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2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
package aws
import (
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
func resourceAwsVpcPeeringConnection() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceAwsVPCPeeringCreate,
Read: resourceAwsVPCPeeringRead,
Update: resourceAwsVPCPeeringUpdate,
Delete: resourceAwsVPCPeeringDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough,
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"peer_owner_id": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
Computed: true,
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
"peer_vpc_id": {
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
2015-02-18 10:45:12 +01:00
ForceNew: true,
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
"vpc_id": {
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
2015-02-18 10:45:12 +01:00
ForceNew: true,
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
"auto_accept": {
2015-03-09 09:59:52 +01:00
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
"accept_status": {
2015-03-09 09:59:52 +01:00
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"accepter": vpcPeeringConnectionOptionsSchema(),
"requester": vpcPeeringConnectionOptionsSchema(),
"tags": tagsSchema(),
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
func resourceAwsVPCPeeringCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
2015-05-05 17:45:30 +02:00
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
// Create the vpc peering connection
createOpts := &ec2.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionInput{
PeerVpcId: aws.String(d.Get("peer_vpc_id").(string)),
VpcId: aws.String(d.Get("vpc_id").(string)),
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
if v, ok := d.GetOk("peer_owner_id"); ok {
createOpts.PeerOwnerId = aws.String(v.(string))
log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC Peering Create options: %#v", createOpts)
resp, err := conn.CreateVpcPeeringConnection(createOpts)
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
if err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("Error creating VPC Peering Connection: {{err}}", err)
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
// Get the ID and store it
rt := resp.VpcPeeringConnection
log.Printf("[INFO] VPC Peering Connection ID: %s", d.Id())
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
// Wait for the vpc peering connection to become available
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Waiting for VPC Peering Connection (%s) to become available.", d.Id())
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"initiating-request", "provisioning", "pending"},
Target: []string{"pending-acceptance", "active"},
2015-05-05 17:45:30 +02:00
Refresh: resourceAwsVPCPeeringConnectionStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id()),
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,
if _, err := stateConf.WaitForState(); err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf(
"Error waiting for VPC Peering Connection (%s) to become available: {{err}}",
d.Id()), err)
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
return resourceAwsVPCPeeringUpdate(d, meta)
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
func resourceAwsVPCPeeringRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
2015-05-05 17:45:30 +02:00
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
pcRaw, status, err := resourceAwsVPCPeeringConnectionStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id())()
// Allow a failed VPC Peering Connection to fallthrough,
// to allow rest of the logic below to do its work.
if err != nil && status != "failed" {
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
return err
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
if pcRaw == nil {
return nil
pc := pcRaw.(*ec2.VpcPeeringConnection)
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
// The failed status is a status that we can assume just means the
// connection is gone. Destruction isn't allowed, and it eventually
// just "falls off" the console. See GH-2322
if pc.Status != nil {
status := map[string]bool{
"deleted": true,
"deleting": true,
"expired": true,
"failed": true,
"rejected": true,
if _, ok := status[*pc.Status.Code]; ok {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC Peering Connection (%s) in state (%s), removing.",
d.Id(), *pc.Status.Code)
return nil
log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC Peering Connection response: %#v", pc)
d.Set("accept_status", pc.Status.Code)
d.Set("peer_owner_id", pc.AccepterVpcInfo.OwnerId)
d.Set("peer_vpc_id", pc.AccepterVpcInfo.VpcId)
d.Set("vpc_id", pc.RequesterVpcInfo.VpcId)
// When the VPC Peering Connection is pending acceptance,
// the details about accepter and/or requester peering
// options would not be included in the response.
