetworking bool `json:"supports_private_networking" url:"supports_private_networking,key"` // whether the add-on can be installed to a Space
// List existing add-on region capabilities for an add-on-service
func (s *Service) AddOnRegionCapabilityListByAddOnService(ctx context.Context, addOnServiceIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AddOnRegionCapabilityListByAddOnServiceResult, error) {
var addOnRegionCapability AddOnRegionCapabilityListByAddOnServiceResult
return addOnRegionCapability, s.Get(ctx, &addOnRegionCapability, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-services/%v/region-capabilities", addOnServiceIdentity), nil, lr)
// Add-on services represent add-ons that may be provisioned for apps.
// Endpoints under add-on services can be accessed without
// authentication.
type AddOnService struct {
CliPluginName *string `json:"cli_plugin_name" url:"cli_plugin_name,key"` // npm package name of the add-on service's Heroku CLI plugin
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on-service was created
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for add-on service
SupportsMultipleInstallations bool `json:"supports_multiple_installations" url:"supports_multiple_installations,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to more than one instance of this
// add-on at the same time
SupportsSharing bool `json:"supports_sharing" url:"supports_sharing,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to add-ons billed to a different
// app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on-service was updated
type AddOnServiceInfoResult struct {
CliPluginName *string `json:"cli_plugin_name" url:"cli_plugin_name,key"` // npm package name of the add-on service's Heroku CLI plugin
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on-service was created
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for add-on service
SupportsMultipleInstallations bool `json:"supports_multiple_installations" url:"supports_multiple_installations,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to more than one instance of this
// add-on at the same time
SupportsSharing bool `json:"supports_sharing" url:"supports_sharing,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to add-ons billed to a different
// app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on-service was updated
// Info for existing add-on-service.
func (s *Service) AddOnServiceInfo(ctx context.Context, addOnServiceIdentity string) (*AddOnServiceInfoResult, error) {
var addOnService AddOnServiceInfoResult
return &addOnService, s.Get(ctx, &addOnService, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-services/%v", addOnServiceIdentity), nil, nil)
type AddOnServiceListResult []struct {
CliPluginName *string `json:"cli_plugin_name" url:"cli_plugin_name,key"` // npm package name of the add-on service's Heroku CLI plugin
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on-service was created
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for add-on service
SupportsMultipleInstallations bool `json:"supports_multiple_installations" url:"supports_multiple_installations,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to more than one instance of this
// add-on at the same time
SupportsSharing bool `json:"supports_sharing" url:"supports_sharing,key"` // whether or not apps can have access to add-ons billed to a different
// app
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on-service was updated
// List existing add-on-services.
func (s *Service) AddOnServiceList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AddOnServiceListResult, error) {
var addOnService AddOnServiceListResult
return addOnService, s.Get(ctx, &addOnService, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-services"), nil, lr)
// An app represents the program that you would like to deploy and run
// on Heroku.
type App struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
type AppCreateOpts struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of app
Region *string `json:"region,omitempty" url:"region,omitempty,key"` // unique identifier of region
Stack *string `json:"stack,omitempty" url:"stack,omitempty,key"` // unique name of stack
type AppCreateResult struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Create a new app.
func (s *Service) AppCreate(ctx context.Context, o AppCreateOpts) (*AppCreateResult, error) {
var app AppCreateResult
return &app, s.Post(ctx, &app, fmt.Sprintf("/apps"), o)
type AppDeleteResult struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Delete an existing app.
func (s *Service) AppDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string) (*AppDeleteResult, error) {
var app AppDeleteResult
return &app, s.Delete(ctx, &app, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v", appIdentity))
type AppInfoResult struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Info for existing app.
func (s *Service) AppInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string) (*AppInfoResult, error) {
var app AppInfoResult
return &app, s.Get(ctx, &app, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v", appIdentity), nil, nil)
type AppListResult []struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// List existing apps.
func (s *Service) AppList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AppListResult, error) {
var app AppListResult
return app, s.Get(ctx, &app, fmt.Sprintf("/apps"), nil, lr)
type AppListOwnedAndCollaboratedResult []struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// List owned and collaborated apps (excludes organization apps).
func (s *Service) AppListOwnedAndCollaborated(ctx context.Context, accountIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AppListOwnedAndCollaboratedResult, error) {
var app AppListOwnedAndCollaboratedResult
return app, s.Get(ctx, &app, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/apps", accountIdentity), nil, lr)
type AppUpdateOpts struct {
BuildStack *string `json:"build_stack,omitempty" url:"build_stack,omitempty,key"` // unique name of stack
Maintenance *bool `json:"maintenance,omitempty" url:"maintenance,omitempty,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of app
type AppUpdateResult struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildStack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"build_stack" url:"build_stack,key"` // identity of the stack that will be used for new builds
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // identity of organization
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Update an existing app.
func (s *Service) AppUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o AppUpdateOpts) (*AppUpdateResult, error) {
var app AppUpdateResult
return &app, s.Patch(ctx, &app, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v", appIdentity), o)
// An app feature represents a Heroku labs capability that can be
// enabled or disabled for an app on Heroku.
type AppFeature struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of app feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of app feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not app feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of app feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app feature was updated
type AppFeatureInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of app feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of app feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not app feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of app feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app feature was updated
// Info for an existing app feature.
func (s *Service) AppFeatureInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, appFeatureIdentity string) (*AppFeatureInfoResult, error) {
var appFeature AppFeatureInfoResult
return &appFeature, s.Get(ctx, &appFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/features/%v", appIdentity, appFeatureIdentity), nil, nil)
type AppFeatureListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of app feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of app feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not app feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of app feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app feature was updated
// List existing app features.
func (s *Service) AppFeatureList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (AppFeatureListResult, error) {
var appFeature AppFeatureListResult
return appFeature, s.Get(ctx, &appFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/features", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type AppFeatureUpdateOpts struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not app feature has been enabled
type AppFeatureUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of app feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of app feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not app feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of app feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app feature was updated
// Update an existing app feature.
func (s *Service) AppFeatureUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, appFeatureIdentity string, o AppFeatureUpdateOpts) (*AppFeatureUpdateResult, error) {
var appFeature AppFeatureUpdateResult
return &appFeature, s.Patch(ctx, &appFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/features/%v", appIdentity, appFeatureIdentity), o)
// App formation set describes the combination of process types with
// their quantities and sizes as well as application process tier
type AppFormationSet struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app being described by the formation-set
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // a string representation of the formation set
ProcessTier string `json:"process_tier" url:"process_tier,key"` // application process tier
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // last time fomation-set was updated
// An app setup represents an app on Heroku that is setup using an
// environment, addons, and scripts described in an app.json manifest
// file.
type AppSetup struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // identity of app
Build *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
} `json:"build" url:"build,key"` // identity and status of build
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app setup was created
FailureMessage *string `json:"failure_message" url:"failure_message,key"` // reason that app setup has failed
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app setup
ManifestErrors []string `json:"manifest_errors" url:"manifest_errors,key"` // errors associated with invalid app.json manifest file
Postdeploy *struct {
ExitCode int `json:"exit_code" url:"exit_code,key"` // The exit code of the postdeploy script
Output string `json:"output" url:"output,key"` // output of the postdeploy script
} `json:"postdeploy" url:"postdeploy,key"` // result of postdeploy script
ResolvedSuccessURL *string `json:"resolved_success_url" url:"resolved_success_url,key"` // fully qualified success url
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // the overall status of app setup
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app setup was updated
type AppSetupCreateOpts struct {
App *struct {
Locked *bool `json:"locked,omitempty" url:"locked,omitempty,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *string `json:"organization,omitempty" url:"organization,omitempty,key"` // unique name of organization
Personal *bool `json:"personal,omitempty" url:"personal,omitempty,key"` // force creation of the app in the user account even if a default org
// is set.
Region *string `json:"region,omitempty" url:"region,omitempty,key"` // unique name of region
Space *string `json:"space,omitempty" url:"space,omitempty,key"` // unique name of space
Stack *string `json:"stack,omitempty" url:"stack,omitempty,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"app,omitempty" url:"app,omitempty,key"` // optional parameters for created app
Overrides *struct {
Buildpacks *[]*struct {
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty" url:"url,omitempty,key"` // location of the buildpack
} `json:"buildpacks,omitempty" url:"buildpacks,omitempty,key"` // overrides the buildpacks specified in the app.json manifest file
Env *map[string]string `json:"env,omitempty" url:"env,omitempty,key"` // overrides of the env specified in the app.json manifest file
} `json:"overrides,omitempty" url:"overrides,omitempty,key"` // overrides of keys in the app.json manifest file
SourceBlob struct {
Checksum *string `json:"checksum,omitempty" url:"checksum,omitempty,key"` // an optional checksum of the gzipped tarball for verifying its
// integrity
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty" url:"url,omitempty,key"` // URL of gzipped tarball of source code containing app.json manifest
// file
Version *string `json:"version,omitempty" url:"version,omitempty,key"` // Version of the gzipped tarball.
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // gzipped tarball of source code containing app.json manifest file
type AppSetupCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // identity of app
Build *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
} `json:"build" url:"build,key"` // identity and status of build
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app setup was created
FailureMessage *string `json:"failure_message" url:"failure_message,key"` // reason that app setup has failed
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app setup
ManifestErrors []string `json:"manifest_errors" url:"manifest_errors,key"` // errors associated with invalid app.json manifest file
Postdeploy *struct {
ExitCode int `json:"exit_code" url:"exit_code,key"` // The exit code of the postdeploy script
Output string `json:"output" url:"output,key"` // output of the postdeploy script
} `json:"postdeploy" url:"postdeploy,key"` // result of postdeploy script
ResolvedSuccessURL *string `json:"resolved_success_url" url:"resolved_success_url,key"` // fully qualified success url
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // the overall status of app setup
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app setup was updated
// Create a new app setup from a gzipped tar archive containing an
// app.json manifest file.
func (s *Service) AppSetupCreate(ctx context.Context, o AppSetupCreateOpts) (*AppSetupCreateResult, error) {
var appSetup AppSetupCreateResult
return &appSetup, s.Post(ctx, &appSetup, fmt.Sprintf("/app-setups"), o)
type AppSetupInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // identity of app
Build *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
} `json:"build" url:"build,key"` // identity and status of build
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app setup was created
FailureMessage *string `json:"failure_message" url:"failure_message,key"` // reason that app setup has failed
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app setup
ManifestErrors []string `json:"manifest_errors" url:"manifest_errors,key"` // errors associated with invalid app.json manifest file
Postdeploy *struct {
ExitCode int `json:"exit_code" url:"exit_code,key"` // The exit code of the postdeploy script
Output string `json:"output" url:"output,key"` // output of the postdeploy script
} `json:"postdeploy" url:"postdeploy,key"` // result of postdeploy script
ResolvedSuccessURL *string `json:"resolved_success_url" url:"resolved_success_url,key"` // fully qualified success url
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // the overall status of app setup
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app setup was updated
// Get the status of an app setup.
func (s *Service) AppSetupInfo(ctx context.Context, appSetupIdentity string) (*AppSetupInfoResult, error) {
var appSetup AppSetupInfoResult
return &appSetup, s.Get(ctx, &appSetup, fmt.Sprintf("/app-setups/%v", appSetupIdentity), nil, nil)
// An app transfer represents a two party interaction for transferring
// ownership of an app.
type AppTransfer struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the transfer
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app transfer was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app transfer
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of the owner of the transfer
Recipient struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // identity of the recipient of the transfer
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app transfer was updated
type AppTransferCreateOpts struct {
App string `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // unique identifier of app
Recipient string `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // unique email address of account
Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty" url:"silent,omitempty,key"` // whether to suppress email notification when transferring apps
type AppTransferCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the transfer
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app transfer was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app transfer
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of the owner of the transfer
Recipient struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // identity of the recipient of the transfer
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app transfer was updated
// Create a new app transfer.
func (s *Service) AppTransferCreate(ctx context.Context, o AppTransferCreateOpts) (*AppTransferCreateResult, error) {
var appTransfer AppTransferCreateResult
return &appTransfer, s.Post(ctx, &appTransfer, fmt.Sprintf("/account/app-transfers"), o)
type AppTransferDeleteResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the transfer
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app transfer was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app transfer
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of the owner of the transfer
Recipient struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // identity of the recipient of the transfer
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app transfer was updated
// Delete an existing app transfer
func (s *Service) AppTransferDelete(ctx context.Context, appTransferIdentity string) (*AppTransferDeleteResult, error) {
var appTransfer AppTransferDeleteResult
return &appTransfer, s.Delete(ctx, &appTransfer, fmt.Sprintf("/account/app-transfers/%v", appTransferIdentity))
type AppTransferInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the transfer
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app transfer was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app transfer
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of the owner of the transfer
Recipient struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // identity of the recipient of the transfer
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app transfer was updated
// Info for existing app transfer.
func (s *Service) AppTransferInfo(ctx context.Context, appTransferIdentity string) (*AppTransferInfoResult, error) {
var appTransfer AppTransferInfoResult
return &appTransfer, s.Get(ctx, &appTransfer, fmt.Sprintf("/account/app-transfers/%v", appTransferIdentity), nil, nil)
type AppTransferListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the transfer
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app transfer was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app transfer
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of the owner of the transfer
Recipient struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // identity of the recipient of the transfer
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app transfer was updated
// List existing apps transfers.
func (s *Service) AppTransferList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (AppTransferListResult, error) {
var appTransfer AppTransferListResult
return appTransfer, s.Get(ctx, &appTransfer, fmt.Sprintf("/account/app-transfers"), nil, lr)
type AppTransferUpdateOpts struct {
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
type AppTransferUpdateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the transfer
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app transfer was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app transfer
Owner struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of the owner of the transfer
Recipient struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"recipient" url:"recipient,key"` // identity of the recipient of the transfer
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // the current state of an app transfer
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app transfer was updated
// Update an existing app transfer.
func (s *Service) AppTransferUpdate(ctx context.Context, appTransferIdentity string, o AppTransferUpdateOpts) (*AppTransferUpdateResult, error) {
var appTransfer AppTransferUpdateResult
return &appTransfer, s.Patch(ctx, &appTransfer, fmt.Sprintf("/account/app-transfers/%v", appTransferIdentity), o)
// A build represents the process of transforming a code tarball into a
// slug
type Build struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that the build belongs to
Buildpacks *[]struct {
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpacks" url:"buildpacks,key"` // buildpacks executed for this build, in order
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when build was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Release *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // release resulting from the build
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug created by this build
SourceBlob struct {
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the gzipped tarball for verifying its
// integrity
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL where gzipped tar archive of source code for build was
// downloaded.
Version *string `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // Version of the gzipped tarball.
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // location of gzipped tarball of source code used to create build
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when build was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that started the build
type BuildCreateOpts struct {
Buildpacks *[]*struct {
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty" url:"url,omitempty,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpacks,omitempty" url:"buildpacks,omitempty,key"` // buildpacks executed for this build, in order
SourceBlob struct {
Checksum *string `json:"checksum,omitempty" url:"checksum,omitempty,key"` // an optional checksum of the gzipped tarball for verifying its
// integrity
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty" url:"url,omitempty,key"` // URL where gzipped tar archive of source code for build was
// downloaded.
Version *string `json:"version,omitempty" url:"version,omitempty,key"` // Version of the gzipped tarball.
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // location of gzipped tarball of source code used to create build
type BuildCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that the build belongs to
Buildpacks *[]struct {
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpacks" url:"buildpacks,key"` // buildpacks executed for this build, in order
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when build was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Release *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // release resulting from the build
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug created by this build
SourceBlob struct {
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the gzipped tarball for verifying its
// integrity
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL where gzipped tar archive of source code for build was
// downloaded.
Version *string `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // Version of the gzipped tarball.
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // location of gzipped tarball of source code used to create build
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when build was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that started the build
// Create a new build.
func (s *Service) BuildCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o BuildCreateOpts) (*BuildCreateResult, error) {
var build BuildCreateResult
return &build, s.Post(ctx, &build, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/builds", appIdentity), o)
type BuildInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that the build belongs to
Buildpacks *[]struct {
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpacks" url:"buildpacks,key"` // buildpacks executed for this build, in order
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when build was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Release *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // release resulting from the build
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug created by this build
SourceBlob struct {
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the gzipped tarball for verifying its
// integrity
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL where gzipped tar archive of source code for build was
// downloaded.
Version *string `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // Version of the gzipped tarball.
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // location of gzipped tarball of source code used to create build
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when build was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that started the build
// Info for existing build.
func (s *Service) BuildInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, buildIdentity string) (*BuildInfoResult, error) {
var build BuildInfoResult
return &build, s.Get(ctx, &build, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/builds/%v", appIdentity, buildIdentity), nil, nil)
type BuildListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that the build belongs to
Buildpacks *[]struct {
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpacks" url:"buildpacks,key"` // buildpacks executed for this build, in order
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when build was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Release *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // release resulting from the build
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug created by this build
SourceBlob struct {
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the gzipped tarball for verifying its
// integrity
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL where gzipped tar archive of source code for build was
// downloaded.
Version *string `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // Version of the gzipped tarball.
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // location of gzipped tarball of source code used to create build
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when build was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that started the build
// List existing build.
func (s *Service) BuildList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (BuildListResult, error) {
var build BuildListResult
return build, s.Get(ctx, &build, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/builds", appIdentity), nil, lr)
// A build result contains the output from a build.
type BuildResult struct {
Build struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
} `json:"build" url:"build,key"` // identity of build
ExitCode float64 `json:"exit_code" url:"exit_code,key"` // status from the build
Lines []struct {
Line string `json:"line" url:"line,key"` // A line of output from the build.
Stream string `json:"stream" url:"stream,key"` // The output stream where the line was sent.
} `json:"lines" url:"lines,key"` // A list of all the lines of a build's output. This has been replaced
// by the `output_stream_url` attribute on the build resource.
type BuildResultInfoResult struct {
Build struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of build
OutputStreamURL string `json:"output_stream_url" url:"output_stream_url,key"` // Build process output will be available from this URL as a stream. The
// stream is available as either `text/plain` or `text/event-stream`.
// Clients should be prepared to handle disconnects and can resume the
// stream by sending a `Range` header (for `text/plain`) or a
// `Last-Event-Id` header (for `text/event-stream`).
