378 lines
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378 lines
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layout: "circonus"
page_title: "Circonus: circonus_rule_set"
sidebar_current: "docs-circonus-resource-circonus_rule_set"
description: |-
Manages a Circonus rule set.
# circonus\_rule_set
The ``circonus_rule_set`` resource creates and manages a
[Circonus Rule Set](https://login.circonus.com/resources/api/calls/rule_set).
## Usage
variable "myapp-tags" {
type = "list"
default = [ "app:myapp", "owner:myteam" ]
resource "circonus_rule_set" "myapp-cert-ttl-alert" {
check = "${circonus_check.myapp-https.checks[0]}"
metric_name = "cert_end_in"
link = "https://wiki.example.org/playbook/how-to-renew-cert"
if {
value {
min_value = "${2 * 24 * 3600}"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 1
if {
value {
min_value = "${7 * 24 * 3600}"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 2
if {
value {
min_value = "${21 * 24 * 3600}"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 3
if {
value {
absent = "24h"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 1
tags = [ "${var.myapp-tags}" ]
resource "circonus_rule_set" "myapp-healthy-alert" {
check = "${circonus_check.myapp-https.checks[0]}"
metric_name = "duration"
link = "https://wiki.example.org/playbook/debug-down-app"
if {
value {
# SEV1 if it takes more than 9.5s for us to complete an HTTP request
max_value = "${9.5 * 1000}"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 1
if {
value {
# SEV2 if it takes more than 5s for us to complete an HTTP request
max_value = "${5 * 1000}"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 2
if {
value {
# SEV3 if the average response time is more than 500ms using a moving
# average over the last 10min. Any transient problems should have
# resolved themselves by now. Something's wrong, need to page someone.
over {
last = "10m"
using = "average"
max_value = "500"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 3
if {
value {
# SEV4 if it takes more than 500ms for us to complete an HTTP request. We
# want to record that things were slow, but not wake anyone up if it
# momentarily pops above 500ms.
min_value = "500"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 3
if {
value {
# If for whatever reason we're not recording any values for the last
# 24hrs, fire off a SEV1.
absent = "24h"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.myapp-owners.id}" ]
severity = 1
tags = [ "${var.myapp-tags}" ]
resource "circonus_contact_group" "myapp-owners" {
name = "My App Owners"
tags = [ "${var.myapp-tags}" ]
resource "circonus_check" "myapp-https" {
name = "My App's HTTPS Check"
notes = <<-EOF
A check to create metric streams for Time to First Byte, HTTP transaction
duration, and the TTL of a TLS cert.
collector {
id = "/broker/1"
http {
code = "^200$"
headers = {
X-Request-Type = "health-check",
url = "https://www.example.com/myapp/healthz"
metric {
name = "${circonus_metric.myapp-cert-ttl.name}"
tags = "${circonus_metric.myapp-cert-ttl.tags}"
type = "${circonus_metric.myapp-cert-ttl.type}"
unit = "${circonus_metric.myapp-cert-ttl.unit}"
metric {
name = "${circonus_metric.myapp-duration.name}"
tags = "${circonus_metric.myapp-duration.tags}"
type = "${circonus_metric.myapp-duration.type}"
unit = "${circonus_metric.myapp-duration.unit}"
period = 60
tags = ["source:circonus", "author:terraform"]
timeout = 10
resource "circonus_metric" "myapp-cert-ttl" {
name = "cert_end_in"
type = "numeric"
unit = "seconds"
tags = [ "${var.myapp-tags}", "resource:tls" ]
resource "circonus_metric" "myapp-duration" {
name = "duration"
type = "numeric"
unit = "miliseconds"
tags = [ "${var.myapp-tags}" ]
## Argument Reference
* `check` - (Required) The Circonus ID that this Rule Set will use to search for
a metric stream to alert on.
* `if` - (Required) One or more ordered predicate clauses that describe when
Circonus should generate a notification. See below for details on the
structure of an `if` configuration clause.
* `link` - (Optional) A link to external documentation (or anything else you
feel is important) when a notification is sent. This value will show up in
email alerts and the Circonus UI.
* `metric_type` - (Optional) The type of metric this rule set will operate on.
Valid values are `numeric` (the default) and `text`.
* `notes` - (Optional) Notes about this rule set.
* `parent` - (Optional) A Circonus Metric ID that, if specified and active with
a severity 1 alert, will silence this rule set until all of the severity 1
alerts on the parent clear. This value must match the format
* `metric_name` - (Required) The name of the metric stream within a given check
that this rule set is active on.
