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package command
import (
// ZeroThirteenUpgradeCommand upgrades configuration files for a module
// to include explicit provider source settings
type ZeroThirteenUpgradeCommand struct {
// Warning diagnostic detail message used for JSON and override config files
const skippedConfigurationFileWarning = "The %s configuration file %q was skipped, because %s files are assumed to be generated. The program that generated this file may need to be updated for changes to the configuration language."
func (c *ZeroThirteenUpgradeCommand) Run(args []string) int {
args = c.Meta.process(args)
flags := c.Meta.defaultFlagSet("0.13upgrade")
flags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Error(c.Help()) }
if err := flags.Parse(args); err != nil {
return 1
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
var dir string
args = flags.Args()
switch len(args) {
case 0:
dir = "."
case 1:
dir = args[0]
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Too many arguments",
"The command 0.13upgrade expects only a single argument, giving the directory containing the module to upgrade.",
return 1
// Check for user-supplied plugin path
var err error
if c.pluginPath, err = c.loadPluginPath(); err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error loading plugin path: %s", err))
return 1
dir = c.normalizePath(dir)
// Upgrade only if some configuration is present
empty, err := configs.IsEmptyDir(dir)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Error checking configuration: %s", err))
return 1
if empty {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Not a module directory",
fmt.Sprintf("The given directory %s does not contain any Terraform configuration files.", dir),
return 1
// Set up the config loader and find all the config files
loader, err := c.initConfigLoader()
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return 1
parser := loader.Parser()
primary, overrides, hclDiags := parser.ConfigDirFiles(dir)
diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
c.Ui.Error(strings.TrimSpace("Failed to load configuration"))
return 1
// Load and parse all primary files
files := make(map[string]*configs.File)
for _, path := range primary {
// Skip JSON configuration files, because we can't rewrite them and
// they're probably generated anyway.
if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(path), ".json") {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"JSON configuration file was not rewritten",
file, fileDiags := parser.LoadConfigFile(path)
diags = diags.Append(fileDiags)
if file != nil {
files[path] = file
if diags.HasErrors() {
c.Ui.Error(strings.TrimSpace("Failed to load configuration"))
return 1
// It's not clear what the correct behaviour is for upgrading override
// files. For now, just log that we're ignoring the file.
for _, path := range overrides {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Override configuration file was not rewritten",
// Build up a list of required providers, uniquely by local name
requiredProviders := make(map[string]*configs.RequiredProvider)
var rewritePaths []string
// Step 1: copy all explicit provider requirements across
for path, file := range files {
for _, rps := range file.RequiredProviders {
rewritePaths = append(rewritePaths, path)
for _, rp := range rps.RequiredProviders {
if previous, exist := requiredProviders[rp.Name]; exist {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Summary: "Duplicate required provider configuration",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Found duplicate required provider configuration for %q.Previously configured at %s", rp.Name, previous.DeclRange),
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Context: rps.DeclRange.Ptr(),
Subject: rp.DeclRange.Ptr(),
} else {
// We're copying the struct here to ensure that any
// mutation does not affect the original, if we rewrite
// this file
requiredProviders[rp.Name] = &configs.RequiredProvider{
Name: rp.Name,
Source: rp.Source,
Type: rp.Type,
Requirement: rp.Requirement,
DeclRange: rp.DeclRange,
for _, file := range files {
// Step 2: add missing provider requirements from provider blocks
for _, p := range file.ProviderConfigs {
// If no explicit provider configuration exists for the
// provider configuration's local name, add one with a legacy
// provider address.
if _, exist := requiredProviders[p.Name]; !exist {
requiredProviders[p.Name] = &configs.RequiredProvider{
Name: p.Name,
// Step 3: add missing provider requirements from resources
resources := [][]*configs.Resource{file.ManagedResources, file.DataResources}
for _, rs := range resources {
for _, r := range rs {
// Find the appropriate provider local name for this resource
var localName string
// If there's a provider config, use that to determine the
// local name. Otherwise use the implied provider local name
// based on the resource's address.
if r.ProviderConfigRef != nil {
localName = r.ProviderConfigRef.Name
} else {
localName = r.Addr().ImpliedProvider()
// If no explicit provider configuration exists for this local
// name, add one with a legacy provider address.
if _, exist := requiredProviders[localName]; !exist {
requiredProviders[localName] = &configs.RequiredProvider{
Name: localName,
// We should now have a complete understanding of the provider requirements
// stated in the config. If there are any providers, attempt to detect
// their sources, and rewrite the config.