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of build
} `json:"build" url:"build,key"` // identity of build
ExitCode float64 `json:"exit_code" url:"exit_code,key"` // status from the build
Lines []struct {
Line string `json:"line" url:"line,key"` // A line of output from the build.
Stream string `json:"stream" url:"stream,key"` // The output stream where the line was sent.
} `json:"lines" url:"lines,key"` // A list of all the lines of a build's output. This has been replaced
// by the `output_stream_url` attribute on the build resource.
// Info for existing result.
func (s *Service) BuildResultInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, buildIdentity string) (*BuildResultInfoResult, error) {
var buildResult BuildResultInfoResult
return &buildResult, s.Get(ctx, &buildResult, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/builds/%v/result", appIdentity, buildIdentity), nil, nil)
// A buildpack installation represents a buildpack that will be run
// against an app.
type BuildpackInstallation struct {
Buildpack struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // either the shorthand name (heroku official buildpacks) or url
// (unofficial buildpacks) of the buildpack for the app
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpack" url:"buildpack,key"` // buildpack
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal" url:"ordinal,key"` // determines the order in which the buildpacks will execute
type BuildpackInstallationUpdateOpts struct {
Updates []struct {
Buildpack string `json:"buildpack" url:"buildpack,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"updates" url:"updates,key"` // The buildpack attribute can accept a name, a url, or a urn.
type BuildpackInstallationUpdateResult []struct {
Buildpack struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // either the shorthand name (heroku official buildpacks) or url
// (unofficial buildpacks) of the buildpack for the app
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpack" url:"buildpack,key"` // buildpack
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal" url:"ordinal,key"` // determines the order in which the buildpacks will execute
// Update an app's buildpack installations.
func (s *Service) BuildpackInstallationUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o BuildpackInstallationUpdateOpts) (BuildpackInstallationUpdateResult, error) {
var buildpackInstallation BuildpackInstallationUpdateResult
return buildpackInstallation, s.Put(ctx, &buildpackInstallation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/buildpack-installations", appIdentity), o)
type BuildpackInstallationListResult []struct {
Buildpack struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // either the shorthand name (heroku official buildpacks) or url
// (unofficial buildpacks) of the buildpack for the app
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // location of the buildpack for the app. Either a url (unofficial
// buildpacks) or an internal urn (heroku official buildpacks).
} `json:"buildpack" url:"buildpack,key"` // buildpack
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal" url:"ordinal,key"` // determines the order in which the buildpacks will execute
// List an app's existing buildpack installations.
func (s *Service) BuildpackInstallationList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (BuildpackInstallationListResult, error) {
var buildpackInstallation BuildpackInstallationListResult
return buildpackInstallation, s.Get(ctx, &buildpackInstallation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/buildpack-installations", appIdentity), nil, lr)
// A collaborator represents an account that has been given access to an
// app on Heroku.
type Collaborator struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
type CollaboratorCreateOpts struct {
Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty" url:"silent,omitempty,key"` // whether to suppress email invitation when creating collaborator
User string `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // unique email address of account
type CollaboratorCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Create a new collaborator.
func (s *Service) CollaboratorCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o CollaboratorCreateOpts) (*CollaboratorCreateResult, error) {
var collaborator CollaboratorCreateResult
return &collaborator, s.Post(ctx, &collaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/collaborators", appIdentity), o)
type CollaboratorDeleteResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Delete an existing collaborator.
func (s *Service) CollaboratorDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, collaboratorIdentity string) (*CollaboratorDeleteResult, error) {
var collaborator CollaboratorDeleteResult
return &collaborator, s.Delete(ctx, &collaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/collaborators/%v", appIdentity, collaboratorIdentity))
type CollaboratorInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Info for existing collaborator.
func (s *Service) CollaboratorInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, collaboratorIdentity string) (*CollaboratorInfoResult, error) {
var collaborator CollaboratorInfoResult
return &collaborator, s.Get(ctx, &collaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/collaborators/%v", appIdentity, collaboratorIdentity), nil, nil)
type CollaboratorListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// List existing collaborators.
func (s *Service) CollaboratorList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (CollaboratorListResult, error) {
var collaborator CollaboratorListResult
return collaborator, s.Get(ctx, &collaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/collaborators", appIdentity), nil, lr)
// Config Vars allow you to manage the configuration information
// provided to an app on Heroku.
type ConfigVar map[string]string
type ConfigVarInfoForAppResult map[string]*string
// Get config-vars for app.
func (s *Service) ConfigVarInfoForApp(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string) (ConfigVarInfoForAppResult, error) {
var configVar ConfigVarInfoForAppResult
return configVar, s.Get(ctx, &configVar, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/config-vars", appIdentity), nil, nil)
type ConfigVarInfoForAppReleaseResult map[string]*string
// Get config-vars for a release.
func (s *Service) ConfigVarInfoForAppRelease(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, releaseIdentity string) (ConfigVarInfoForAppReleaseResult, error) {
var configVar ConfigVarInfoForAppReleaseResult
return configVar, s.Get(ctx, &configVar, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/releases/%v/config-vars", appIdentity, releaseIdentity), nil, nil)
type ConfigVarUpdateResult map[string]*string
// Update config-vars for app. You can update existing config-vars by
// setting them again, and remove by setting it to `null`.
func (s *Service) ConfigVarUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o map[string]*string) (ConfigVarUpdateResult, error) {
var configVar ConfigVarUpdateResult
return configVar, s.Patch(ctx, &configVar, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/config-vars", appIdentity), o)
// A credit represents value that will be used up before further charges
// are assigned to an account.
type Credit struct {
Amount float64 `json:"amount" url:"amount,key"` // total value of credit in cents
Balance float64 `json:"balance" url:"balance,key"` // remaining value of credit in cents
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when credit was created
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at" url:"expires_at,key"` // when credit will expire
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of credit
Title string `json:"title" url:"title,key"` // a name for credit
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when credit was updated
type CreditCreateOpts struct {
Code1 *string `json:"code1,omitempty" url:"code1,omitempty,key"` // first code from a discount card
Code2 *string `json:"code2,omitempty" url:"code2,omitempty,key"` // second code from a discount card
type CreditCreateResult struct {
Amount float64 `json:"amount" url:"amount,key"` // total value of credit in cents
Balance float64 `json:"balance" url:"balance,key"` // remaining value of credit in cents
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when credit was created
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at" url:"expires_at,key"` // when credit will expire
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of credit
Title string `json:"title" url:"title,key"` // a name for credit
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when credit was updated
// Create a new credit.
func (s *Service) CreditCreate(ctx context.Context, o CreditCreateOpts) (*CreditCreateResult, error) {
var credit CreditCreateResult
return &credit, s.Post(ctx, &credit, fmt.Sprintf("/account/credits"), o)
type CreditInfoResult struct {
Amount float64 `json:"amount" url:"amount,key"` // total value of credit in cents
Balance float64 `json:"balance" url:"balance,key"` // remaining value of credit in cents
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when credit was created
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at" url:"expires_at,key"` // when credit will expire
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of credit
Title string `json:"title" url:"title,key"` // a name for credit
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when credit was updated
// Info for existing credit.
func (s *Service) CreditInfo(ctx context.Context, creditIdentity string) (*CreditInfoResult, error) {
var credit CreditInfoResult
return &credit, s.Get(ctx, &credit, fmt.Sprintf("/account/credits/%v", creditIdentity), nil, nil)
type CreditListResult []struct {
Amount float64 `json:"amount" url:"amount,key"` // total value of credit in cents
Balance float64 `json:"balance" url:"balance,key"` // remaining value of credit in cents
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when credit was created
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at" url:"expires_at,key"` // when credit will expire
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of credit
Title string `json:"title" url:"title,key"` // a name for credit
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when credit was updated
// List existing credits.
func (s *Service) CreditList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (CreditListResult, error) {
var credit CreditListResult
return credit, s.Get(ctx, &credit, fmt.Sprintf("/account/credits"), nil, lr)
// Domains define what web routes should be routed to an app on Heroku.
type Domain struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that owns the domain
CName *string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when domain was created
Hostname string `json:"hostname" url:"hostname,key"` // full hostname
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this domain
Kind string `json:"kind" url:"kind,key"` // type of domain name
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of this record's cname
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when domain was updated
type DomainCreateOpts struct {
Hostname string `json:"hostname" url:"hostname,key"` // full hostname
type DomainCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that owns the domain
CName *string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when domain was created
Hostname string `json:"hostname" url:"hostname,key"` // full hostname
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this domain
Kind string `json:"kind" url:"kind,key"` // type of domain name
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of this record's cname
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when domain was updated
// Create a new domain.
func (s *Service) DomainCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o DomainCreateOpts) (*DomainCreateResult, error) {
var domain DomainCreateResult
return &domain, s.Post(ctx, &domain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/domains", appIdentity), o)
type DomainDeleteResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that owns the domain
CName *string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when domain was created
Hostname string `json:"hostname" url:"hostname,key"` // full hostname
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this domain
Kind string `json:"kind" url:"kind,key"` // type of domain name
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of this record's cname
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when domain was updated
// Delete an existing domain
func (s *Service) DomainDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, domainIdentity string) (*DomainDeleteResult, error) {
var domain DomainDeleteResult
return &domain, s.Delete(ctx, &domain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/domains/%v", appIdentity, domainIdentity))
type DomainInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that owns the domain
CName *string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when domain was created
Hostname string `json:"hostname" url:"hostname,key"` // full hostname
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this domain
Kind string `json:"kind" url:"kind,key"` // type of domain name
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of this record's cname
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when domain was updated
// Info for existing domain.
func (s *Service) DomainInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, domainIdentity string) (*DomainInfoResult, error) {
var domain DomainInfoResult
return &domain, s.Get(ctx, &domain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/domains/%v", appIdentity, domainIdentity), nil, nil)
type DomainListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app that owns the domain
CName *string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when domain was created
Hostname string `json:"hostname" url:"hostname,key"` // full hostname
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this domain
Kind string `json:"kind" url:"kind,key"` // type of domain name
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of this record's cname
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when domain was updated
// List existing domains.
func (s *Service) DomainList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (DomainListResult, error) {
var domain DomainListResult
return domain, s.Get(ctx, &domain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/domains", appIdentity), nil, lr)
// Dynos encapsulate running processes of an app on Heroku. Detailed
// information about dyno sizes can be found at:
// [https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dyno-types](https://devcenter.h
// eroku.com/articles/dyno-types).
type Dyno struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
AttachURL *string `json:"attach_url" url:"attach_url,key"` // a URL to stream output from for attached processes or null for
// non-attached processes
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command used to start this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when dyno was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this process on this dyno
Release struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // app release of the dyno
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // current status of process (either: crashed, down, idle, starting, or
// up)
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when process last changed state
type DynoCreateOpts struct {
Attach *bool `json:"attach,omitempty" url:"attach,omitempty,key"` // whether to stream output or not
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command used to start this process
Env *map[string]string `json:"env,omitempty" url:"env,omitempty,key"` // custom environment to add to the dyno config vars
ForceNoTty *bool `json:"force_no_tty,omitempty" url:"force_no_tty,omitempty,key"` // force an attached one-off dyno to not run in a tty
Size *string `json:"size,omitempty" url:"size,omitempty,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
TimeToLive *int `json:"time_to_live,omitempty" url:"time_to_live,omitempty,key"` // seconds until dyno expires, after which it will soon be killed
Type *string `json:"type,omitempty" url:"type,omitempty,key"` // type of process
type DynoCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
AttachURL *string `json:"attach_url" url:"attach_url,key"` // a URL to stream output from for attached processes or null for
// non-attached processes
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command used to start this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when dyno was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this process on this dyno
Release struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // app release of the dyno
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // current status of process (either: crashed, down, idle, starting, or
// up)
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when process last changed state
// Create a new dyno.
func (s *Service) DynoCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o DynoCreateOpts) (*DynoCreateResult, error) {
var dyno DynoCreateResult
return &dyno, s.Post(ctx, &dyno, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/dynos", appIdentity), o)
type DynoRestartResult struct{}
// Restart dyno.
func (s *Service) DynoRestart(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, dynoIdentity string) (DynoRestartResult, error) {
var dyno DynoRestartResult
return dyno, s.Delete(ctx, &dyno, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/dynos/%v", appIdentity, dynoIdentity))
type DynoRestartAllResult struct{}
// Restart all dynos.
func (s *Service) DynoRestartAll(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string) (DynoRestartAllResult, error) {
var dyno DynoRestartAllResult
return dyno, s.Delete(ctx, &dyno, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/dynos", appIdentity))
type DynoStopResult struct{}
// Stop dyno.
func (s *Service) DynoStop(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, dynoIdentity string) (DynoStopResult, error) {
var dyno DynoStopResult
return dyno, s.Post(ctx, &dyno, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/dynos/%v/actions/stop", appIdentity, dynoIdentity), nil)
type DynoInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
AttachURL *string `json:"attach_url" url:"attach_url,key"` // a URL to stream output from for attached processes or null for
// non-attached processes
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command used to start this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when dyno was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this process on this dyno
Release struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // app release of the dyno
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // current status of process (either: crashed, down, idle, starting, or
// up)
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when process last changed state
// Info for existing dyno.
func (s *Service) DynoInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, dynoIdentity string) (*DynoInfoResult, error) {
var dyno DynoInfoResult
return &dyno, s.Get(ctx, &dyno, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/dynos/%v", appIdentity, dynoIdentity), nil, nil)
type DynoListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
AttachURL *string `json:"attach_url" url:"attach_url,key"` // a URL to stream output from for attached processes or null for
// non-attached processes
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command used to start this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when dyno was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this process on this dyno
Release struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // app release of the dyno
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // current status of process (either: crashed, down, idle, starting, or
// up)
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when process last changed state
// List existing dynos.
func (s *Service) DynoList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (DynoListResult, error) {
var dyno DynoListResult
return dyno, s.Get(ctx, &dyno, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/dynos", appIdentity), nil, lr)
// Dyno sizes are the values and details of sizes that can be assigned
// to dynos. This information can also be found at :
// [https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dyno-types](https://devcenter.h
// eroku.com/articles/dyno-types).
type DynoSize struct {
Compute int `json:"compute" url:"compute,key"` // minimum vCPUs, non-dedicated may get more depending on load
Cost *struct{} `json:"cost" url:"cost,key"` // price information for this dyno size
Dedicated bool `json:"dedicated" url:"dedicated,key"` // whether this dyno will be dedicated to one user
DynoUnits int `json:"dyno_units" url:"dyno_units,key"` // unit of consumption for Heroku Enterprise customers
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno size
Memory float64 `json:"memory" url:"memory,key"` // amount of RAM in GB
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this dyno-size
PrivateSpaceOnly bool `json:"private_space_only" url:"private_space_only,key"` // whether this dyno can only be provisioned in a private space
type DynoSizeInfoResult struct {
Compute int `json:"compute" url:"compute,key"` // minimum vCPUs, non-dedicated may get more depending on load
Cost *struct{} `json:"cost" url:"cost,key"` // price information for this dyno size
Dedicated bool `json:"dedicated" url:"dedicated,key"` // whether this dyno will be dedicated to one user
DynoUnits int `json:"dyno_units" url:"dyno_units,key"` // unit of consumption for Heroku Enterprise customers
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno size
Memory float64 `json:"memory" url:"memory,key"` // amount of RAM in GB
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this dyno-size
PrivateSpaceOnly bool `json:"private_space_only" url:"private_space_only,key"` // whether this dyno can only be provisioned in a private space
// Info for existing dyno size.
func (s *Service) DynoSizeInfo(ctx context.Context, dynoSizeIdentity string) (*DynoSizeInfoResult, error) {
var dynoSize DynoSizeInfoResult
return &dynoSize, s.Get(ctx, &dynoSize, fmt.Sprintf("/dyno-sizes/%v", dynoSizeIdentity), nil, nil)
type DynoSizeListResult []struct {
Compute int `json:"compute" url:"compute,key"` // minimum vCPUs, non-dedicated may get more depending on load
Cost *struct{} `json:"cost" url:"cost,key"` // price information for this dyno size
Dedicated bool `json:"dedicated" url:"dedicated,key"` // whether this dyno will be dedicated to one user
DynoUnits int `json:"dyno_units" url:"dyno_units,key"` // unit of consumption for Heroku Enterprise customers
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this dyno size
Memory float64 `json:"memory" url:"memory,key"` // amount of RAM in GB
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the name of this dyno-size
PrivateSpaceOnly bool `json:"private_space_only" url:"private_space_only,key"` // whether this dyno can only be provisioned in a private space
// List existing dyno sizes.
func (s *Service) DynoSizeList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (DynoSizeListResult, error) {
var dynoSize DynoSizeListResult
return dynoSize, s.Get(ctx, &dynoSize, fmt.Sprintf("/dyno-sizes"), nil, lr)
// An event represents an action performed on another API resource.
type Event struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // the operation performed on the resource
Actor struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"actor" url:"actor,key"` // user that performed the operation
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the event was created
Data struct {
AllowTracking bool `json:"allow_tracking" url:"allow_tracking,key"` // whether to allow third party web activity tracking
Beta bool `json:"beta" url:"beta,key"` // whether allowed to utilize beta Heroku features
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account was created
DefaultOrganization *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"default_organization" url:"default_organization,key"` // organization selected by default
DelinquentAt *time.Time `json:"delinquent_at" url:"delinquent_at,key"` // when account became delinquent
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
IdentityProvider *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
} `json:"identity_provider" url:"identity_provider,key"` // Identity Provider details for federated users.
LastLogin *time.Time `json:"last_login" url:"last_login,key"` // when account last authorized with Heroku
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
SuspendedAt *time.Time `json:"suspended_at" url:"suspended_at,key"` // when account was suspended
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether two-factor auth is enabled on the account
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account was updated
Verified bool `json:"verified" url:"verified,key"` // whether account has been verified with billing information
} `json:"data" url:"data,key"` // An account represents an individual signed up to use the Heroku
// platform.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an event
PreviousData struct{} `json:"previous_data" url:"previous_data,key"` // data fields that were changed during update with previous values
PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"published_at" url:"published_at,key"` // when the event was published
Resource string `json:"resource" url:"resource,key"` // the type of resource affected
Sequence *string `json:"sequence" url:"sequence,key"` // a numeric string representing the event's sequence
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the event was updated (same as created)
Version string `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // the event's API version string
// A failed event represents a failure of an action performed on another
// API resource.
type FailedEvent struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // The attempted operation performed on the resource.