if pc.AccepterVpcInfo.PeeringOptions != nil {
err := d.Set("accepter", flattenPeeringOptions(pc.AccepterVpcInfo.PeeringOptions))
if err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("Error setting VPC Peering Connection accepter information: {{err}}", err)
if pc.RequesterVpcInfo.PeeringOptions != nil {
err := d.Set("requester", flattenPeeringOptions(pc.RequesterVpcInfo.PeeringOptions))
if err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("Error setting VPC Peering Connection requester information: {{err}}", err)
err = d.Set("tags", tagsToMap(pc.Tags))
if err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("Error setting VPC Peering Connection tags: {{err}}", err)
2015-03-09 09:59:52 +01:00
return nil
func resourceVPCPeeringConnectionAccept(conn *ec2.EC2, id string) (string, error) {
log.Printf("[INFO] Accept VPC Peering Connection with ID: %s", id)
2015-03-09 09:59:52 +01:00
req := &ec2.AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionInput{
VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String(id),
2015-03-09 09:59:52 +01:00
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
resp, err := conn.AcceptVpcPeeringConnection(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
pc := resp.VpcPeeringConnection
return *pc.Status.Code, nil
func resourceVPCPeeringConnectionOptionsModify(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptionsInput{
VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String(d.Id()),
if v, ok := d.GetOk("accepter"); ok {
if s := v.(*schema.Set); len(s.List()) > 0 {
co := s.List()[0].(map[string]interface{})
modifyOpts.AccepterPeeringConnectionOptions = expandPeeringOptions(co)
if v, ok := d.GetOk("requester"); ok {
if s := v.(*schema.Set); len(s.List()) > 0 {
co := s.List()[0].(map[string]interface{})
modifyOpts.RequesterPeeringConnectionOptions = expandPeeringOptions(co)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC Peering Connection modify options: %#v", modifyOpts)
if _, err := conn.ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptions(modifyOpts); err != nil {
return err
return nil
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
2015-02-18 10:45:12 +01:00
func resourceAwsVPCPeeringUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
2015-05-05 17:45:30 +02:00
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
2015-02-18 10:45:12 +01:00
if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil {
2015-02-18 10:45:12 +01:00
return err
} else {
pcRaw, _, err := resourceAwsVPCPeeringConnectionStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id())()
if err != nil {
return err
if pcRaw == nil {
return nil
pc := pcRaw.(*ec2.VpcPeeringConnection)
2015-03-17 11:27:33 +01:00
if _, ok := d.GetOk("auto_accept"); ok {
if pc.Status != nil && *pc.Status.Code == "pending-acceptance" {
2015-05-05 17:45:30 +02:00
status, err := resourceVPCPeeringConnectionAccept(conn, d.Id())
2015-03-17 11:27:33 +01:00
if err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("Unable to accept VPC Peering Connection: {{err}}", err)
2015-03-17 11:27:33 +01:00
log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC Peering Connection accept status: %s", status)
if d.HasChange("accepter") || d.HasChange("requester") {
_, ok := d.GetOk("auto_accept")
if !ok && pc.Status != nil && *pc.Status.Code != "active" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to modify peering options. The VPC Peering Connection "+
"%q is not active. Please set `auto_accept` attribute to `true`, "+
"or activate VPC Peering Connection manually.", d.Id())
if err := resourceVPCPeeringConnectionOptionsModify(d, meta); err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("Error modifying VPC Peering Connection options: {{err}}", err)
2015-03-17 11:27:33 +01:00
return resourceAwsVPCPeeringRead(d, meta)
2015-02-18 10:45:12 +01:00
func resourceAwsVPCPeeringDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
2015-05-05 17:45:30 +02:00
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
_, err := conn.DeleteVpcPeeringConnection(
VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String(d.Id()),
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
return err
// resourceAwsVPCPeeringConnectionStateRefreshFunc returns a resource.StateRefreshFunc that is used to watch
// a VPCPeeringConnection.
func resourceAwsVPCPeeringConnectionStateRefreshFunc(conn *ec2.EC2, id string) resource.StateRefreshFunc {
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
return func() (interface{}, string, error) {
resp, err := conn.DescribeVpcPeeringConnections(&ec2.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsInput{
VpcPeeringConnectionIds: []*string{aws.String(id)},
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
if err != nil {
if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVpcPeeringConnectionID.NotFound" {
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
resp = nil
} else {
log.Printf("Error reading VPC Peering Connection details: %s", err)
return nil, "error", err
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
if resp == nil {
// Sometimes AWS just has consistency issues and doesn't see
// our instance yet. Return an empty state.
return nil, "", nil
pc := resp.VpcPeeringConnections[0]
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
// A VPC Peering Connection can exist in a failed state due to
// incorrect VPC ID, account ID, or overlapping IP address range,
// thus we short circuit before the time out would occur.
if pc != nil && *pc.Status.Code == "failed" {
return nil, "failed", errors.New(*pc.Status.Message)
2015-03-17 11:27:33 +01:00
return pc, *pc.Status.Code, nil
2015-02-12 10:45:29 +01:00
func vpcPeeringConnectionOptionsSchema() *schema.Schema {
return &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"allow_remote_vpc_dns_resolution": {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
"allow_classic_link_to_remote_vpc": {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
"allow_vpc_to_remote_classic_link": {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
func flattenPeeringOptions(options *ec2.VpcPeeringConnectionOptionsDescription) (results []map[string]interface{}) {
m := make(map[string]interface{})
if options.AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc != nil {
m["allow_remote_vpc_dns_resolution"] = *options.AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc
if options.AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc != nil {
m["allow_classic_link_to_remote_vpc"] = *options.AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc
if options.AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink != nil {
m["allow_vpc_to_remote_classic_link"] = *options.AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink
results = append(results, m)
func expandPeeringOptions(m map[string]interface{}) *ec2.PeeringConnectionOptionsRequest {
r := &ec2.PeeringConnectionOptionsRequest{}
if v, ok := m["allow_remote_vpc_dns_resolution"]; ok {
r.AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc = aws.Bool(v.(bool))
if v, ok := m["allow_classic_link_to_remote_vpc"]; ok {
r.AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc = aws.Bool(v.(bool))
if v, ok := m["allow_vpc_to_remote_classic_link"]; ok {
r.AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink = aws.Bool(v.(bool))
return r