*`time_zone` - (Optional) The [Linux](https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk41pubs/ApiReference/timezone.html) or [Windows](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms912391.aspx) time zone to set on the virtual machine. Defaults to "Etc/UTC"
*`linked_clone` - (Optional) Specifies if the new machine is a [linked clone](https://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_clone_overview.html#wp1036396) of another machine or not.
*`ipv4_address` - (Optional) Static IP to assign to this network interface. Interface will use DHCP if this is left blank. Currently only IPv4 IP addresses are supported.
*`ipv4_prefix_length` - (Optional) prefix length to use when statically assigning an IP.
The following arguments are maintained for backwards compatibility and may be
removed in a future version:
*`ip_address` - __Deprecated, please use `ipv4_address` instead_.
*`subnet_mask` - __Deprecated, please use `ipv4_prefix_length` instead_.
*`product_key` - (Optional) Serial number for new installation of Windows. This serial number is ignored if the original guest operating system was installed using a volume-licensed CD.
*`admin_password` - (Optional) The password for the new `administrator` account. Omit for passwordless admin (using `""` does not work).
*`domain` - (Optional) Domain that the new machine will be placed into. If `domain`, `domain_user`, and `domain_user_password` are not all set, all three will be ignored.
*`domain_user` - (Optional) User that is a member of the specified domain.
*`domain_user_password` - (Optional) Password for domain user, in plain text.