Code *int `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // An HTTP status code.
ErrorID *string `json:"error_id" url:"error_id,key"` // ID of error raised.
Message string `json:"message" url:"message,key"` // A detailed error message.
Method string `json:"method" url:"method,key"` // The HTTP method type of the failed action.
Path string `json:"path" url:"path,key"` // The path of the attempted operation.
Resource *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // Unique identifier of a resource.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // the type of resource affected
} `json:"resource" url:"resource,key"` // The related resource of the failed action.
// Filters are special endpoints to allow for API consumers to specify a
// subset of resources to consume in order to reduce the number of
// requests that are performed. Each filter endpoint endpoint is
// responsible for determining its supported request format. The
// endpoints are over POST in order to handle large request bodies
// without hitting request uri query length limitations, but the
// requests themselves are idempotent and will not have side effects.
type FilterApps struct{}
type FilterAppsAppsOpts struct {
In *struct {
ID *[]*string `json:"id,omitempty" url:"id,omitempty,key"`
} `json:"in,omitempty" url:"in,omitempty,key"`
type FilterAppsAppsResult []struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Joined bool `json:"joined" url:"joined,key"` // is the current member a collaborator on this app.
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this app
Owner *struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Request an apps list filtered by app id.
func (s *Service) FilterAppsApps(ctx context.Context, o FilterAppsAppsOpts) (FilterAppsAppsResult, error) {
var filterApps FilterAppsAppsResult
return filterApps, s.Post(ctx, &filterApps, fmt.Sprintf("/filters/apps"), o)
// The formation of processes that should be maintained for an app.
// Update the formation to scale processes or change dyno sizes.
// Available process type names and commands are defined by the
// `process_types` attribute for the [slug](#slug) currently released on
// an app.
type Formation struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command to use to launch this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when process type was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this process type
Quantity int `json:"quantity" url:"quantity,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process to maintain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when dyno type was updated
type FormationInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command to use to launch this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when process type was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this process type
Quantity int `json:"quantity" url:"quantity,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process to maintain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when dyno type was updated
// Info for a process type
func (s *Service) FormationInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, formationIdentity string) (*FormationInfoResult, error) {
var formation FormationInfoResult
return &formation, s.Get(ctx, &formation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/formation/%v", appIdentity, formationIdentity), nil, nil)
type FormationListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command to use to launch this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when process type was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this process type
Quantity int `json:"quantity" url:"quantity,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process to maintain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when dyno type was updated
// List process type formation
func (s *Service) FormationList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (FormationListResult, error) {
var formation FormationListResult
return formation, s.Get(ctx, &formation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/formation", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type FormationBatchUpdateOpts struct {
Updates []struct {
Quantity *int `json:"quantity,omitempty" url:"quantity,omitempty,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size *string `json:"size,omitempty" url:"size,omitempty,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process to maintain
} `json:"updates" url:"updates,key"` // Array with formation updates. Each element must have "type", the id
// or name of the process type to be updated, and can optionally update
// its "quantity" or "size".
type FormationBatchUpdateResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command to use to launch this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when process type was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this process type
Quantity int `json:"quantity" url:"quantity,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process to maintain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when dyno type was updated
// Batch update process types
func (s *Service) FormationBatchUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o FormationBatchUpdateOpts) (FormationBatchUpdateResult, error) {
var formation FormationBatchUpdateResult
return formation, s.Patch(ctx, &formation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/formation", appIdentity), o)
type FormationUpdateOpts struct {
Quantity *int `json:"quantity,omitempty" url:"quantity,omitempty,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size *string `json:"size,omitempty" url:"size,omitempty,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
type FormationUpdateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app formation belongs to
Command string `json:"command" url:"command,key"` // command to use to launch this process
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when process type was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this process type
Quantity int `json:"quantity" url:"quantity,key"` // number of processes to maintain
Size string `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // dyno size (default: "standard-1X")
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of process to maintain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when dyno type was updated
// Update process type
func (s *Service) FormationUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, formationIdentity string, o FormationUpdateOpts) (*FormationUpdateResult, error) {
var formation FormationUpdateResult
return &formation, s.Patch(ctx, &formation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/formation/%v", appIdentity, formationIdentity), o)
// Identity Providers represent the SAML configuration of an
// Organization.
type IdentityProvider struct {
Certificate string `json:"certificate" url:"certificate,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when provider record was created
EntityID string `json:"entity_id" url:"entity_id,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization associated with this identity provider
SloTargetURL string `json:"slo_target_url" url:"slo_target_url,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL string `json:"sso_target_url" url:"sso_target_url,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the identity provider record was updated
type IdentityProviderListResult []struct {
Certificate string `json:"certificate" url:"certificate,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when provider record was created
EntityID string `json:"entity_id" url:"entity_id,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization associated with this identity provider
SloTargetURL string `json:"slo_target_url" url:"slo_target_url,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL string `json:"sso_target_url" url:"sso_target_url,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the identity provider record was updated
// Get a list of an organization's Identity Providers
func (s *Service) IdentityProviderList(ctx context.Context, organizationName string, lr *ListRange) (IdentityProviderListResult, error) {
var identityProvider IdentityProviderListResult
return identityProvider, s.Get(ctx, &identityProvider, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/identity-providers", organizationName), nil, lr)
type IdentityProviderCreateOpts struct {
Certificate string `json:"certificate" url:"certificate,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
EntityID string `json:"entity_id" url:"entity_id,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
SloTargetURL *string `json:"slo_target_url,omitempty" url:"slo_target_url,omitempty,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL string `json:"sso_target_url" url:"sso_target_url,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
type IdentityProviderCreateResult struct {
Certificate string `json:"certificate" url:"certificate,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when provider record was created
EntityID string `json:"entity_id" url:"entity_id,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization associated with this identity provider
SloTargetURL string `json:"slo_target_url" url:"slo_target_url,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL string `json:"sso_target_url" url:"sso_target_url,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the identity provider record was updated
// Create an Identity Provider for an organization
func (s *Service) IdentityProviderCreate(ctx context.Context, organizationName string, o IdentityProviderCreateOpts) (*IdentityProviderCreateResult, error) {
var identityProvider IdentityProviderCreateResult
return &identityProvider, s.Post(ctx, &identityProvider, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/identity-providers", organizationName), o)
type IdentityProviderUpdateOpts struct {
Certificate *string `json:"certificate,omitempty" url:"certificate,omitempty,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
EntityID *string `json:"entity_id,omitempty" url:"entity_id,omitempty,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
SloTargetURL *string `json:"slo_target_url,omitempty" url:"slo_target_url,omitempty,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL *string `json:"sso_target_url,omitempty" url:"sso_target_url,omitempty,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
type IdentityProviderUpdateResult struct {
Certificate string `json:"certificate" url:"certificate,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when provider record was created
EntityID string `json:"entity_id" url:"entity_id,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization associated with this identity provider
SloTargetURL string `json:"slo_target_url" url:"slo_target_url,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL string `json:"sso_target_url" url:"sso_target_url,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the identity provider record was updated
// Update an organization's Identity Provider
func (s *Service) IdentityProviderUpdate(ctx context.Context, organizationName string, identityProviderID string, o IdentityProviderUpdateOpts) (*IdentityProviderUpdateResult, error) {
var identityProvider IdentityProviderUpdateResult
return &identityProvider, s.Patch(ctx, &identityProvider, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/identity-providers/%v", organizationName, identityProviderID), o)
type IdentityProviderDeleteResult struct {
Certificate string `json:"certificate" url:"certificate,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when provider record was created
EntityID string `json:"entity_id" url:"entity_id,key"` // URL identifier provided by the identity provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this identity provider
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization associated with this identity provider
SloTargetURL string `json:"slo_target_url" url:"slo_target_url,key"` // single log out URL for this identity provider
SsoTargetURL string `json:"sso_target_url" url:"sso_target_url,key"` // single sign on URL for this identity provider
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the identity provider record was updated
// Delete an organization's Identity Provider
func (s *Service) IdentityProviderDelete(ctx context.Context, organizationName string, identityProviderID string) (*IdentityProviderDeleteResult, error) {
var identityProvider IdentityProviderDeleteResult
return &identityProvider, s.Delete(ctx, &identityProvider, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/identity-providers/%v", organizationName, identityProviderID))
// An inbound-ruleset is a collection of rules that specify what hosts
// can or cannot connect to an application.
type InboundRuleset struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when inbound-ruleset was created
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" url:"created_by,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an inbound-ruleset
Rules []struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // states whether the connection is allowed or denied
Source string `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // is the requests source in CIDR notation
} `json:"rules" url:"rules,key"`
type InboundRulesetInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when inbound-ruleset was created
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" url:"created_by,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an inbound-ruleset
Rules []struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // states whether the connection is allowed or denied
Source string `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // is the requests source in CIDR notation
} `json:"rules" url:"rules,key"`
// Current inbound ruleset for a space
func (s *Service) InboundRulesetInfo(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string) (*InboundRulesetInfoResult, error) {
var inboundRuleset InboundRulesetInfoResult
return &inboundRuleset, s.Get(ctx, &inboundRuleset, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/inbound-ruleset", spaceIdentity), nil, nil)
type InboundRulesetListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when inbound-ruleset was created
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" url:"created_by,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an inbound-ruleset
Rules []struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // states whether the connection is allowed or denied
Source string `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // is the requests source in CIDR notation
} `json:"rules" url:"rules,key"`
// List all inbound rulesets for a space
func (s *Service) InboundRulesetList(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (InboundRulesetListResult, error) {
var inboundRuleset InboundRulesetListResult
return inboundRuleset, s.Get(ctx, &inboundRuleset, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/inbound-rulesets", spaceIdentity), nil, lr)
type InboundRulesetCreateOpts struct {
Rules *[]*struct {
Action string `json:"action" url:"action,key"` // states whether the connection is allowed or denied
Source string `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // is the requests source in CIDR notation
} `json:"rules,omitempty" url:"rules,omitempty,key"`
// Create a new inbound ruleset
func (s *Service) InboundRulesetCreate(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, o InboundRulesetCreateOpts) (*InboundRuleset, error) {
var inboundRuleset InboundRuleset
return &inboundRuleset, s.Put(ctx, &inboundRuleset, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/inbound-ruleset", spaceIdentity), o)
// An invitation represents an invite sent to a user to use the Heroku
// platform.
type Invitation struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invitation was created
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"`
VerificationRequired bool `json:"verification_required" url:"verification_required,key"` // if the invitation requires verification
// Info for invitation.
func (s *Service) InvitationInfo(ctx context.Context, invitationIdentity string) (*Invitation, error) {
var invitation Invitation
return &invitation, s.Get(ctx, &invitation, fmt.Sprintf("/invitations/%v", invitationIdentity), nil, nil)
type InvitationCreateOpts struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
// Invite a user.
func (s *Service) InvitationCreate(ctx context.Context, o InvitationCreateOpts) (*Invitation, error) {
var invitation Invitation
return &invitation, s.Post(ctx, &invitation, fmt.Sprintf("/invitations"), o)
type InvitationSendVerificationCodeOpts struct {
Method *string `json:"method,omitempty" url:"method,omitempty,key"` // Transport used to send verification code
PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number" url:"phone_number,key"` // Phone number to send verification code
// Send a verification code for an invitation via SMS/phone call.
func (s *Service) InvitationSendVerificationCode(ctx context.Context, invitationIdentity string, o InvitationSendVerificationCodeOpts) (*Invitation, error) {
var invitation Invitation
return &invitation, s.Post(ctx, &invitation, fmt.Sprintf("/invitations/%v/actions/send-verification", invitationIdentity), o)
type InvitationVerifyOpts struct {
VerificationCode string `json:"verification_code" url:"verification_code,key"` // Value used to verify invitation
// Verify an invitation using a verification code.
func (s *Service) InvitationVerify(ctx context.Context, invitationIdentity string, o InvitationVerifyOpts) (*Invitation, error) {
var invitation Invitation
return &invitation, s.Post(ctx, &invitation, fmt.Sprintf("/invitations/%v/actions/verify", invitationIdentity), o)
type InvitationFinalizeOpts struct {
Password string `json:"password" url:"password,key"` // current password on the account
PasswordConfirmation string `json:"password_confirmation" url:"password_confirmation,key"` // current password on the account
ReceiveNewsletter *bool `json:"receive_newsletter,omitempty" url:"receive_newsletter,omitempty,key"` // whether this user should receive a newsletter or not
// Finalize Invitation and Create Account.
func (s *Service) InvitationFinalize(ctx context.Context, invitationIdentity string, o InvitationFinalizeOpts) (*Invitation, error) {
var invitation Invitation
return &invitation, s.Patch(ctx, &invitation, fmt.Sprintf("/invitations/%v", invitationIdentity), o)
// An invoice is an itemized bill of goods for an account which includes
// pricing and charges.
type Invoice struct {
ChargesTotal float64 `json:"charges_total" url:"charges_total,key"` // total charges on this invoice
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invoice was created
CreditsTotal float64 `json:"credits_total" url:"credits_total,key"` // total credits on this invoice
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this invoice
Number int `json:"number" url:"number,key"` // human readable invoice number
PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end" url:"period_end,key"` // the ending date that the invoice covers
PeriodStart string `json:"period_start" url:"period_start,key"` // the starting date that this invoice covers
State int `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // payment status for this invoice (pending, successful, failed)
Total float64 `json:"total" url:"total,key"` // combined total of charges and credits on this invoice
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invoice was updated
type InvoiceInfoResult struct {
ChargesTotal float64 `json:"charges_total" url:"charges_total,key"` // total charges on this invoice
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invoice was created
CreditsTotal float64 `json:"credits_total" url:"credits_total,key"` // total credits on this invoice
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this invoice
Number int `json:"number" url:"number,key"` // human readable invoice number
PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end" url:"period_end,key"` // the ending date that the invoice covers
PeriodStart string `json:"period_start" url:"period_start,key"` // the starting date that this invoice covers
State int `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // payment status for this invoice (pending, successful, failed)
Total float64 `json:"total" url:"total,key"` // combined total of charges and credits on this invoice
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invoice was updated
// Info for existing invoice.
func (s *Service) InvoiceInfo(ctx context.Context, invoiceIdentity int) (*InvoiceInfoResult, error) {
var invoice InvoiceInfoResult
return &invoice, s.Get(ctx, &invoice, fmt.Sprintf("/account/invoices/%v", invoiceIdentity), nil, nil)
type InvoiceListResult []struct {
ChargesTotal float64 `json:"charges_total" url:"charges_total,key"` // total charges on this invoice
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invoice was created
CreditsTotal float64 `json:"credits_total" url:"credits_total,key"` // total credits on this invoice
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this invoice
Number int `json:"number" url:"number,key"` // human readable invoice number
PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end" url:"period_end,key"` // the ending date that the invoice covers
PeriodStart string `json:"period_start" url:"period_start,key"` // the starting date that this invoice covers
State int `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // payment status for this invoice (pending, successful, failed)
Total float64 `json:"total" url:"total,key"` // combined total of charges and credits on this invoice
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invoice was updated
// List existing invoices.
func (s *Service) InvoiceList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (InvoiceListResult, error) {
var invoice InvoiceListResult
return invoice, s.Get(ctx, &invoice, fmt.Sprintf("/account/invoices"), nil, lr)
// An invoice address represents the address that should be listed on an
// invoice.
type InvoiceAddress struct {
Address1 string `json:"address_1" url:"address_1,key"` // invoice street address line 1
Address2 string `json:"address_2" url:"address_2,key"` // invoice street address line 2
City string `json:"city" url:"city,key"` // invoice city
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country
HerokuID string `json:"heroku_id" url:"heroku_id,key"` // heroku_id identifier reference
Other string `json:"other" url:"other,key"` // metadata / additional information to go on invoice
PostalCode string `json:"postal_code" url:"postal_code,key"` // invoice zip code
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // invoice state
UseInvoiceAddress bool `json:"use_invoice_address" url:"use_invoice_address,key"` // flag to use the invoice address for an account or not
// Retrieve existing invoice address.
func (s *Service) InvoiceAddressInfo(ctx context.Context) (*InvoiceAddress, error) {
var invoiceAddress InvoiceAddress
return &invoiceAddress, s.Get(ctx, &invoiceAddress, fmt.Sprintf("/account/invoice-address"), nil, nil)
type InvoiceAddressUpdateOpts struct {
Address1 *string `json:"address_1,omitempty" url:"address_1,omitempty,key"` // invoice street address line 1
Address2 *string `json:"address_2,omitempty" url:"address_2,omitempty,key"` // invoice street address line 2
City *string `json:"city,omitempty" url:"city,omitempty,key"` // invoice city
Country *string `json:"country,omitempty" url:"country,omitempty,key"` // country
Other *string `json:"other,omitempty" url:"other,omitempty,key"` // metadata / additional information to go on invoice
PostalCode *string `json:"postal_code,omitempty" url:"postal_code,omitempty,key"` // invoice zip code
State *string `json:"state,omitempty" url:"state,omitempty,key"` // invoice state
UseInvoiceAddress *bool `json:"use_invoice_address,omitempty" url:"use_invoice_address,omitempty,key"` // flag to use the invoice address for an account or not
// Update invoice address for an account.
func (s *Service) InvoiceAddressUpdate(ctx context.Context, o InvoiceAddressUpdateOpts) (*InvoiceAddress, error) {
var invoiceAddress InvoiceAddress
return &invoiceAddress, s.Put(ctx, &invoiceAddress, fmt.Sprintf("/account/invoice-address"), o)
// Keys represent public SSH keys associated with an account and are
// used to authorize accounts as they are performing git operations.
type Key struct {
Comment string `json:"comment" url:"comment,key"` // comment on the key
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when key was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // deprecated. Please refer to 'comment' instead
Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint" url:"fingerprint,key"` // a unique identifying string based on contents
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this key
PublicKey string `json:"public_key" url:"public_key,key"` // full public_key as uploaded
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when key was updated
type KeyInfoResult struct {
Comment string `json:"comment" url:"comment,key"` // comment on the key
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when key was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // deprecated. Please refer to 'comment' instead
Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint" url:"fingerprint,key"` // a unique identifying string based on contents
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this key
PublicKey string `json:"public_key" url:"public_key,key"` // full public_key as uploaded
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when key was updated
// Info for existing key.
