<tdstyle="width: 55.7271%; height: 21px;"><i><spanstyle="font-weight: 400;">Verified providers are owned and maintained by third-party technology partners. Providers in this tier indicate HashiCorp has verified the authenticity of the Provider’s publisher, and that the partner is a member of the </span></i><ahref="https://www.hashicorp.com/ecosystem/become-a-partner/"><i><spanstyle="font-weight: 400;">HashiCorp Technology Partner Program</span></i></a><i><spanstyle="font-weight: 400;">.</span></i></td>
<tdstyle="width: 31.7889%; height: 21px;"><spanstyle="font-weight: 400;">Third-party organization, e.g. </span><code><spanstyle="font-weight: 400;">mongodb/mongodbatlas</span></code></td>
<tdstyle="width: 55.7271%; height: 21px;">Community providers are published to the Terraform Registry by individual maintainers, groups of maintainers, or other members of the Terraform community.</td>
<tdstyle="width: 31.7889%; height: 21px;"><br/>Maintainer’s individual or organization account, e.g. <code>DeviaVir/gsuite</code></td>
<tdstyle="width: 55.7271%; height: 21px;">Archived Providers are Official or Verified Providers that are no longer maintained by HashiCorp or the community. This may occur if an API is deprecated or interest was low.</td>
<tdstyle="width: 31.7889%; height: 21px;"><code>hashicorp</code> or third-party</td>
## How to Develop Providers
Providers are written in Go, using the Terraform Plugin SDK. For more
information on developing providers, see:
- The [Extending Terraform](/docs/extend/index.html) documentation
- The [Call APIs with Terraform Providers](https://learn.hashicorp.com/collections/terraform/providers?utm_source=WEBSITE&utm_medium=WEB_IO&utm_offer=ARTICLE_PAGE&utm_content=DOCS)