if len(requiredProviders) > 0 {
detectDiags := c.detectProviderSources(requiredProviders)
diags = diags.Append(detectDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
c.Ui.Error("Unable to detect sources for providers")
return 1
// Default output filename is "providers.tf"
filename := path.Join(dir, "providers.tf")
// Special case: if we only have one file with a required providers
// block, output to that file instead.
if len(rewritePaths) == 1 {
filename = rewritePaths[0]
// Remove the output file from the list of paths we want to rewrite
// later. Otherwise we'd delete the required providers block after
// writing it.
for i, path := range rewritePaths {
if path == filename {
rewritePaths = append(rewritePaths[:i], rewritePaths[i+1:]...)
var out *hclwrite.File
// If the output file doesn't exist, just create a new empty file
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
out = hclwrite.NewEmptyFile()
} else if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to read configuration file",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when reading configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
} else {
// Configuration file already exists, so load and parse it
config, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to read configuration file",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when reading configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
var parseDiags hcl.Diagnostics
out, parseDiags = hclwrite.ParseConfig(config, filename, hcl.InitialPos)
diags = diags.Append(parseDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return 1
// Find all required_providers blocks, and store them alongside a map
// back to the parent terraform block.
var requiredProviderBlocks []*hclwrite.Block
parentBlocks := make(map[*hclwrite.Block]*hclwrite.Block)
root := out.Body()
for _, rootBlock := range root.Blocks() {
if rootBlock.Type() != "terraform" {
for _, childBlock := range rootBlock.Body().Blocks() {
if childBlock.Type() == "required_providers" {
requiredProviderBlocks = append(requiredProviderBlocks, childBlock)
parentBlocks[childBlock] = rootBlock
// First required provider block, and the rest found in this file.
var first *hclwrite.Block
var rest []*hclwrite.Block
if len(requiredProviderBlocks) > 0 {
// If we already have one or more required provider blocks, we'll rewrite
// the first one, and remove the rest.
first, rest = requiredProviderBlocks[0], requiredProviderBlocks[1:]
} else {
// Otherwise, find or a create a terraform block, and add a new
// empty required providers block to it.
var tfBlock *hclwrite.Block
for _, rootBlock := range root.Blocks() {
if rootBlock.Type() == "terraform" {
tfBlock = rootBlock
if tfBlock == nil {
tfBlock = root.AppendNewBlock("terraform", nil)
first = tfBlock.Body().AppendNewBlock("required_providers", nil)
// Find the body of the first block to prepare for rewriting it
body := first.Body()
// Build a sorted list of provider local names, for consistent ordering
var localNames []string
for localName := range requiredProviders {
localNames = append(localNames, localName)
// Populate the required providers block
for _, localName := range localNames {
requiredProvider := requiredProviders[localName]
var attributes = make(map[string]cty.Value)
if !requiredProvider.Type.IsZero() {
attributes["source"] = cty.StringVal(requiredProvider.Type.ForDisplay())
if version := requiredProvider.Requirement.Required.String(); version != "" {
attributes["version"] = cty.StringVal(version)
var attributesObject cty.Value
if len(attributes) > 0 {
attributesObject = cty.ObjectVal(attributes)
} else {
attributesObject = cty.EmptyObjectVal
body.SetAttributeValue(localName, attributesObject)
// If we don't have a source attribute, manually construct a commented
// block explaining what to do
if _, hasSource := attributes["source"]; !hasSource {
// Generate the token stream for the required provider
rp := body.GetAttribute(localName)
expr := rp.Expr().BuildTokens(nil)
// Partition the tokens into before and after the opening brace
before, after := partitionTokensAfter(expr, hclsyntax.TokenOBrace)
// If the value is an empty object, add a newline between the
// braces so that the comment is not on the same line as either
// brace.
if len(before) == 1 && len(after) == 1 {
newline := &hclwrite.Token{
Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline,
Bytes: []byte{'\n'},
after = append(hclwrite.Tokens{newline}, after...)
// Generate the comment and insert it at the start of the object
comment := noSourceDetectedComment(localName)
commentedBlock := append(before, comment...)
commentedBlock = append(commentedBlock, after...)