func (s *Service) KeyInfo(ctx context.Context, keyIdentity string) (*KeyInfoResult, error) {
var key KeyInfoResult
return &key, s.Get(ctx, &key, fmt.Sprintf("/account/keys/%v", keyIdentity), nil, nil)
type KeyListResult []struct {
Comment string `json:"comment" url:"comment,key"` // comment on the key
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when key was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // deprecated. Please refer to 'comment' instead
Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint" url:"fingerprint,key"` // a unique identifying string based on contents
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this key
PublicKey string `json:"public_key" url:"public_key,key"` // full public_key as uploaded
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when key was updated
// List existing keys.
func (s *Service) KeyList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (KeyListResult, error) {
var key KeyListResult
return key, s.Get(ctx, &key, fmt.Sprintf("/account/keys"), nil, lr)
// [Log drains](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/log-drains)
// provide a way to forward your Heroku logs to an external syslog
// server for long-term archiving. This external service must be
// configured to receive syslog packets from Heroku, whereupon its URL
// can be added to an app using this API. Some add-ons will add a log
// drain when they are provisioned to an app. These drains can only be
// removed by removing the add-on.
type LogDrain struct {
Addon *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // add-on that created the drain
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log drain was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log drain
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // token associated with the log drain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log drain was updated
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // url associated with the log drain
type LogDrainCreateOpts struct {
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // url associated with the log drain
type LogDrainCreateResult struct {
Addon *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // add-on that created the drain
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log drain was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log drain
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // token associated with the log drain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log drain was updated
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // url associated with the log drain
// Create a new log drain.
func (s *Service) LogDrainCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o LogDrainCreateOpts) (*LogDrainCreateResult, error) {
var logDrain LogDrainCreateResult
return &logDrain, s.Post(ctx, &logDrain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/log-drains", appIdentity), o)
type LogDrainDeleteResult struct {
Addon *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // add-on that created the drain
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log drain was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log drain
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // token associated with the log drain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log drain was updated
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // url associated with the log drain
// Delete an existing log drain. Log drains added by add-ons can only be
// removed by removing the add-on.
func (s *Service) LogDrainDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, logDrainQueryIdentity string) (*LogDrainDeleteResult, error) {
var logDrain LogDrainDeleteResult
return &logDrain, s.Delete(ctx, &logDrain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/log-drains/%v", appIdentity, logDrainQueryIdentity))
type LogDrainInfoResult struct {
Addon *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // add-on that created the drain
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log drain was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log drain
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // token associated with the log drain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log drain was updated
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // url associated with the log drain
// Info for existing log drain.
func (s *Service) LogDrainInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, logDrainQueryIdentity string) (*LogDrainInfoResult, error) {
var logDrain LogDrainInfoResult
return &logDrain, s.Get(ctx, &logDrain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/log-drains/%v", appIdentity, logDrainQueryIdentity), nil, nil)
type LogDrainListResult []struct {
Addon *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
} `json:"addon" url:"addon,key"` // add-on that created the drain
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log drain was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log drain
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // token associated with the log drain
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log drain was updated
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // url associated with the log drain
// List existing log drains.
func (s *Service) LogDrainList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (LogDrainListResult, error) {
var logDrain LogDrainListResult
return logDrain, s.Get(ctx, &logDrain, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/log-drains", appIdentity), nil, lr)
// A log session is a reference to the http based log stream for an app.
type LogSession struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log connection was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log session
LogplexURL string `json:"logplex_url" url:"logplex_url,key"` // URL for log streaming session
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log session was updated
type LogSessionCreateOpts struct {
Dyno *string `json:"dyno,omitempty" url:"dyno,omitempty,key"` // dyno to limit results to
Lines *int `json:"lines,omitempty" url:"lines,omitempty,key"` // number of log lines to stream at once
Source *string `json:"source,omitempty" url:"source,omitempty,key"` // log source to limit results to
Tail *bool `json:"tail,omitempty" url:"tail,omitempty,key"` // whether to stream ongoing logs
type LogSessionCreateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when log connection was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this log session
LogplexURL string `json:"logplex_url" url:"logplex_url,key"` // URL for log streaming session
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when log session was updated
// Create a new log session.
func (s *Service) LogSessionCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o LogSessionCreateOpts) (*LogSessionCreateResult, error) {
var logSession LogSessionCreateResult
return &logSession, s.Post(ctx, &logSession, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/log-sessions", appIdentity), o)
// OAuth authorizations represent clients that a Heroku user has
// authorized to automate, customize or extend their usage of the
// platform. For more information please refer to the [Heroku OAuth
// documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/oauth)
type OAuthAuthorization struct {
AccessToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // access token for this authorization
Client *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // identifier of the client that obtained this authorization, if any
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was created
Grant *struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth grant expires
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth grant
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // this authorization's grant
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
RefreshToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
FullName *string `json:"full_name" url:"full_name,key"` // full name of the account owner
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // authenticated user associated with this authorization
type OAuthAuthorizationCreateOpts struct {
Client *string `json:"client,omitempty" url:"client,omitempty,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" url:"description,omitempty,key"` // human-friendly description of this OAuth authorization
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in,omitempty" url:"expires_in,omitempty,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
type OAuthAuthorizationCreateResult struct {
AccessToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // access token for this authorization
Client *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // identifier of the client that obtained this authorization, if any
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was created
Grant *struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth grant expires
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth grant
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // this authorization's grant
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
RefreshToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
FullName *string `json:"full_name" url:"full_name,key"` // full name of the account owner
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // authenticated user associated with this authorization
// Create a new OAuth authorization.
func (s *Service) OAuthAuthorizationCreate(ctx context.Context, o OAuthAuthorizationCreateOpts) (*OAuthAuthorizationCreateResult, error) {
var oauthAuthorization OAuthAuthorizationCreateResult
return &oauthAuthorization, s.Post(ctx, &oauthAuthorization, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/authorizations"), o)
type OAuthAuthorizationDeleteResult struct {
AccessToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // access token for this authorization
Client *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // identifier of the client that obtained this authorization, if any
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was created
Grant *struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth grant expires
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth grant
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // this authorization's grant
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
RefreshToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
FullName *string `json:"full_name" url:"full_name,key"` // full name of the account owner
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // authenticated user associated with this authorization
// Delete OAuth authorization.
func (s *Service) OAuthAuthorizationDelete(ctx context.Context, oauthAuthorizationIdentity string) (*OAuthAuthorizationDeleteResult, error) {
var oauthAuthorization OAuthAuthorizationDeleteResult
return &oauthAuthorization, s.Delete(ctx, &oauthAuthorization, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/authorizations/%v", oauthAuthorizationIdentity))
type OAuthAuthorizationInfoResult struct {
AccessToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // access token for this authorization
Client *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // identifier of the client that obtained this authorization, if any
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was created
Grant *struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth grant expires
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth grant
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // this authorization's grant
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
RefreshToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
FullName *string `json:"full_name" url:"full_name,key"` // full name of the account owner
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // authenticated user associated with this authorization
// Info for an OAuth authorization.
func (s *Service) OAuthAuthorizationInfo(ctx context.Context, oauthAuthorizationIdentity string) (*OAuthAuthorizationInfoResult, error) {
var oauthAuthorization OAuthAuthorizationInfoResult
return &oauthAuthorization, s.Get(ctx, &oauthAuthorization, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/authorizations/%v", oauthAuthorizationIdentity), nil, nil)
type OAuthAuthorizationListResult []struct {
AccessToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // access token for this authorization
Client *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // identifier of the client that obtained this authorization, if any
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was created
Grant *struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth grant expires
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth grant
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // this authorization's grant
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
RefreshToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
FullName *string `json:"full_name" url:"full_name,key"` // full name of the account owner
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // authenticated user associated with this authorization
// List OAuth authorizations.
func (s *Service) OAuthAuthorizationList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (OAuthAuthorizationListResult, error) {
var oauthAuthorization OAuthAuthorizationListResult
return oauthAuthorization, s.Get(ctx, &oauthAuthorization, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/authorizations"), nil, lr)
type OAuthAuthorizationRegenerateResult struct {
AccessToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // access token for this authorization
Client *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // identifier of the client that obtained this authorization, if any
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was created
Grant *struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth grant expires
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth grant
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // this authorization's grant
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
RefreshToken *struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Scope []string `json:"scope" url:"scope,key"` // The scope of access OAuth authorization allows
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth authorization was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
FullName *string `json:"full_name" url:"full_name,key"` // full name of the account owner
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // authenticated user associated with this authorization
// Regenerate OAuth tokens. This endpoint is only available to direct
// authorizations or privileged OAuth clients.
func (s *Service) OAuthAuthorizationRegenerate(ctx context.Context, oauthAuthorizationIdentity string) (*OAuthAuthorizationRegenerateResult, error) {
var oauthAuthorization OAuthAuthorizationRegenerateResult
return &oauthAuthorization, s.Post(ctx, &oauthAuthorization, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/authorizations/%v/actions/regenerate-tokens", oauthAuthorizationIdentity), nil)
// OAuth clients are applications that Heroku users can authorize to
// automate, customize or extend their usage of the platform. For more
// information please refer to the [Heroku OAuth
// documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/oauth).
type OAuthClient struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth client was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
IgnoresDelinquent *bool `json:"ignores_delinquent" url:"ignores_delinquent,key"` // whether the client is still operable given a delinquent account
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth client was updated
type OAuthClientCreateOpts struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
type OAuthClientCreateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth client was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
IgnoresDelinquent *bool `json:"ignores_delinquent" url:"ignores_delinquent,key"` // whether the client is still operable given a delinquent account
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth client was updated
// Create a new OAuth client.
func (s *Service) OAuthClientCreate(ctx context.Context, o OAuthClientCreateOpts) (*OAuthClientCreateResult, error) {
var oauthClient OAuthClientCreateResult
return &oauthClient, s.Post(ctx, &oauthClient, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/clients"), o)
type OAuthClientDeleteResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth client was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
IgnoresDelinquent *bool `json:"ignores_delinquent" url:"ignores_delinquent,key"` // whether the client is still operable given a delinquent account
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth client was updated
// Delete OAuth client.
func (s *Service) OAuthClientDelete(ctx context.Context, oauthClientIdentity string) (*OAuthClientDeleteResult, error) {
var oauthClient OAuthClientDeleteResult
return &oauthClient, s.Delete(ctx, &oauthClient, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/clients/%v", oauthClientIdentity))
// Info for an OAuth client
func (s *Service) OAuthClientInfo(ctx context.Context, oauthClientIdentity string) (*OAuthClient, error) {
var oauthClient OAuthClient
return &oauthClient, s.Get(ctx, &oauthClient, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/clients/%v", oauthClientIdentity), nil, nil)
type OAuthClientListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth client was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
IgnoresDelinquent *bool `json:"ignores_delinquent" url:"ignores_delinquent,key"` // whether the client is still operable given a delinquent account
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth client was updated
// List OAuth clients
func (s *Service) OAuthClientList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (OAuthClientListResult, error) {
var oauthClient OAuthClientListResult
return oauthClient, s.Get(ctx, &oauthClient, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/clients"), nil, lr)
type OAuthClientUpdateOpts struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI *string `json:"redirect_uri,omitempty" url:"redirect_uri,omitempty,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
type OAuthClientUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth client was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
IgnoresDelinquent *bool `json:"ignores_delinquent" url:"ignores_delinquent,key"` // whether the client is still operable given a delinquent account
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth client was updated
// Update OAuth client
func (s *Service) OAuthClientUpdate(ctx context.Context, oauthClientIdentity string, o OAuthClientUpdateOpts) (*OAuthClientUpdateResult, error) {
var oauthClient OAuthClientUpdateResult
return &oauthClient, s.Patch(ctx, &oauthClient, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/clients/%v", oauthClientIdentity), o)
type OAuthClientRotateCredentialsResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth client was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this OAuth client
IgnoresDelinquent *bool `json:"ignores_delinquent" url:"ignores_delinquent,key"` // whether the client is still operable given a delinquent account
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // OAuth client name
RedirectURI string `json:"redirect_uri" url:"redirect_uri,key"` // endpoint for redirection after authorization with OAuth client
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth client was updated
// Rotate credentials for an OAuth client
func (s *Service) OAuthClientRotateCredentials(ctx context.Context, oauthClientIdentity string) (*OAuthClientRotateCredentialsResult, error) {
var oauthClient OAuthClientRotateCredentialsResult
return &oauthClient, s.Post(ctx, &oauthClient, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/clients/%v/actions/rotate-credentials", oauthClientIdentity), nil)
// OAuth grants are used to obtain authorizations on behalf of a user.
// For more information please refer to the [Heroku OAuth
// documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/oauth)
type OAuthGrant struct{}
// OAuth tokens provide access for authorized clients to act on behalf
// of a Heroku user to automate, customize or extend their usage of the
// platform. For more information please refer to the [Heroku OAuth
// documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/oauth)
type OAuthToken struct {
AccessToken struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // current access token
Authorization struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
} `json:"authorization" url:"authorization,key"` // authorization for this set of tokens
Client *struct {
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // OAuth client secret used to obtain token
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth token was created
Grant struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of grant requested, one of `authorization_code` or
// `refresh_token`
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // grant used on the underlying authorization
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
RefreshToken struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Session struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
} `json:"session" url:"session,key"` // OAuth session using this token
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth token was updated
User struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // Reference to the user associated with this token
type OAuthTokenCreateOpts struct {
Client struct {
Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty" url:"secret,omitempty,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"`
Grant struct {
Code *string `json:"code,omitempty" url:"code,omitempty,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
Type *string `json:"type,omitempty" url:"type,omitempty,key"` // type of grant requested, one of `authorization_code` or
// `refresh_token`
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"`
RefreshToken struct {
Token *string `json:"token,omitempty" url:"token,omitempty,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"`
type OAuthTokenCreateResult struct {
AccessToken struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // current access token
Authorization struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
} `json:"authorization" url:"authorization,key"` // authorization for this set of tokens
Client *struct {
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // OAuth client secret used to obtain token
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth token was created
Grant struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of grant requested, one of `authorization_code` or
// `refresh_token`
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // grant used on the underlying authorization
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
RefreshToken struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Session struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
} `json:"session" url:"session,key"` // OAuth session using this token
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth token was updated
User struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // Reference to the user associated with this token
// Create a new OAuth token.
func (s *Service) OAuthTokenCreate(ctx context.Context, o OAuthTokenCreateOpts) (*OAuthTokenCreateResult, error) {
var oauthToken OAuthTokenCreateResult
return &oauthToken, s.Post(ctx, &oauthToken, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/tokens"), o)
type OAuthTokenDeleteResult struct {
AccessToken struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"access_token" url:"access_token,key"` // current access token
Authorization struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth authorization
} `json:"authorization" url:"authorization,key"` // authorization for this set of tokens
Client *struct {
Secret string `json:"secret" url:"secret,key"` // secret used to obtain OAuth authorizations under this client
} `json:"client" url:"client,key"` // OAuth client secret used to obtain token
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when OAuth token was created
Grant struct {
Code string `json:"code" url:"code,key"` // grant code received from OAuth web application authorization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of grant requested, one of `authorization_code` or
// `refresh_token`
} `json:"grant" url:"grant,key"` // grant used on the underlying authorization
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
RefreshToken struct {
ExpiresIn *int `json:"expires_in" url:"expires_in,key"` // seconds until OAuth token expires; may be `null` for tokens with
// indefinite lifetime
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
Token string `json:"token" url:"token,key"` // contents of the token to be used for authorization
} `json:"refresh_token" url:"refresh_token,key"` // refresh token for this authorization
Session struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of OAuth token
} `json:"session" url:"session,key"` // OAuth session using this token
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when OAuth token was updated
User struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // Reference to the user associated with this token
// Revoke OAuth access token.
func (s *Service) OAuthTokenDelete(ctx context.Context, oauthTokenIdentity string) (*OAuthTokenDeleteResult, error) {
var oauthToken OAuthTokenDeleteResult
return &oauthToken, s.Delete(ctx, &oauthToken, fmt.Sprintf("/oauth/tokens/%v", oauthTokenIdentity))
// Organizations allow you to manage access to a shared group of
// applications across your development team.
type Organization struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the organization was created
CreditCardCollections bool `json:"credit_card_collections" url:"credit_card_collections,key"` // whether charges incurred by the org are paid by credit card.
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether to use this organization when none is specified
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
MembershipLimit *float64 `json:"membership_limit" url:"membership_limit,key"` // upper limit of members allowed in an organization.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
ProvisionedLicenses bool `json:"provisioned_licenses" url:"provisioned_licenses,key"` // whether the org is provisioned licenses by salesforce.
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of organization.
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the organization was updated
type OrganizationListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the organization was created
CreditCardCollections bool `json:"credit_card_collections" url:"credit_card_collections,key"` // whether charges incurred by the org are paid by credit card.
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether to use this organization when none is specified
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
MembershipLimit *float64 `json:"membership_limit" url:"membership_limit,key"` // upper limit of members allowed in an organization.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
ProvisionedLicenses bool `json:"provisioned_licenses" url:"provisioned_licenses,key"` // whether the org is provisioned licenses by salesforce.
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of organization.
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the organization was updated
// List organizations in which you are a member.
func (s *Service) OrganizationList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationListResult, error) {
var organization OrganizationListResult
return organization, s.Get(ctx, &organization, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations"), nil, lr)
// Info for an organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationInfo(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string) (*Organization, error) {
var organization Organization
return &organization, s.Get(ctx, &organization, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v", organizationIdentity), nil, nil)
type OrganizationUpdateOpts struct {
Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty" url:"default,omitempty,key"` // whether to use this organization when none is specified
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of organization
type OrganizationUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the organization was created
CreditCardCollections bool `json:"credit_card_collections" url:"credit_card_collections,key"` // whether charges incurred by the org are paid by credit card.
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether to use this organization when none is specified
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
MembershipLimit *float64 `json:"membership_limit" url:"membership_limit,key"` // upper limit of members allowed in an organization.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
ProvisionedLicenses bool `json:"provisioned_licenses" url:"provisioned_licenses,key"` // whether the org is provisioned licenses by salesforce.
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of organization.
