Terraform can store the state remotely, making it easier to version and work with in a team.
**Kind: Standard (with locking)**
Stores the state as an object in a configurable prefix in a given bucket on [Tencent Cloud Object Storage](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/product/cos) (COS).
This backend also supports [state locking](/docs/state/locking.html).
~> **Warning!** It is highly recommended that you enable [Object Versioning](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/19883)
on the COS bucket to allow for state recovery in the case of accidental deletions and human error.
This assumes we have a [COS Bucket](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/tencentcloudstack/tencentcloud/latest/docs/resources/cos_bucket) created named `bucket-for-terraform-state-1258798060`,
To make use of the COS remote state in another configuration, use the [`terraform_remote_state` data source](/docs/providers/terraform/d/remote_state.html).
The following configuration options or environment variables are supported:
*`secret_id` - (Optional) Secret id of Tencent Cloud. It supports environment variables `TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID`.
*`secret_key` - (Optional) Secret key of Tencent Cloud. It supports environment variables `TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY`.
*`region` - (Optional) The region of the COS bucket. It supports environment variables `TENCENTCLOUD_REGION`.
*`bucket` - (Required) The name of the COS bucket. You shall manually create it first.
*`prefix` - (Optional) The directory for saving the state file in bucket. Default to "env:".
*`key` - (Optional) The path for saving the state file in bucket. Defaults to `terraform.tfstate`.
*`encrypt` - (Optional) Whether to enable server side encryption of the state file. If it is true, COS will use 'AES256' encryption algorithm to encrypt state file.
*`acl` - (Optional) Object ACL to be applied to the state file, allows `private` and `public-read`. Defaults to `private`.