* `tags` - (Optional) A list of tags assigned to this rule set.
## `if` Configuration
The `if` configuration block is an
[ordered list of rules](https://login.circonus.com/user/docs/Alerting/Rules/Configure) that
are evaluated in order, first to last. The first `if` condition to evaluate
true shortcircuits all other `if` blocks in this rule set. An `if` block is also
referred to as a "rule." It is advised that all high-severity rules are ordered
before low-severity rules otherwise low-severity rules will mask notifications
that should be delivered with a high-severity.
`if` blocks are made up of two configuration blocks: `value` and `then`. The
`value` configuration block specifies the criteria underwhich the metric streams
are evaluated. The `then` configuration block, optional, specifies what action
to take.
### `value` Configuration
A `value` block can have only one of several "predicate" attributes specified
because they conflict with each other. The list of mutually exclusive
predicates is dependent on the `metric_type`. To evaluate multiple predicates,
create multiple `if` configuration blocks in the proper order.
#### `numeric` Predicates
Metric types of type `numeric` support the following predicates. Only one of
the following predicates may be specified at a time.
* `absent` - (Optional) If a metric has not been observed in this duration the
rule will fire. When present, this duration is evaluated in terms of seconds.
* `changed` - (Optional) A boolean indicating this rule should fire when the
value changes (e.g. `n != n<sub>1</sub>`).
* `min_value` - (Optional) When the value is less than this value, this rule will
fire (e.g. `n < ${min_value}`).
* `max_value` - (Optional) When the value is greater than this value, this rule
will fire (e.g. `n > ${max_value}`).
Additionally, a `numeric` check can also evaluate data based on a windowing
function versus the last measured value in the metric stream. In order to have
a rule evaluate on derived value from a window, include a nested `over`
attribute inside of the `value` configuration block. An `over` attribute needs
two attributes:
* `last` - (Optional) A duration for the sliding window. Default `300s`.
* `using` - (Optional) The window function to use over the `last` interval.
Valid window functions include: `average` (the default), `stddev`, `derive`,
`derive_stddev`, `counter`, `counter_stddev`, `derive_2`, `derive_2_stddev`,
`counter_2`, and `counter_2_stddev`.
#### `text` Predicates
Metric types of type `text` support the following predicates:
* `absent` - (Optional) If a metric has not been observed in this duration the
rule will fire. When present, this duration is evaluated in terms of seconds.
* `changed` - (Optional) A boolean indicating this rule should fire when the
last value in the metric stream changed from it's previous value (e.g. `n !=
* `contains` - (Optional) When the last value in the metric stream the value is
less than this value, this rule will fire (e.g. `strstr(n, ${contains}) !=
* `match` - (Optional) When the last value in the metric stream value exactly
matches this configured value, this rule will fire (e.g. `strcmp(n, ${match})
== 0`).
* `not_contain` - (Optional) When the last value in the metric stream does not
match this configured value, this rule will fire (e.g. `strstr(n, ${contains})
== NULL`).
* `not_match` - (Optional) When the last value in the metric stream does not match
this configured value, this rule will fire (e.g. `strstr(n, ${not_match}) ==
### `then` Configuration
A `then` block can have the following attributes:
* `after` - (Optional) Only execute this notification after waiting for this
number of minutes. Defaults to immediately, or `0m`.
* `notify` - (Optional) A list of contact group IDs to notify when this rule is
sends off a notification.
* `severity` - (Optional) The severity level of the notification. This can be
set to any value between `1` and `5`. Defaults to `1`.
## Import Example
`circonus_rule_set` supports importing resources. Supposing the following
Terraform (and that the referenced [`circonus_metric`](metric.html)
and [`circonus_check`](check.html) have already been imported):
resource "circonus_rule_set" "icmp-latency-alert" {
check = "${circonus_check.api_latency.checks[0]}"
metric_name = "maximum"
if {
value {
absent = "600s"
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.test-trigger.id}" ]
severity = 1
if {
value {
over {
last = "120s"
using = "average"
max_value = 0.5 # units are in miliseconds
then {
notify = [ "${circonus_contact_group.test-trigger.id}" ]
severity = 2
It is possible to import a `circonus_rule_set` resource with the following command:
$ terraform import circonus_rule_set.usage ID
Where `ID` is the `_cid` or Circonus ID of the Rule Set
(e.g. `/rule_set/201285_maximum`) and `circonus_rule_set.icmp-latency-alert` is
the name of the resource whose state will be populated as a result of the