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the organization was updated
// Update organization properties.
func (s *Service) OrganizationUpdate(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, o OrganizationUpdateOpts) (*OrganizationUpdateResult, error) {
var organization OrganizationUpdateResult
return &organization, s.Patch(ctx, &organization, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v", organizationIdentity), o)
type OrganizationCreateOpts struct {
Address1 *string `json:"address_1,omitempty" url:"address_1,omitempty,key"` // street address line 1
Address2 *string `json:"address_2,omitempty" url:"address_2,omitempty,key"` // street address line 2
CardNumber *string `json:"card_number,omitempty" url:"card_number,omitempty,key"` // encrypted card number of payment method
City *string `json:"city,omitempty" url:"city,omitempty,key"` // city
Country *string `json:"country,omitempty" url:"country,omitempty,key"` // country
Cvv *string `json:"cvv,omitempty" url:"cvv,omitempty,key"` // card verification value
ExpirationMonth *string `json:"expiration_month,omitempty" url:"expiration_month,omitempty,key"` // expiration month
ExpirationYear *string `json:"expiration_year,omitempty" url:"expiration_year,omitempty,key"` // expiration year
FirstName *string `json:"first_name,omitempty" url:"first_name,omitempty,key"` // the first name for payment method
LastName *string `json:"last_name,omitempty" url:"last_name,omitempty,key"` // the last name for payment method
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
Other *string `json:"other,omitempty" url:"other,omitempty,key"` // metadata
PostalCode *string `json:"postal_code,omitempty" url:"postal_code,omitempty,key"` // postal code
State *string `json:"state,omitempty" url:"state,omitempty,key"` // state
type OrganizationCreateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the organization was created
CreditCardCollections bool `json:"credit_card_collections" url:"credit_card_collections,key"` // whether charges incurred by the org are paid by credit card.
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether to use this organization when none is specified
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
MembershipLimit *float64 `json:"membership_limit" url:"membership_limit,key"` // upper limit of members allowed in an organization.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
ProvisionedLicenses bool `json:"provisioned_licenses" url:"provisioned_licenses,key"` // whether the org is provisioned licenses by salesforce.
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of organization.
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the organization was updated
// Create a new organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationCreate(ctx context.Context, o OrganizationCreateOpts) (*OrganizationCreateResult, error) {
var organization OrganizationCreateResult
return &organization, s.Post(ctx, &organization, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations"), o)
type OrganizationDeleteResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the organization was created
CreditCardCollections bool `json:"credit_card_collections" url:"credit_card_collections,key"` // whether charges incurred by the org are paid by credit card.
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether to use this organization when none is specified
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
MembershipLimit *float64 `json:"membership_limit" url:"membership_limit,key"` // upper limit of members allowed in an organization.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
ProvisionedLicenses bool `json:"provisioned_licenses" url:"provisioned_licenses,key"` // whether the org is provisioned licenses by salesforce.
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
Type string `json:"type" url:"type,key"` // type of organization.
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the organization was updated
// Delete an existing organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationDelete(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string) (*OrganizationDeleteResult, error) {
var organization OrganizationDeleteResult
return &organization, s.Delete(ctx, &organization, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v", organizationIdentity))
// A list of add-ons the Organization uses across all apps
type OrganizationAddOn struct{}
type OrganizationAddOnListForOrganizationResult []struct {
Actions []struct{} `json:"actions" url:"actions,key"` // provider actions for this specific add-on
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // billing application associated with this add-on
ConfigVars []string `json:"config_vars" url:"config_vars,key"` // config vars exposed to the owning app by this add-on
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when add-on was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of add-on
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // globally unique name of the add-on
Plan struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
} `json:"plan" url:"plan,key"` // identity of add-on plan
ProviderID string `json:"provider_id" url:"provider_id,key"` // id of this add-on with its provider
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state in the add-on's lifecycle
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when add-on was updated
WebURL *string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // URL for logging into web interface of add-on (e.g. a dashboard)
// List add-ons used across all Organization apps
func (s *Service) OrganizationAddOnListForOrganization(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationAddOnListForOrganizationResult, error) {
var organizationAddOn OrganizationAddOnListForOrganizationResult
return organizationAddOn, s.Get(ctx, &organizationAddOn, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/addons", organizationIdentity), nil, lr)
// An organization app encapsulates the organization specific
// functionality of Heroku apps.
type OrganizationApp struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Joined bool `json:"joined" url:"joined,key"` // is the current member a collaborator on this app.
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this app
Owner *struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
type OrganizationAppCreateOpts struct {
Locked *bool `json:"locked,omitempty" url:"locked,omitempty,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *string `json:"organization,omitempty" url:"organization,omitempty,key"` // unique name of organization
Personal *bool `json:"personal,omitempty" url:"personal,omitempty,key"` // force creation of the app in the user account even if a default org
// is set.
Region *string `json:"region,omitempty" url:"region,omitempty,key"` // unique name of region
Space *string `json:"space,omitempty" url:"space,omitempty,key"` // unique name of space
Stack *string `json:"stack,omitempty" url:"stack,omitempty,key"` // unique name of stack
// Create a new app in the specified organization, in the default
// organization if unspecified, or in personal account, if default
// organization is not set.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppCreate(ctx context.Context, o OrganizationAppCreateOpts) (*OrganizationApp, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationApp
return &organizationApp, s.Post(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps"), o)
type OrganizationAppListResult []struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Joined bool `json:"joined" url:"joined,key"` // is the current member a collaborator on this app.
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this app
Owner *struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// List apps in the default organization, or in personal account, if
// default organization is not set.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationAppListResult, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationAppListResult
return organizationApp, s.Get(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps"), nil, lr)
type OrganizationAppListForOrganizationResult []struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Joined bool `json:"joined" url:"joined,key"` // is the current member a collaborator on this app.
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this app
Owner *struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// List organization apps.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppListForOrganization(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationAppListForOrganizationResult, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationAppListForOrganizationResult
return organizationApp, s.Get(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/apps", organizationIdentity), nil, lr)
// Info for an organization app.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppInfo(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string) (*OrganizationApp, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationApp
return &organizationApp, s.Get(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v", organizationAppIdentity), nil, nil)
type OrganizationAppUpdateLockedOpts struct {
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
type OrganizationAppUpdateLockedResult struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Joined bool `json:"joined" url:"joined,key"` // is the current member a collaborator on this app.
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this app
Owner *struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Lock or unlock an organization app.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppUpdateLocked(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, o OrganizationAppUpdateLockedOpts) (*OrganizationAppUpdateLockedResult, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationAppUpdateLockedResult
return &organizationApp, s.Patch(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v", organizationAppIdentity), o)
type OrganizationAppTransferToAccountOpts struct {
Owner string `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // unique email address of account
// Transfer an existing organization app to another Heroku account.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppTransferToAccount(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, o OrganizationAppTransferToAccountOpts) (*OrganizationApp, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationApp
return &organizationApp, s.Patch(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v", organizationAppIdentity), o)
type OrganizationAppTransferToOrganizationOpts struct {
Owner string `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // unique name of organization
type OrganizationAppTransferToOrganizationResult struct {
ArchivedAt *time.Time `json:"archived_at" url:"archived_at,key"` // when app was archived
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when app was created
GitURL string `json:"git_url" url:"git_url,key"` // git repo URL of app
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Joined bool `json:"joined" url:"joined,key"` // is the current member a collaborator on this app.
Locked bool `json:"locked" url:"locked,key"` // are other organization members forbidden from joining this app.
Maintenance bool `json:"maintenance" url:"maintenance,key"` // maintenance status of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
Organization *struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this app
Owner *struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"owner" url:"owner,key"` // identity of app owner
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of app region
ReleasedAt *time.Time `json:"released_at" url:"released_at,key"` // when app was released
RepoSize *int `json:"repo_size" url:"repo_size,key"` // git repo size in bytes of app
SlugSize *int `json:"slug_size" url:"slug_size,key"` // slug size in bytes of app
Space *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // identity of space
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of app stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when app was updated
WebURL string `json:"web_url" url:"web_url,key"` // web URL of app
// Transfer an existing organization app to another organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppTransferToOrganization(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, o OrganizationAppTransferToOrganizationOpts) (*OrganizationAppTransferToOrganizationResult, error) {
var organizationApp OrganizationAppTransferToOrganizationResult
return &organizationApp, s.Patch(ctx, &organizationApp, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v", organizationAppIdentity), o)
// An organization collaborator represents an account that has been
// given access to an organization app on Heroku.
type OrganizationAppCollaborator struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
type OrganizationAppCollaboratorCreateOpts struct {
Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty" url:"silent,omitempty,key"` // whether to suppress email invitation when creating collaborator
User string `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // unique email address of account
type OrganizationAppCollaboratorCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Create a new collaborator on an organization app. Use this endpoint
// instead of the `/apps/{app_id_or_name}/collaborator` endpoint when
// you want the collaborator to be granted [permissions]
// (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/org-users-access#roles-and-app-
// permissions) according to their role in the organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppCollaboratorCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o OrganizationAppCollaboratorCreateOpts) (*OrganizationAppCollaboratorCreateResult, error) {
var organizationAppCollaborator OrganizationAppCollaboratorCreateResult
return &organizationAppCollaborator, s.Post(ctx, &organizationAppCollaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v/collaborators", appIdentity), o)
type OrganizationAppCollaboratorDeleteResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Delete an existing collaborator from an organization app.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppCollaboratorDelete(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, organizationAppCollaboratorIdentity string) (*OrganizationAppCollaboratorDeleteResult, error) {
var organizationAppCollaborator OrganizationAppCollaboratorDeleteResult
return &organizationAppCollaborator, s.Delete(ctx, &organizationAppCollaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v/collaborators/%v", organizationAppIdentity, organizationAppCollaboratorIdentity))
type OrganizationAppCollaboratorInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Info for a collaborator on an organization app.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppCollaboratorInfo(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, organizationAppCollaboratorIdentity string) (*OrganizationAppCollaboratorInfoResult, error) {
var organizationAppCollaborator OrganizationAppCollaboratorInfoResult
return &organizationAppCollaborator, s.Get(ctx, &organizationAppCollaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v/collaborators/%v", organizationAppIdentity, organizationAppCollaboratorIdentity), nil, nil)
type OrganizationAppCollaboratorUpdateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// Update an existing collaborator from an organization app.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppCollaboratorUpdate(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, organizationAppCollaboratorIdentity string) (*OrganizationAppCollaboratorUpdateResult, error) {
var organizationAppCollaborator OrganizationAppCollaboratorUpdateResult
return &organizationAppCollaborator, s.Patch(ctx, &organizationAppCollaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v/collaborators/%v", organizationAppIdentity, organizationAppCollaboratorIdentity), nil)
type OrganizationAppCollaboratorListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app collaborator belongs to
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when collaborator was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of collaborator
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when collaborator was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of collaborated account
// List collaborators on an organization app.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppCollaboratorList(ctx context.Context, organizationAppIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationAppCollaboratorListResult, error) {
var organizationAppCollaborator OrganizationAppCollaboratorListResult
return organizationAppCollaborator, s.Get(ctx, &organizationAppCollaborator, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/apps/%v/collaborators", organizationAppIdentity), nil, lr)
// An organization app permission is a behavior that is assigned to a
// user in an organization app.
type OrganizationAppPermission struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
type OrganizationAppPermissionListResult []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // A description of what the app permission allows.
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // The name of the app permission.
// Lists permissions available to organizations.
func (s *Service) OrganizationAppPermissionList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationAppPermissionListResult, error) {
var organizationAppPermission OrganizationAppPermissionListResult
return organizationAppPermission, s.Get(ctx, &organizationAppPermission, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/permissions"), nil, lr)
// An organization feature represents a feature enabled on an
// organization account.
type OrganizationFeature struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
type OrganizationFeatureInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
// Info for an existing account feature.
func (s *Service) OrganizationFeatureInfo(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, organizationFeatureIdentity string) (*OrganizationFeatureInfoResult, error) {
var organizationFeature OrganizationFeatureInfoResult
return &organizationFeature, s.Get(ctx, &organizationFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/features/%v", organizationIdentity, organizationFeatureIdentity), nil, nil)
type OrganizationFeatureListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when account feature was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of account feature
DocURL string `json:"doc_url" url:"doc_url,key"` // documentation URL of account feature
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" url:"enabled,key"` // whether or not account feature has been enabled
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of account feature
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of account feature
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // state of account feature
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when account feature was updated
// List existing organization features.
func (s *Service) OrganizationFeatureList(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationFeatureListResult, error) {
var organizationFeature OrganizationFeatureListResult
return organizationFeature, s.Get(ctx, &organizationFeature, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/features", organizationIdentity), nil, lr)
// An organization invitation represents an invite to an organization.
type OrganizationInvitation struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invitation was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // Unique identifier of an invitation
InvitedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"invited_by" url:"invited_by,key"`
Organization struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invitation was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"`
type OrganizationInvitationListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invitation was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // Unique identifier of an invitation
InvitedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"invited_by" url:"invited_by,key"`
Organization struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invitation was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"`
// Get a list of an organization's Identity Providers
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvitationList(ctx context.Context, organizationName string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationInvitationListResult, error) {
var organizationInvitation OrganizationInvitationListResult
return organizationInvitation, s.Get(ctx, &organizationInvitation, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/invitations", organizationName), nil, lr)
type OrganizationInvitationCreateOpts struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
// Create Organization Invitation
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvitationCreate(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, o OrganizationInvitationCreateOpts) (*OrganizationInvitation, error) {
var organizationInvitation OrganizationInvitation
return &organizationInvitation, s.Put(ctx, &organizationInvitation, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/invitations", organizationIdentity), o)
// Revoke an organization invitation.
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvitationRevoke(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, organizationInvitationIdentity string) (*OrganizationInvitation, error) {
var organizationInvitation OrganizationInvitation
return &organizationInvitation, s.Delete(ctx, &organizationInvitation, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/invitations/%v", organizationIdentity, organizationInvitationIdentity))
type OrganizationInvitationGetResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invitation was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // Unique identifier of an invitation
InvitedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"invited_by" url:"invited_by,key"`
Organization struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"`
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invitation was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"`
// Get an invitation by its token
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvitationGet(ctx context.Context, organizationInvitationToken string, lr *ListRange) (*OrganizationInvitationGetResult, error) {
var organizationInvitation OrganizationInvitationGetResult
return &organizationInvitation, s.Get(ctx, &organizationInvitation, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/invitations/%v", organizationInvitationToken), nil, lr)
type OrganizationInvitationAcceptResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
// Accept Organization Invitation
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvitationAccept(ctx context.Context, organizationInvitationToken string) (*OrganizationInvitationAcceptResult, error) {
var organizationInvitation OrganizationInvitationAcceptResult
return &organizationInvitation, s.Post(ctx, &organizationInvitation, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/invitations/%v/accept", organizationInvitationToken), nil)
// An organization invoice is an itemized bill of goods for an
// organization which includes pricing and charges.
type OrganizationInvoice struct {
AddonsTotal int `json:"addons_total" url:"addons_total,key"` // total add-ons charges in on this invoice
ChargesTotal int `json:"charges_total" url:"charges_total,key"` // total charges on this invoice
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invoice was created
CreditsTotal int `json:"credits_total" url:"credits_total,key"` // total credits on this invoice
DatabaseTotal int `json:"database_total" url:"database_total,key"` // total database charges on this invoice
DynoUnits float64 `json:"dyno_units" url:"dyno_units,key"` // The total amount of dyno units consumed across dyno types.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this invoice
Number int `json:"number" url:"number,key"` // human readable invoice number
PaymentStatus string `json:"payment_status" url:"payment_status,key"` // Status of the invoice payment.
PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end" url:"period_end,key"` // the ending date that the invoice covers
PeriodStart string `json:"period_start" url:"period_start,key"` // the starting date that this invoice covers
PlatformTotal int `json:"platform_total" url:"platform_total,key"` // total platform charges on this invoice
State int `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // payment status for this invoice (pending, successful, failed)
Total int `json:"total" url:"total,key"` // combined total of charges and credits on this invoice
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invoice was updated
WeightedDynoHours float64 `json:"weighted_dyno_hours" url:"weighted_dyno_hours,key"` // The total amount of hours consumed across dyno types.
type OrganizationInvoiceInfoResult struct {
AddonsTotal int `json:"addons_total" url:"addons_total,key"` // total add-ons charges in on this invoice
ChargesTotal int `json:"charges_total" url:"charges_total,key"` // total charges on this invoice
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invoice was created
CreditsTotal int `json:"credits_total" url:"credits_total,key"` // total credits on this invoice
DatabaseTotal int `json:"database_total" url:"database_total,key"` // total database charges on this invoice
DynoUnits float64 `json:"dyno_units" url:"dyno_units,key"` // The total amount of dyno units consumed across dyno types.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this invoice
Number int `json:"number" url:"number,key"` // human readable invoice number
PaymentStatus string `json:"payment_status" url:"payment_status,key"` // Status of the invoice payment.
PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end" url:"period_end,key"` // the ending date that the invoice covers
PeriodStart string `json:"period_start" url:"period_start,key"` // the starting date that this invoice covers
PlatformTotal int `json:"platform_total" url:"platform_total,key"` // total platform charges on this invoice
State int `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // payment status for this invoice (pending, successful, failed)
Total int `json:"total" url:"total,key"` // combined total of charges and credits on this invoice
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invoice was updated
WeightedDynoHours float64 `json:"weighted_dyno_hours" url:"weighted_dyno_hours,key"` // The total amount of hours consumed across dyno types.
// Info for existing invoice.
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvoiceInfo(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, organizationInvoiceIdentity int) (*OrganizationInvoiceInfoResult, error) {
var organizationInvoice OrganizationInvoiceInfoResult
return &organizationInvoice, s.Get(ctx, &organizationInvoice, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/invoices/%v", organizationIdentity, organizationInvoiceIdentity), nil, nil)
type OrganizationInvoiceListResult []struct {
AddonsTotal int `json:"addons_total" url:"addons_total,key"` // total add-ons charges in on this invoice
ChargesTotal int `json:"charges_total" url:"charges_total,key"` // total charges on this invoice
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when invoice was created
CreditsTotal int `json:"credits_total" url:"credits_total,key"` // total credits on this invoice
DatabaseTotal int `json:"database_total" url:"database_total,key"` // total database charges on this invoice
DynoUnits float64 `json:"dyno_units" url:"dyno_units,key"` // The total amount of dyno units consumed across dyno types.
