*`visibility_timeout_seconds` - (Optional) The visibility timeout for the queue. An integer from 0 to 43200 (12 hours). The default for this attribute is 30. For more information about visibility timeout see AWS docs.
*`message_retention_seconds` - (Optional) The number of seconds Amazon SQS retains a message. Integer representing seconds, from 60 (1 minute) to 1209600 (14 days). The default for this attribute is 345600 (4 days).
*`max_message_size` - (Optional) The limit of how many bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. An integer from 1024 bytes (1 KiB) up to 262144 bytes (256 KiB). The default for this attribute is 262144 (256 KiB).
*`delay_seconds` - (Optional) The time in seconds that the delivery of all messages in the queue will be delayed. An integer from 0 to 900 (15 minutes). The default for this attribute is 30 seconds.
*`receive_wait_time_seconds` - (Optional) The time for which a ReceiveMessage call will wait for a message to arrive (long polling) before returning. An integer from 0 to 20 (seconds). The default for this attribute is 0, meaning that the call will return immediately.
*`policy` - (Optional) The JSON policy for the SQS queue