// Set the required provider object to this raw token stream
body.SetAttributeRaw(localName, commentedBlock)
// Remove the rest of the blocks (and the parent block, if it's empty)
for _, rpBlock := range rest {
tfBlock := parentBlocks[rpBlock]
tfBody := tfBlock.Body()
// If the terraform block has no blocks and no attributes, it's
// basically empty (aside from comments and whitespace), so it's
// more useful to remove it than leave it in.
if len(tfBody.Blocks()) == 0 && len(tfBody.Attributes()) == 0 {
// Write the config back to the file
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to open configuration file for writing",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when reading configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
_, err = out.WriteTo(f)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to rewrite configuration file",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when rewriting configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
// After successfully writing the new configuration, remove all other
// required provider blocks from remaining configuration files.
for _, path := range rewritePaths {
// Read and parse the existing file
config, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to read configuration file",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when reading configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
file, parseDiags := hclwrite.ParseConfig(config, filename, hcl.InitialPos)
diags = diags.Append(parseDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return 1
// Find and remove all terraform.required_providers blocks
root := file.Body()
for _, rootBlock := range root.Blocks() {
if rootBlock.Type() != "terraform" {
tfBody := rootBlock.Body()
for _, childBlock := range tfBody.Blocks() {
if childBlock.Type() == "required_providers" {
// If the terraform block is now empty, remove it
if len(tfBody.Blocks()) == 0 && len(tfBody.Attributes()) == 0 {
// Write the config back to the file
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to open configuration file for writing",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when reading configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
_, err = file.WriteTo(f)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Unable to rewrite configuration file",
fmt.Sprintf("Error when rewriting configuration file %q: %s", filename, err),
return 1
if diags.HasErrors() {
return 1
if len(diags) != 0 {
[bold][green]Upgrade complete![reset]
Use your version control system to review the proposed changes, make any
necessary adjustments, and then commit.
return 0
// For providers which need a source attribute, detect the source
func (c *ZeroThirteenUpgradeCommand) detectProviderSources(requiredProviders map[string]*configs.RequiredProvider) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
source := c.providerInstallSource()
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
for name, rp := range requiredProviders {
// If there's already an explicit source, skip it
if rp.Source != "" {
// Construct a legacy provider FQN using the required provider local
// name. This ignores any auto-generated provider FQN from the load &
// parse process, because we know that without an explicit source it is
// not explicitly specified.
addr := addrs.NewLegacyProvider(name)
p, err := getproviders.LookupLegacyProvider(addr, source)
if err == nil {
rp.Type = p
} else {
if _, ok := err.(getproviders.ErrProviderNotKnown); ok {
// Setting the provider address to a zero value struct
// indicates that there is no known FQN for this provider,
// which will cause us to write an explanatory comment in the
// HCL output advising the user what to do about this.
rp.Type = addrs.Provider{}
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Could not detect provider source",
fmt.Sprintf("Error looking up provider source for %q: %s", name, err),
return diags
// Take a list of tokens and a separator token, and return two lists: one up to
// and including the first instance of the separator, and the rest of the
// tokens. If the separator is not present, return the entire list in the first
// return value.
func partitionTokensAfter(tokens hclwrite.Tokens, separator hclsyntax.TokenType) (hclwrite.Tokens, hclwrite.Tokens) {
for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ {
if tokens[i].Type == separator {
return tokens[0 : i+1], tokens[i+1:]
return tokens, nil
// Generate a list of tokens for a comment explaining that a provider source
// could not be detected.
func noSourceDetectedComment(name string) hclwrite.Tokens {
comment := fmt.Sprintf(`# TF-UPGRADE-TODO
# No source detected for this provider. You must add a source address
# in the following format:
# source = "your-registry.example.com/organization/%s"
# For more information, see the provider source documentation:
# https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/providers.html#provider-source`, name)
var tokens hclwrite.Tokens
for _, line := range strings.Split(comment, "\n") {
tokens = append(tokens, &hclwrite.Token{Type: hclsyntax.TokenNewline, Bytes: []byte{'\n'}})
tokens = append(tokens, &hclwrite.Token{Type: hclsyntax.TokenComment, Bytes: []byte(line)})
return tokens
func (c *ZeroThirteenUpgradeCommand) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: terraform 0.13upgrade [module-dir]
Generates a "providers.tf" configuration file which includes source
configuration for every non-default provider.
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
func (c *ZeroThirteenUpgradeCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "Rewrites pre-0.13 module source code for v0.13"