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this invoice
Number int `json:"number" url:"number,key"` // human readable invoice number
PaymentStatus string `json:"payment_status" url:"payment_status,key"` // Status of the invoice payment.
PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end" url:"period_end,key"` // the ending date that the invoice covers
PeriodStart string `json:"period_start" url:"period_start,key"` // the starting date that this invoice covers
PlatformTotal int `json:"platform_total" url:"platform_total,key"` // total platform charges on this invoice
State int `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // payment status for this invoice (pending, successful, failed)
Total int `json:"total" url:"total,key"` // combined total of charges and credits on this invoice
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when invoice was updated
WeightedDynoHours float64 `json:"weighted_dyno_hours" url:"weighted_dyno_hours,key"` // The total amount of hours consumed across dyno types.
// List existing invoices.
func (s *Service) OrganizationInvoiceList(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationInvoiceListResult, error) {
var organizationInvoice OrganizationInvoiceListResult
return organizationInvoice, s.Get(ctx, &organizationInvoice, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/invoices", organizationIdentity), nil, lr)
// An organization member is an individual with access to an
// organization.
type OrganizationMember struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
type OrganizationMemberCreateOrUpdateOpts struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated *bool `json:"federated,omitempty" url:"federated,omitempty,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
type OrganizationMemberCreateOrUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
// Create a new organization member, or update their role.
func (s *Service) OrganizationMemberCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, o OrganizationMemberCreateOrUpdateOpts) (*OrganizationMemberCreateOrUpdateResult, error) {
var organizationMember OrganizationMemberCreateOrUpdateResult
return &organizationMember, s.Put(ctx, &organizationMember, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/members", organizationIdentity), o)
type OrganizationMemberCreateOpts struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated *bool `json:"federated,omitempty" url:"federated,omitempty,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
type OrganizationMemberCreateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
// Create a new organization member.
func (s *Service) OrganizationMemberCreate(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, o OrganizationMemberCreateOpts) (*OrganizationMemberCreateResult, error) {
var organizationMember OrganizationMemberCreateResult
return &organizationMember, s.Post(ctx, &organizationMember, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/members", organizationIdentity), o)
type OrganizationMemberUpdateOpts struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated *bool `json:"federated,omitempty" url:"federated,omitempty,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
type OrganizationMemberUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
// Update an organization member.
func (s *Service) OrganizationMemberUpdate(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, o OrganizationMemberUpdateOpts) (*OrganizationMemberUpdateResult, error) {
var organizationMember OrganizationMemberUpdateResult
return &organizationMember, s.Patch(ctx, &organizationMember, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/members", organizationIdentity), o)
type OrganizationMemberDeleteResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
// Remove a member from the organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationMemberDelete(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, organizationMemberIdentity string) (*OrganizationMemberDeleteResult, error) {
var organizationMember OrganizationMemberDeleteResult
return &organizationMember, s.Delete(ctx, &organizationMember, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/members/%v", organizationIdentity, organizationMemberIdentity))
type OrganizationMemberListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when the membership record was created
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // email address of the organization member
Federated bool `json:"federated" url:"federated,key"` // whether the user is federated and belongs to an Identity Provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of organization member
Role *string `json:"role" url:"role,key"` // role in the organization
TwoFactorAuthentication bool `json:"two_factor_authentication" url:"two_factor_authentication,key"` // whether the Enterprise organization member has two factor
// authentication enabled
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when the membership record was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
Name *string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // full name of the account owner
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user information for the membership
// List members of the organization.
func (s *Service) OrganizationMemberList(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OrganizationMemberListResult, error) {
var organizationMember OrganizationMemberListResult
return organizationMember, s.Get(ctx, &organizationMember, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/members", organizationIdentity), nil, lr)
// Tracks an organization's preferences
type OrganizationPreferences struct {
DefaultPermission *string `json:"default-permission" url:"default-permission,key"` // The default permission used when adding new members to the
// organization
WhitelistingEnabled *bool `json:"whitelisting-enabled" url:"whitelisting-enabled,key"` // Whether whitelisting rules should be applied to add-on installations
type OrganizationPreferencesListResult struct {
DefaultPermission *string `json:"default-permission" url:"default-permission,key"` // The default permission used when adding new members to the
// organization
WhitelistingEnabled *bool `json:"whitelisting-enabled" url:"whitelisting-enabled,key"` // Whether whitelisting rules should be applied to add-on installations
// Retrieve Organization Preferences
func (s *Service) OrganizationPreferencesList(ctx context.Context, organizationPreferencesIdentity string) (*OrganizationPreferencesListResult, error) {
var organizationPreferences OrganizationPreferencesListResult
return &organizationPreferences, s.Get(ctx, &organizationPreferences, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/preferences", organizationPreferencesIdentity), nil, nil)
type OrganizationPreferencesUpdateOpts struct {
WhitelistingEnabled *bool `json:"whitelisting-enabled,omitempty" url:"whitelisting-enabled,omitempty,key"` // Whether whitelisting rules should be applied to add-on installations
type OrganizationPreferencesUpdateResult struct {
DefaultPermission *string `json:"default-permission" url:"default-permission,key"` // The default permission used when adding new members to the
// organization
WhitelistingEnabled *bool `json:"whitelisting-enabled" url:"whitelisting-enabled,key"` // Whether whitelisting rules should be applied to add-on installations
// Update Organization Preferences
func (s *Service) OrganizationPreferencesUpdate(ctx context.Context, organizationPreferencesIdentity string, o OrganizationPreferencesUpdateOpts) (*OrganizationPreferencesUpdateResult, error) {
var organizationPreferences OrganizationPreferencesUpdateResult
return &organizationPreferences, s.Patch(ctx, &organizationPreferences, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/preferences", organizationPreferencesIdentity), o)
// An outbound-ruleset is a collection of rules that specify what hosts
// Dynos are allowed to communicate with.
type OutboundRuleset struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when outbound-ruleset was created
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" url:"created_by,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an outbound-ruleset
Rules []struct {
FromPort int `json:"from_port" url:"from_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
Protocol string `json:"protocol" url:"protocol,key"` // formal standards and policies comprised of rules, procedures and
// formats that define communication between two or more devices over a
// network
Target string `json:"target" url:"target,key"` // is the target destination in CIDR notation
ToPort int `json:"to_port" url:"to_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
} `json:"rules" url:"rules,key"`
type OutboundRulesetInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when outbound-ruleset was created
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" url:"created_by,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an outbound-ruleset
Rules []struct {
FromPort int `json:"from_port" url:"from_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
Protocol string `json:"protocol" url:"protocol,key"` // formal standards and policies comprised of rules, procedures and
// formats that define communication between two or more devices over a
// network
Target string `json:"target" url:"target,key"` // is the target destination in CIDR notation
ToPort int `json:"to_port" url:"to_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
} `json:"rules" url:"rules,key"`
// Current outbound ruleset for a space
func (s *Service) OutboundRulesetInfo(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string) (*OutboundRulesetInfoResult, error) {
var outboundRuleset OutboundRulesetInfoResult
return &outboundRuleset, s.Get(ctx, &outboundRuleset, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/outbound-ruleset", spaceIdentity), nil, nil)
type OutboundRulesetListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when outbound-ruleset was created
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by" url:"created_by,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an outbound-ruleset
Rules []struct {
FromPort int `json:"from_port" url:"from_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
Protocol string `json:"protocol" url:"protocol,key"` // formal standards and policies comprised of rules, procedures and
// formats that define communication between two or more devices over a
// network
Target string `json:"target" url:"target,key"` // is the target destination in CIDR notation
ToPort int `json:"to_port" url:"to_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
} `json:"rules" url:"rules,key"`
// List all Outbound Rulesets for a space
func (s *Service) OutboundRulesetList(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (OutboundRulesetListResult, error) {
var outboundRuleset OutboundRulesetListResult
return outboundRuleset, s.Get(ctx, &outboundRuleset, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/outbound-rulesets", spaceIdentity), nil, lr)
type OutboundRulesetCreateOpts struct {
Rules *[]*struct {
FromPort int `json:"from_port" url:"from_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
Protocol string `json:"protocol" url:"protocol,key"` // formal standards and policies comprised of rules, procedures and
// formats that define communication between two or more devices over a
// network
Target string `json:"target" url:"target,key"` // is the target destination in CIDR notation
ToPort int `json:"to_port" url:"to_port,key"` // an endpoint of communication in an operating system.
} `json:"rules,omitempty" url:"rules,omitempty,key"`
// Create a new outbound ruleset
func (s *Service) OutboundRulesetCreate(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, o OutboundRulesetCreateOpts) (*OutboundRuleset, error) {
var outboundRuleset OutboundRuleset
return &outboundRuleset, s.Put(ctx, &outboundRuleset, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/outbound-ruleset", spaceIdentity), o)
// A password reset represents a in-process password reset attempt.
type PasswordReset struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when password reset was created
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"`
type PasswordResetResetPasswordOpts struct {
Email *string `json:"email,omitempty" url:"email,omitempty,key"` // unique email address of account
// Reset account's password. This will send a reset password link to the
// user's email address.
func (s *Service) PasswordResetResetPassword(ctx context.Context, o PasswordResetResetPasswordOpts) (*PasswordReset, error) {
var passwordReset PasswordReset
return &passwordReset, s.Post(ctx, &passwordReset, fmt.Sprintf("/password-resets"), o)
type PasswordResetCompleteResetPasswordOpts struct {
Password *string `json:"password,omitempty" url:"password,omitempty,key"` // current password on the account
PasswordConfirmation *string `json:"password_confirmation,omitempty" url:"password_confirmation,omitempty,key"` // confirmation of the new password
// Complete password reset.
func (s *Service) PasswordResetCompleteResetPassword(ctx context.Context, passwordResetResetPasswordToken string, o PasswordResetCompleteResetPasswordOpts) (*PasswordReset, error) {
var passwordReset PasswordReset
return &passwordReset, s.Post(ctx, &passwordReset, fmt.Sprintf("/password-resets/%v/actions/finalize", passwordResetResetPasswordToken), o)
// A pipeline allows grouping of apps into different stages.
type Pipeline struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline was updated
type PipelineCreateOpts struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
type PipelineCreateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline was updated
// Create a new pipeline.
func (s *Service) PipelineCreate(ctx context.Context, o PipelineCreateOpts) (*PipelineCreateResult, error) {
var pipeline PipelineCreateResult
return &pipeline, s.Post(ctx, &pipeline, fmt.Sprintf("/pipelines"), o)
type PipelineInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline was updated
// Info for existing pipeline.
func (s *Service) PipelineInfo(ctx context.Context, pipelineIdentity string) (*PipelineInfoResult, error) {
var pipeline PipelineInfoResult
return &pipeline, s.Get(ctx, &pipeline, fmt.Sprintf("/pipelines/%v", pipelineIdentity), nil, nil)
type PipelineDeleteResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline was updated
// Delete an existing pipeline.
func (s *Service) PipelineDelete(ctx context.Context, pipelineID string) (*PipelineDeleteResult, error) {
var pipeline PipelineDeleteResult
return &pipeline, s.Delete(ctx, &pipeline, fmt.Sprintf("/pipelines/%v", pipelineID))
type PipelineUpdateOpts struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // name of pipeline
type PipelineUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline was updated
// Update an existing pipeline.
func (s *Service) PipelineUpdate(ctx context.Context, pipelineID string, o PipelineUpdateOpts) (*PipelineUpdateResult, error) {
var pipeline PipelineUpdateResult
return &pipeline, s.Patch(ctx, &pipeline, fmt.Sprintf("/pipelines/%v", pipelineID), o)
type PipelineListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of pipeline
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline was updated
// List existing pipelines.
func (s *Service) PipelineList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (PipelineListResult, error) {
var pipeline PipelineListResult
return pipeline, s.Get(ctx, &pipeline, fmt.Sprintf("/pipelines"), nil, lr)
// Information about an app's coupling to a pipeline
type PipelineCoupling struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the pipeline coupling
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline coupling
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the coupling
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was updated
type PipelineCouplingListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the pipeline coupling
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline coupling
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the coupling
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was updated
// List couplings for a pipeline
func (s *Service) PipelineCouplingList(ctx context.Context, pipelineID string, lr *ListRange) (PipelineCouplingListResult, error) {
var pipelineCoupling PipelineCouplingListResult
return pipelineCoupling, s.Get(ctx, &pipelineCoupling, fmt.Sprintf("/pipelines/%v/pipeline-couplings", pipelineID), nil, lr)
type PipelineCouplingCreateOpts struct {
App string `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // unique identifier of app
Pipeline string `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
type PipelineCouplingCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the pipeline coupling
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline coupling
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the coupling
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was updated
// Create a new pipeline coupling.
func (s *Service) PipelineCouplingCreate(ctx context.Context, o PipelineCouplingCreateOpts) (*PipelineCouplingCreateResult, error) {
var pipelineCoupling PipelineCouplingCreateResult
return &pipelineCoupling, s.Post(ctx, &pipelineCoupling, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-couplings"), o)
type PipelineCouplingInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the pipeline coupling
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline coupling
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the coupling
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was updated
// Info for an existing pipeline coupling.
func (s *Service) PipelineCouplingInfo(ctx context.Context, pipelineCouplingIdentity string) (*PipelineCouplingInfoResult, error) {
var pipelineCoupling PipelineCouplingInfoResult
return &pipelineCoupling, s.Get(ctx, &pipelineCoupling, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-couplings/%v", pipelineCouplingIdentity), nil, nil)
type PipelineCouplingDeleteResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the pipeline coupling
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline coupling
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the coupling
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was updated
// Delete an existing pipeline coupling.
func (s *Service) PipelineCouplingDelete(ctx context.Context, pipelineCouplingIdentity string) (*PipelineCouplingDeleteResult, error) {
var pipelineCoupling PipelineCouplingDeleteResult
return &pipelineCoupling, s.Delete(ctx, &pipelineCoupling, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-couplings/%v", pipelineCouplingIdentity))
type PipelineCouplingUpdateOpts struct {
Stage *string `json:"stage,omitempty" url:"stage,omitempty,key"` // target pipeline stage
type PipelineCouplingUpdateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the pipeline coupling
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline coupling
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the coupling
Stage string `json:"stage" url:"stage,key"` // target pipeline stage
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when pipeline coupling was updated
// Update an existing pipeline coupling.
func (s *Service) PipelineCouplingUpdate(ctx context.Context, pipelineCouplingIdentity string, o PipelineCouplingUpdateOpts) (*PipelineCouplingUpdateResult, error) {
var pipelineCoupling PipelineCouplingUpdateResult
return &pipelineCoupling, s.Patch(ctx, &pipelineCoupling, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-couplings/%v", pipelineCouplingIdentity), o)
// Promotions allow you to move code from an app in a pipeline to all
// targets
type PipelinePromotion struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when promotion was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of promotion
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // the pipeline which the promotion belongs to
Source struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // the app which was promoted from
Release struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // the release used to promoted from
} `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // the app being promoted from
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of promotion
UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when promotion was updated
type PipelinePromotionCreateOpts struct {
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // pipeline involved in the promotion
Source struct {
App *struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty" url:"id,omitempty,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app,omitempty" url:"app,omitempty,key"` // the app which was promoted from
} `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // the app being promoted from
Targets []struct {
App *struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty" url:"id,omitempty,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app,omitempty" url:"app,omitempty,key"` // the app is being promoted to
} `json:"targets" url:"targets,key"`
// Create a new promotion.
func (s *Service) PipelinePromotionCreate(ctx context.Context, o PipelinePromotionCreateOpts) (*PipelinePromotion, error) {
var pipelinePromotion PipelinePromotion
return &pipelinePromotion, s.Post(ctx, &pipelinePromotion, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-promotions"), o)
type PipelinePromotionInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when promotion was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of promotion
Pipeline struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of pipeline
} `json:"pipeline" url:"pipeline,key"` // the pipeline which the promotion belongs to
Source struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // the app which was promoted from
Release struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // the release used to promoted from
} `json:"source" url:"source,key"` // the app being promoted from
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of promotion
UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when promotion was updated
// Info for existing pipeline promotion.
func (s *Service) PipelinePromotionInfo(ctx context.Context, pipelinePromotionIdentity string) (*PipelinePromotionInfoResult, error) {
var pipelinePromotion PipelinePromotionInfoResult
return &pipelinePromotion, s.Get(ctx, &pipelinePromotion, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-promotions/%v", pipelinePromotionIdentity), nil, nil)
// Promotion targets represent an individual app being promoted to
type PipelinePromotionTarget struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // the app which was promoted to
ErrorMessage *string `json:"error_message" url:"error_message,key"` // an error message for why the promotion failed
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of promotion target
PipelinePromotion struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of promotion
} `json:"pipeline_promotion" url:"pipeline_promotion,key"` // the promotion which the target belongs to
Release *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // the release which was created on the target app
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of promotion
type PipelinePromotionTargetListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // the app which was promoted to
ErrorMessage *string `json:"error_message" url:"error_message,key"` // an error message for why the promotion failed
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of promotion target
PipelinePromotion struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of promotion
} `json:"pipeline_promotion" url:"pipeline_promotion,key"` // the promotion which the target belongs to
Release *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
} `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // the release which was created on the target app
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // status of promotion
// List promotion targets belonging to an existing promotion.
func (s *Service) PipelinePromotionTargetList(ctx context.Context, pipelinePromotionID string, lr *ListRange) (PipelinePromotionTargetListResult, error) {
var pipelinePromotionTarget PipelinePromotionTargetListResult
return pipelinePromotionTarget, s.Get(ctx, &pipelinePromotionTarget, fmt.Sprintf("/pipeline-promotions/%v/promotion-targets", pipelinePromotionID), nil, lr)
// Plans represent different configurations of add-ons that may be added
// to apps. Endpoints under add-on services can be accessed without
// authentication.
type Plan struct {
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
Compliance *[]string `json:"compliance" url:"compliance,key"` // the compliance regimes applied to an add-on plan
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when plan was created
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether this plan is the default for its add-on service
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of plan
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human readable name of the add-on plan
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
InstallableInsidePrivateNetwork bool `json:"installable_inside_private_network" url:"installable_inside_private_network,key"` // whether this plan is installable to a Private Spaces app
InstallableOutsidePrivateNetwork bool `json:"installable_outside_private_network" url:"installable_outside_private_network,key"` // whether this plan is installable to a Common Runtime app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
Price struct {
Cents int `json:"cents" url:"cents,key"` // price in cents per unit of plan
Unit string `json:"unit" url:"unit,key"` // unit of price for plan
} `json:"price" url:"price,key"` // price
SpaceDefault bool `json:"space_default" url:"space_default,key"` // whether this plan is the default for apps in Private Spaces
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for plan
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when plan was updated
Visible bool `json:"visible" url:"visible,key"` // whether this plan is publicly visible
type PlanInfoResult struct {
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
Compliance *[]string `json:"compliance" url:"compliance,key"` // the compliance regimes applied to an add-on plan
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when plan was created
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether this plan is the default for its add-on service
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of plan
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human readable name of the add-on plan
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
InstallableInsidePrivateNetwork bool `json:"installable_inside_private_network" url:"installable_inside_private_network,key"` // whether this plan is installable to a Private Spaces app
InstallableOutsidePrivateNetwork bool `json:"installable_outside_private_network" url:"installable_outside_private_network,key"` // whether this plan is installable to a Common Runtime app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
Price struct {
Cents int `json:"cents" url:"cents,key"` // price in cents per unit of plan
Unit string `json:"unit" url:"unit,key"` // unit of price for plan
} `json:"price" url:"price,key"` // price
SpaceDefault bool `json:"space_default" url:"space_default,key"` // whether this plan is the default for apps in Private Spaces
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for plan
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when plan was updated
Visible bool `json:"visible" url:"visible,key"` // whether this plan is publicly visible
// Info for existing plan.
func (s *Service) PlanInfo(ctx context.Context, addOnServiceIdentity string, planIdentity string) (*PlanInfoResult, error) {
var plan PlanInfoResult
return &plan, s.Get(ctx, &plan, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-services/%v/plans/%v", addOnServiceIdentity, planIdentity), nil, nil)
type PlanListResult []struct {
AddonService struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // identity of add-on service
Compliance *[]string `json:"compliance" url:"compliance,key"` // the compliance regimes applied to an add-on plan
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when plan was created
Default bool `json:"default" url:"default,key"` // whether this plan is the default for its add-on service
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of plan
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human readable name of the add-on plan
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this plan
InstallableInsidePrivateNetwork bool `json:"installable_inside_private_network" url:"installable_inside_private_network,key"` // whether this plan is installable to a Private Spaces app
InstallableOutsidePrivateNetwork bool `json:"installable_outside_private_network" url:"installable_outside_private_network,key"` // whether this plan is installable to a Common Runtime app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this plan
Price struct {
Cents int `json:"cents" url:"cents,key"` // price in cents per unit of plan
Unit string `json:"unit" url:"unit,key"` // unit of price for plan
} `json:"price" url:"price,key"` // price
SpaceDefault bool `json:"space_default" url:"space_default,key"` // whether this plan is the default for apps in Private Spaces
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // release status for plan
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when plan was updated
Visible bool `json:"visible" url:"visible,key"` // whether this plan is publicly visible
// List existing plans.
func (s *Service) PlanList(ctx context.Context, addOnServiceIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (PlanListResult, error) {
var plan PlanListResult
return plan, s.Get(ctx, &plan, fmt.Sprintf("/addon-services/%v/plans", addOnServiceIdentity), nil, lr)
// Rate Limit represents the number of request tokens each account
// holds. Requests to this endpoint do not count towards the rate limit.
type RateLimit struct {
Remaining int `json:"remaining" url:"remaining,key"` // allowed requests remaining in current interval
type RateLimitInfoResult struct {
Remaining int `json:"remaining" url:"remaining,key"` // allowed requests remaining in current interval
// Info for rate limits.
func (s *Service) RateLimitInfo(ctx context.Context) (*RateLimitInfoResult, error) {
var rateLimit RateLimitInfoResult
return &rateLimit, s.Get(ctx, &rateLimit, fmt.Sprintf("/account/rate-limits"), nil, nil)
// A region represents a geographic location in which your application
// may run.
type Region struct {
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country where the region exists
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when region was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of region
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Locale string `json:"locale" url:"locale,key"` // area in the country where the region exists
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
PrivateCapable bool `json:"private_capable" url:"private_capable,key"` // whether or not region is available for creating a Private Space
Provider struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of provider
Region string `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // region name used by provider
} `json:"provider" url:"provider,key"` // provider of underlying substrate
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when region was updated
type RegionInfoResult struct {
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country where the region exists
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when region was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of region
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Locale string `json:"locale" url:"locale,key"` // area in the country where the region exists
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
PrivateCapable bool `json:"private_capable" url:"private_capable,key"` // whether or not region is available for creating a Private Space
Provider struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of provider
Region string `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // region name used by provider
} `json:"provider" url:"provider,key"` // provider of underlying substrate
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when region was updated
// Info for existing region.
func (s *Service) RegionInfo(ctx context.Context, regionIdentity string) (*RegionInfoResult, error) {
var region RegionInfoResult
return &region, s.Get(ctx, &region, fmt.Sprintf("/regions/%v", regionIdentity), nil, nil)
type RegionListResult []struct {
Country string `json:"country" url:"country,key"` // country where the region exists
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when region was created
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of region
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Locale string `json:"locale" url:"locale,key"` // area in the country where the region exists
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
PrivateCapable bool `json:"private_capable" url:"private_capable,key"` // whether or not region is available for creating a Private Space
Provider struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // name of provider
Region string `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // region name used by provider
} `json:"provider" url:"provider,key"` // provider of underlying substrate
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when region was updated
// List existing regions.
func (s *Service) RegionList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (RegionListResult, error) {
var region RegionListResult
return region, s.Get(ctx, &region, fmt.Sprintf("/regions"), nil, lr)
// A release represents a combination of code, config vars and add-ons
// for an app on Heroku.
type Release struct {
AddonPlanNames []string `json:"addon_plan_names" url:"addon_plan_names,key"` // add-on plans installed on the app for this release
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the release
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when release was created
Current bool `json:"current" url:"current,key"` // indicates this release as being the current one for the app
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of changes in this release
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug running in this release
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // current status of the release
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when release was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that created the release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
type ReleaseInfoResult struct {
AddonPlanNames []string `json:"addon_plan_names" url:"addon_plan_names,key"` // add-on plans installed on the app for this release
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the release
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when release was created
Current bool `json:"current" url:"current,key"` // indicates this release as being the current one for the app
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of changes in this release
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug running in this release
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // current status of the release
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when release was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that created the release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
// Info for existing release.
func (s *Service) ReleaseInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, releaseIdentity string) (*ReleaseInfoResult, error) {
var release ReleaseInfoResult
return &release, s.Get(ctx, &release, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/releases/%v", appIdentity, releaseIdentity), nil, nil)
type ReleaseListResult []struct {
AddonPlanNames []string `json:"addon_plan_names" url:"addon_plan_names,key"` // add-on plans installed on the app for this release
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the release
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when release was created
Current bool `json:"current" url:"current,key"` // indicates this release as being the current one for the app
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of changes in this release
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug running in this release
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // current status of the release
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when release was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that created the release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
// List existing releases.
func (s *Service) ReleaseList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (ReleaseListResult, error) {
var release ReleaseListResult
return release, s.Get(ctx, &release, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/releases", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type ReleaseCreateOpts struct {
Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" url:"description,omitempty,key"` // description of changes in this release
Slug string `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // unique identifier of slug
type ReleaseCreateResult struct {
AddonPlanNames []string `json:"addon_plan_names" url:"addon_plan_names,key"` // add-on plans installed on the app for this release
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the release
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when release was created
Current bool `json:"current" url:"current,key"` // indicates this release as being the current one for the app
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of changes in this release
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug running in this release
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // current status of the release
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when release was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that created the release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
// Create new release.
func (s *Service) ReleaseCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o ReleaseCreateOpts) (*ReleaseCreateResult, error) {
var release ReleaseCreateResult
return &release, s.Post(ctx, &release, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/releases", appIdentity), o)
type ReleaseRollbackOpts struct {
Release string `json:"release" url:"release,key"` // unique identifier of release
type ReleaseRollbackResult struct {
AddonPlanNames []string `json:"addon_plan_names" url:"addon_plan_names,key"` // add-on plans installed on the app for this release
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // app involved in the release
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when release was created
Current bool `json:"current" url:"current,key"` // indicates this release as being the current one for the app
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"` // description of changes in this release
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of release
Slug *struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
} `json:"slug" url:"slug,key"` // slug running in this release
Status string `json:"status" url:"status,key"` // current status of the release
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when release was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // user that created the release
Version int `json:"version" url:"version,key"` // unique version assigned to the release
// Rollback to an existing release.
func (s *Service) ReleaseRollback(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o ReleaseRollbackOpts) (*ReleaseRollbackResult, error) {
var release ReleaseRollbackResult
return &release, s.Post(ctx, &release, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/releases", appIdentity), o)
// A slug is a snapshot of your application code that is ready to run on
// the platform.
type Slug struct {
Blob struct {
Method string `json:"method" url:"method,key"` // method to be used to interact with the slug blob
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL to interact with the slug blob
} `json:"blob" url:"blob,key"` // pointer to the url where clients can fetch or store the actual
// release binary
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of slug
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the slug for verifying its integrity
Commit *string `json:"commit" url:"commit,key"` // identification of the code with your version control system (eg: SHA
// of the git HEAD)
CommitDescription *string `json:"commit_description" url:"commit_description,key"` // an optional description of the provided commit
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when slug was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
ProcessTypes map[string]string `json:"process_types" url:"process_types,key"` // hash mapping process type names to their respective command
Size *int `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // size of slug, in bytes
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of slug stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when slug was updated
type SlugInfoResult struct {
Blob struct {
Method string `json:"method" url:"method,key"` // method to be used to interact with the slug blob
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL to interact with the slug blob
} `json:"blob" url:"blob,key"` // pointer to the url where clients can fetch or store the actual
// release binary
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of slug
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the slug for verifying its integrity
Commit *string `json:"commit" url:"commit,key"` // identification of the code with your version control system (eg: SHA
// of the git HEAD)
CommitDescription *string `json:"commit_description" url:"commit_description,key"` // an optional description of the provided commit
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when slug was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
ProcessTypes map[string]string `json:"process_types" url:"process_types,key"` // hash mapping process type names to their respective command
Size *int `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // size of slug, in bytes
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of slug stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when slug was updated
// Info for existing slug.
func (s *Service) SlugInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, slugIdentity string) (*SlugInfoResult, error) {
var slug SlugInfoResult
return &slug, s.Get(ctx, &slug, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/slugs/%v", appIdentity, slugIdentity), nil, nil)
type SlugCreateOpts struct {
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description,omitempty" url:"buildpack_provided_description,omitempty,key"` // description from buildpack of slug
Checksum *string `json:"checksum,omitempty" url:"checksum,omitempty,key"` // an optional checksum of the slug for verifying its integrity
Commit *string `json:"commit,omitempty" url:"commit,omitempty,key"` // identification of the code with your version control system (eg: SHA
// of the git HEAD)
CommitDescription *string `json:"commit_description,omitempty" url:"commit_description,omitempty,key"` // an optional description of the provided commit
ProcessTypes map[string]string `json:"process_types" url:"process_types,key"` // hash mapping process type names to their respective command
Stack *string `json:"stack,omitempty" url:"stack,omitempty,key"` // unique name of stack
type SlugCreateResult struct {
Blob struct {
Method string `json:"method" url:"method,key"` // method to be used to interact with the slug blob
URL string `json:"url" url:"url,key"` // URL to interact with the slug blob
} `json:"blob" url:"blob,key"` // pointer to the url where clients can fetch or store the actual
// release binary
BuildpackProvidedDescription *string `json:"buildpack_provided_description" url:"buildpack_provided_description,key"` // description from buildpack of slug
Checksum *string `json:"checksum" url:"checksum,key"` // an optional checksum of the slug for verifying its integrity
Commit *string `json:"commit" url:"commit,key"` // identification of the code with your version control system (eg: SHA
// of the git HEAD)
CommitDescription *string `json:"commit_description" url:"commit_description,key"` // an optional description of the provided commit
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when slug was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of slug
ProcessTypes map[string]string `json:"process_types" url:"process_types,key"` // hash mapping process type names to their respective command
Size *int `json:"size" url:"size,key"` // size of slug, in bytes
Stack struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
} `json:"stack" url:"stack,key"` // identity of slug stack
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when slug was updated
// Create a new slug. For more information please refer to [Deploying
// Slugs using the Platform
// API](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/platform-api-deploying-slug
// s).
func (s *Service) SlugCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o SlugCreateOpts) (*SlugCreateResult, error) {
var slug SlugCreateResult
return &slug, s.Post(ctx, &slug, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/slugs", appIdentity), o)
// SMS numbers are used for recovery on accounts with two-factor
// authentication enabled.
type SmsNumber struct {
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
type SmsNumberSMSNumberResult struct {
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
// Recover an account using an SMS recovery code
func (s *Service) SmsNumberSMSNumber(ctx context.Context, accountIdentity string) (*SmsNumberSMSNumberResult, error) {
var smsNumber SmsNumberSMSNumberResult
return &smsNumber, s.Get(ctx, &smsNumber, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/sms-number", accountIdentity), nil, nil)
type SmsNumberRecoverResult struct {
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
// Recover an account using an SMS recovery code
func (s *Service) SmsNumberRecover(ctx context.Context, accountIdentity string) (*SmsNumberRecoverResult, error) {
var smsNumber SmsNumberRecoverResult
return &smsNumber, s.Post(ctx, &smsNumber, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/sms-number/actions/recover", accountIdentity), nil)
type SmsNumberConfirmResult struct {
SmsNumber *string `json:"sms_number" url:"sms_number,key"` // SMS number of account
// Confirm an SMS number change with a confirmation code
func (s *Service) SmsNumberConfirm(ctx context.Context, accountIdentity string) (*SmsNumberConfirmResult, error) {
var smsNumber SmsNumberConfirmResult
return &smsNumber, s.Post(ctx, &smsNumber, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/sms-number/actions/confirm", accountIdentity), nil)
// SNI Endpoint is a public address serving a custom SSL cert for HTTPS
// traffic, using the SNI TLS extension, to a Heroku app.
type SniEndpoint struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // deprecated; refer to GET /apps/:id/domains for valid CNAMEs for this
// app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SNI endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SNI endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when SNI endpoint was updated
type SniEndpointCreateOpts struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
PrivateKey string `json:"private_key" url:"private_key,key"` // contents of the private key (eg .key file)
type SniEndpointCreateResult struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // deprecated; refer to GET /apps/:id/domains for valid CNAMEs for this
// app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SNI endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SNI endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when SNI endpoint was updated
// Create a new SNI endpoint.
func (s *Service) SniEndpointCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o SniEndpointCreateOpts) (*SniEndpointCreateResult, error) {
var sniEndpoint SniEndpointCreateResult
return &sniEndpoint, s.Post(ctx, &sniEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/sni-endpoints", appIdentity), o)
type SniEndpointDeleteResult struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // deprecated; refer to GET /apps/:id/domains for valid CNAMEs for this
// app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SNI endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SNI endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when SNI endpoint was updated
// Delete existing SNI endpoint.
func (s *Service) SniEndpointDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, sniEndpointIdentity string) (*SniEndpointDeleteResult, error) {
var sniEndpoint SniEndpointDeleteResult
return &sniEndpoint, s.Delete(ctx, &sniEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/sni-endpoints/%v", appIdentity, sniEndpointIdentity))
type SniEndpointInfoResult struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // deprecated; refer to GET /apps/:id/domains for valid CNAMEs for this
// app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SNI endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SNI endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when SNI endpoint was updated
// Info for existing SNI endpoint.
func (s *Service) SniEndpointInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, sniEndpointIdentity string) (*SniEndpointInfoResult, error) {
var sniEndpoint SniEndpointInfoResult
return &sniEndpoint, s.Get(ctx, &sniEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/sni-endpoints/%v", appIdentity, sniEndpointIdentity), nil, nil)
type SniEndpointListResult []struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // deprecated; refer to GET /apps/:id/domains for valid CNAMEs for this
// app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SNI endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SNI endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when SNI endpoint was updated
// List existing SNI endpoints.
func (s *Service) SniEndpointList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (SniEndpointListResult, error) {
var sniEndpoint SniEndpointListResult
return sniEndpoint, s.Get(ctx, &sniEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/sni-endpoints", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type SniEndpointUpdateOpts struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
PrivateKey string `json:"private_key" url:"private_key,key"` // contents of the private key (eg .key file)
type SniEndpointUpdateResult struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // deprecated; refer to GET /apps/:id/domains for valid CNAMEs for this
// app
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SNI endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SNI endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when SNI endpoint was updated
// Update an existing SNI endpoint.
func (s *Service) SniEndpointUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, sniEndpointIdentity string, o SniEndpointUpdateOpts) (*SniEndpointUpdateResult, error) {
var sniEndpoint SniEndpointUpdateResult
return &sniEndpoint, s.Patch(ctx, &sniEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/sni-endpoints/%v", appIdentity, sniEndpointIdentity), o)
// A source is a location for uploading and downloading an application's
// source code.
type Source struct {
SourceBlob struct {
GetURL string `json:"get_url" url:"get_url,key"` // URL to download the source
PutURL string `json:"put_url" url:"put_url,key"` // URL to upload the source
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // pointer to the URL where clients can fetch or store the source
type SourceCreateResult struct {
SourceBlob struct {
GetURL string `json:"get_url" url:"get_url,key"` // URL to download the source
PutURL string `json:"put_url" url:"put_url,key"` // URL to upload the source
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // pointer to the URL where clients can fetch or store the source
// Create URLs for uploading and downloading source.
func (s *Service) SourceCreate(ctx context.Context) (*SourceCreateResult, error) {
var source SourceCreateResult
return &source, s.Post(ctx, &source, fmt.Sprintf("/sources"), nil)
type SourceCreateDeprecatedResult struct {
SourceBlob struct {
GetURL string `json:"get_url" url:"get_url,key"` // URL to download the source
PutURL string `json:"put_url" url:"put_url,key"` // URL to upload the source
} `json:"source_blob" url:"source_blob,key"` // pointer to the URL where clients can fetch or store the source
// Create URLs for uploading and downloading source. Deprecated in favor
// of `POST /sources`
func (s *Service) SourceCreateDeprecated(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string) (*SourceCreateDeprecatedResult, error) {
var source SourceCreateDeprecatedResult
return &source, s.Post(ctx, &source, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/sources", appIdentity), nil)
// A space is an isolated, highly available, secure app execution
// environments, running in the modern VPC substrate.
type Space struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this space
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of space region
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
type SpaceListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this space
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of space region
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
// List existing spaces.
func (s *Service) SpaceList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (SpaceListResult, error) {
var space SpaceListResult
return space, s.Get(ctx, &space, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces"), nil, lr)
type SpaceInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this space
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of space region
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
// Info for existing space.
func (s *Service) SpaceInfo(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string) (*SpaceInfoResult, error) {
var space SpaceInfoResult
return &space, s.Get(ctx, &space, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v", spaceIdentity), nil, nil)
type SpaceUpdateOpts struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"` // unique name of space
type SpaceUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this space
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of space region
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
// Update an existing space.
func (s *Service) SpaceUpdate(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, o SpaceUpdateOpts) (*SpaceUpdateResult, error) {
var space SpaceUpdateResult
return &space, s.Patch(ctx, &space, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v", spaceIdentity), o)
type SpaceDeleteResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this space
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of space region
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
// Delete an existing space.
func (s *Service) SpaceDelete(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string) (*SpaceDeleteResult, error) {
var space SpaceDeleteResult
return &space, s.Delete(ctx, &space, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v", spaceIdentity))
type SpaceCreateOpts struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization string `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // unique name of organization
Region *string `json:"region,omitempty" url:"region,omitempty,key"` // unique identifier of region
Shield *bool `json:"shield,omitempty" url:"shield,omitempty,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
type SpaceCreateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of space
Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of organization
} `json:"organization" url:"organization,key"` // organization that owns this space
Region struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of region
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of region
} `json:"region" url:"region,key"` // identity of space region
Shield bool `json:"shield" url:"shield,key"` // true if this space has shield enabled
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
// Create a new space.
func (s *Service) SpaceCreate(ctx context.Context, o SpaceCreateOpts) (*SpaceCreateResult, error) {
var space SpaceCreateResult
return &space, s.Post(ctx, &space, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces"), o)
// Space access represents the permissions a particular user has on a
// particular space.
type SpaceAppAccess struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"`
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"`
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"` // user space permissions
Space struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // space user belongs to
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of user account
type SpaceAppAccessInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"`
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"`
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"` // user space permissions
Space struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // space user belongs to
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of user account
// List permissions for a given user on a given space.
func (s *Service) SpaceAppAccessInfo(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, accountIdentity string) (*SpaceAppAccessInfoResult, error) {
var spaceAppAccess SpaceAppAccessInfoResult
return &spaceAppAccess, s.Get(ctx, &spaceAppAccess, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/members/%v", spaceIdentity, accountIdentity), nil, nil)
type SpaceAppAccessUpdateOpts struct {
Permissions *[]*struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" url:"name,omitempty,key"`
} `json:"permissions,omitempty" url:"permissions,omitempty,key"`
type SpaceAppAccessUpdateResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"`
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"`
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"` // user space permissions
Space struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // space user belongs to
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of user account
// Update an existing user's set of permissions on a space.
func (s *Service) SpaceAppAccessUpdate(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, accountIdentity string, o SpaceAppAccessUpdateOpts) (*SpaceAppAccessUpdateResult, error) {
var spaceAppAccess SpaceAppAccessUpdateResult
return &spaceAppAccess, s.Patch(ctx, &spaceAppAccess, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/members/%v", spaceIdentity, accountIdentity), o)
type SpaceAppAccessListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when space was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of space
Permissions []struct {
Description string `json:"description" url:"description,key"`
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"`
} `json:"permissions" url:"permissions,key"` // user space permissions
Space struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"space" url:"space,key"` // space user belongs to
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when space was updated
User struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"user" url:"user,key"` // identity of user account
// List all users and their permissions on a space.
func (s *Service) SpaceAppAccessList(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (SpaceAppAccessListResult, error) {
var spaceAppAccess SpaceAppAccessListResult
return spaceAppAccess, s.Get(ctx, &spaceAppAccess, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/members", spaceIdentity), nil, lr)
// Network address translation (NAT) for stable outbound IP addresses
// from a space
type SpaceNat struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when network address translation for a space was created
Sources []string `json:"sources" url:"sources,key"` // potential IPs from which outbound network traffic will originate
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of network address translation for a space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when network address translation for a space was updated
type SpaceNatInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when network address translation for a space was created
Sources []string `json:"sources" url:"sources,key"` // potential IPs from which outbound network traffic will originate
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of network address translation for a space
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when network address translation for a space was updated
// Current state of network address translation for a space.
func (s *Service) SpaceNatInfo(ctx context.Context, spaceIdentity string) (*SpaceNatInfoResult, error) {
var spaceNat SpaceNatInfoResult
return &spaceNat, s.Get(ctx, &spaceNat, fmt.Sprintf("/spaces/%v/nat", spaceIdentity), nil, nil)
// [SSL Endpoint](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-endpoint) is
// a public address serving custom SSL cert for HTTPS traffic to a
// Heroku app. Note that an app must have the `ssl:endpoint` add-on
// installed before it can provision an SSL Endpoint using these APIs.
type SSLEndpoint struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application associated with this ssl-endpoint
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SSL endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SSL endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when endpoint was updated
type SSLEndpointCreateOpts struct {
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
Preprocess *bool `json:"preprocess,omitempty" url:"preprocess,omitempty,key"` // allow Heroku to modify an uploaded public certificate chain if deemed
// advantageous by adding missing intermediaries, stripping unnecessary
// ones, etc.
PrivateKey string `json:"private_key" url:"private_key,key"` // contents of the private key (eg .key file)
type SSLEndpointCreateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application associated with this ssl-endpoint
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SSL endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SSL endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when endpoint was updated
// Create a new SSL endpoint.
func (s *Service) SSLEndpointCreate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, o SSLEndpointCreateOpts) (*SSLEndpointCreateResult, error) {
var sslEndpoint SSLEndpointCreateResult
return &sslEndpoint, s.Post(ctx, &sslEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/ssl-endpoints", appIdentity), o)
type SSLEndpointDeleteResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application associated with this ssl-endpoint
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SSL endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SSL endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when endpoint was updated
// Delete existing SSL endpoint.
func (s *Service) SSLEndpointDelete(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, sslEndpointIdentity string) (*SSLEndpointDeleteResult, error) {
var sslEndpoint SSLEndpointDeleteResult
return &sslEndpoint, s.Delete(ctx, &sslEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/ssl-endpoints/%v", appIdentity, sslEndpointIdentity))
type SSLEndpointInfoResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application associated with this ssl-endpoint
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SSL endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SSL endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when endpoint was updated
// Info for existing SSL endpoint.
func (s *Service) SSLEndpointInfo(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, sslEndpointIdentity string) (*SSLEndpointInfoResult, error) {
var sslEndpoint SSLEndpointInfoResult
return &sslEndpoint, s.Get(ctx, &sslEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/ssl-endpoints/%v", appIdentity, sslEndpointIdentity), nil, nil)
type SSLEndpointListResult []struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application associated with this ssl-endpoint
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SSL endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SSL endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when endpoint was updated
// List existing SSL endpoints.
func (s *Service) SSLEndpointList(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (SSLEndpointListResult, error) {
var sslEndpoint SSLEndpointListResult
return sslEndpoint, s.Get(ctx, &sslEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/ssl-endpoints", appIdentity), nil, lr)
type SSLEndpointUpdateOpts struct {
CertificateChain *string `json:"certificate_chain,omitempty" url:"certificate_chain,omitempty,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
Preprocess *bool `json:"preprocess,omitempty" url:"preprocess,omitempty,key"` // allow Heroku to modify an uploaded public certificate chain if deemed
// advantageous by adding missing intermediaries, stripping unnecessary
// ones, etc.
PrivateKey *string `json:"private_key,omitempty" url:"private_key,omitempty,key"` // contents of the private key (eg .key file)
Rollback *bool `json:"rollback,omitempty" url:"rollback,omitempty,key"` // indicates that a rollback should be performed
type SSLEndpointUpdateResult struct {
App struct {
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of app
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of app
} `json:"app" url:"app,key"` // application associated with this ssl-endpoint
CertificateChain string `json:"certificate_chain" url:"certificate_chain,key"` // raw contents of the public certificate chain (eg: .crt or .pem file)
CName string `json:"cname" url:"cname,key"` // canonical name record, the address to point a domain at
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when endpoint was created
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this SSL endpoint
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name for SSL endpoint
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when endpoint was updated
// Update an existing SSL endpoint.
func (s *Service) SSLEndpointUpdate(ctx context.Context, appIdentity string, sslEndpointIdentity string, o SSLEndpointUpdateOpts) (*SSLEndpointUpdateResult, error) {
var sslEndpoint SSLEndpointUpdateResult
return &sslEndpoint, s.Patch(ctx, &sslEndpoint, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/ssl-endpoints/%v", appIdentity, sslEndpointIdentity), o)
// Stacks are the different application execution environments available
// in the Heroku platform.
type Stack struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when stack was introduced
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this stack: beta, deprecated or public
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when stack was last modified
type StackInfoResult struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when stack was introduced
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this stack: beta, deprecated or public
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when stack was last modified
// Stack info.
func (s *Service) StackInfo(ctx context.Context, stackIdentity string) (*StackInfoResult, error) {
var stack StackInfoResult
return &stack, s.Get(ctx, &stack, fmt.Sprintf("/stacks/%v", stackIdentity), nil, nil)
type StackListResult []struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" url:"created_at,key"` // when stack was introduced
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of stack
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of stack
State string `json:"state" url:"state,key"` // availability of this stack: beta, deprecated or public
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" url:"updated_at,key"` // when stack was last modified
// List available stacks.
func (s *Service) StackList(ctx context.Context, lr *ListRange) (StackListResult, error) {
var stack StackListResult
return stack, s.Get(ctx, &stack, fmt.Sprintf("/stacks"), nil, lr)
// Tracks a user's preferences and message dismissals
type UserPreferences struct {
DefaultOrganization *string `json:"default-organization" url:"default-organization,key"` // User's default organization
DismissedGettingStarted *bool `json:"dismissed-getting-started" url:"dismissed-getting-started,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the getting started banner
DismissedGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-github-banner" url:"dismissed-github-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub link banner
DismissedOrgAccessControls *bool `json:"dismissed-org-access-controls" url:"dismissed-org-access-controls,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Access Controls
// banner
DismissedOrgWizardNotification *bool `json:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification" url:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Wizard
DismissedPipelinesBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-banner" url:"dismissed-pipelines-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Pipelines banner
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub banner on a pipeline
// overview
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanners *[]string `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners,key"` // Which pipeline uuids the user has dismissed the GitHub banner for
DismissedSmsBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-sms-banner" url:"dismissed-sms-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the 2FA SMS banner
Timezone *string `json:"timezone" url:"timezone,key"` // User's default timezone
type UserPreferencesListResult struct {
DefaultOrganization *string `json:"default-organization" url:"default-organization,key"` // User's default organization
DismissedGettingStarted *bool `json:"dismissed-getting-started" url:"dismissed-getting-started,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the getting started banner
DismissedGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-github-banner" url:"dismissed-github-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub link banner
DismissedOrgAccessControls *bool `json:"dismissed-org-access-controls" url:"dismissed-org-access-controls,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Access Controls
// banner
DismissedOrgWizardNotification *bool `json:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification" url:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Wizard
DismissedPipelinesBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-banner" url:"dismissed-pipelines-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Pipelines banner
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub banner on a pipeline
// overview
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanners *[]string `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners,key"` // Which pipeline uuids the user has dismissed the GitHub banner for
DismissedSmsBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-sms-banner" url:"dismissed-sms-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the 2FA SMS banner
Timezone *string `json:"timezone" url:"timezone,key"` // User's default timezone
// Retrieve User Preferences
func (s *Service) UserPreferencesList(ctx context.Context, userPreferencesIdentity string) (*UserPreferencesListResult, error) {
var userPreferences UserPreferencesListResult
return &userPreferences, s.Get(ctx, &userPreferences, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/preferences", userPreferencesIdentity), nil, nil)
type UserPreferencesUpdateOpts struct {
DefaultOrganization *string `json:"default-organization,omitempty" url:"default-organization,omitempty,key"` // User's default organization
DismissedGettingStarted *bool `json:"dismissed-getting-started,omitempty" url:"dismissed-getting-started,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the getting started banner
DismissedGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-github-banner,omitempty" url:"dismissed-github-banner,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub link banner
DismissedOrgAccessControls *bool `json:"dismissed-org-access-controls,omitempty" url:"dismissed-org-access-controls,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Access Controls
// banner
DismissedOrgWizardNotification *bool `json:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification,omitempty" url:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Wizard
DismissedPipelinesBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-banner,omitempty" url:"dismissed-pipelines-banner,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Pipelines banner
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner,omitempty" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub banner on a pipeline
// overview
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanners *[]*string `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners,omitempty" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners,omitempty,key"` // Which pipeline uuids the user has dismissed the GitHub banner for
DismissedSmsBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-sms-banner,omitempty" url:"dismissed-sms-banner,omitempty,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the 2FA SMS banner
Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty" url:"timezone,omitempty,key"` // User's default timezone
type UserPreferencesUpdateResult struct {
DefaultOrganization *string `json:"default-organization" url:"default-organization,key"` // User's default organization
DismissedGettingStarted *bool `json:"dismissed-getting-started" url:"dismissed-getting-started,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the getting started banner
DismissedGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-github-banner" url:"dismissed-github-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub link banner
DismissedOrgAccessControls *bool `json:"dismissed-org-access-controls" url:"dismissed-org-access-controls,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Access Controls
// banner
DismissedOrgWizardNotification *bool `json:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification" url:"dismissed-org-wizard-notification,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Organization Wizard
DismissedPipelinesBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-banner" url:"dismissed-pipelines-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the Pipelines banner
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the GitHub banner on a pipeline
// overview
DismissedPipelinesGithubBanners *[]string `json:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners" url:"dismissed-pipelines-github-banners,key"` // Which pipeline uuids the user has dismissed the GitHub banner for
DismissedSmsBanner *bool `json:"dismissed-sms-banner" url:"dismissed-sms-banner,key"` // Whether the user has dismissed the 2FA SMS banner
Timezone *string `json:"timezone" url:"timezone,key"` // User's default timezone
// Update User Preferences
func (s *Service) UserPreferencesUpdate(ctx context.Context, userPreferencesIdentity string, o UserPreferencesUpdateOpts) (*UserPreferencesUpdateResult, error) {
var userPreferences UserPreferencesUpdateResult
return &userPreferences, s.Patch(ctx, &userPreferences, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%v/preferences", userPreferencesIdentity), o)
// Entities that have been whitelisted to be used by an Organization
type WhitelistedAddOnService struct {
AddedAt time.Time `json:"added_at" url:"added_at,key"` // when the add-on service was whitelisted
AddedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"added_by" url:"added_by,key"` // the user which whitelisted the Add-on Service
AddonService struct {
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // the Add-on Service whitelisted for use
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier for this whitelisting entity
type WhitelistedAddOnServiceListResult []struct {
AddedAt time.Time `json:"added_at" url:"added_at,key"` // when the add-on service was whitelisted
AddedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"added_by" url:"added_by,key"` // the user which whitelisted the Add-on Service
AddonService struct {
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // the Add-on Service whitelisted for use
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier for this whitelisting entity
// List all whitelisted Add-on Services for an Organization
func (s *Service) WhitelistedAddOnServiceList(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, lr *ListRange) (WhitelistedAddOnServiceListResult, error) {
var whitelistedAddOnService WhitelistedAddOnServiceListResult
return whitelistedAddOnService, s.Get(ctx, &whitelistedAddOnService, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/whitelisted-addon-services", organizationIdentity), nil, lr)
type WhitelistedAddOnServiceCreateOpts struct {
AddonService *string `json:"addon_service,omitempty" url:"addon_service,omitempty,key"` // name of the Add-on to whitelist
type WhitelistedAddOnServiceCreateResult []struct {
AddedAt time.Time `json:"added_at" url:"added_at,key"` // when the add-on service was whitelisted
AddedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"added_by" url:"added_by,key"` // the user which whitelisted the Add-on Service
AddonService struct {
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // the Add-on Service whitelisted for use
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier for this whitelisting entity
// Whitelist an Add-on Service
func (s *Service) WhitelistedAddOnServiceCreate(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, o WhitelistedAddOnServiceCreateOpts) (WhitelistedAddOnServiceCreateResult, error) {
var whitelistedAddOnService WhitelistedAddOnServiceCreateResult
return whitelistedAddOnService, s.Post(ctx, &whitelistedAddOnService, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/whitelisted-addon-services", organizationIdentity), o)
type WhitelistedAddOnServiceDeleteResult struct {
AddedAt time.Time `json:"added_at" url:"added_at,key"` // when the add-on service was whitelisted
AddedBy struct {
Email string `json:"email" url:"email,key"` // unique email address of account
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of an account
} `json:"added_by" url:"added_by,key"` // the user which whitelisted the Add-on Service
AddonService struct {
HumanName string `json:"human_name" url:"human_name,key"` // human-readable name of the add-on service provider
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier of this add-on-service
Name string `json:"name" url:"name,key"` // unique name of this add-on-service
} `json:"addon_service" url:"addon_service,key"` // the Add-on Service whitelisted for use
ID string `json:"id" url:"id,key"` // unique identifier for this whitelisting entity
// Remove a whitelisted entity
func (s *Service) WhitelistedAddOnServiceDelete(ctx context.Context, organizationIdentity string, whitelistedAddOnServiceIdentity string) (*WhitelistedAddOnServiceDeleteResult, error) {
var whitelistedAddOnService WhitelistedAddOnServiceDeleteResult
return &whitelistedAddOnService, s.Delete(ctx, &whitelistedAddOnService, fmt.Sprintf("/organizations/%v/whitelisted-addon-services/%v", organizationIdentity, whitelistedAddOnServiceIdentity))