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package command
import (
plugin "github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin"
terraformProvider "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/internal/builtin/providers/terraform"
tfplugin "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/plugin"
tfplugin6 "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/plugin6"
// The TF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_TLS environment variable is intended only for use by
// the plugin SDK test framework, to reduce startup overhead when rapidly
// launching and killing lots of instances of the same provider.
// This is not intended to be set by end-users.
var enableProviderAutoMTLS = os.Getenv("TF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_TLS") == ""
// providerInstaller returns an object that knows how to install providers and
// how to recover the selections from a prior installation process.
// The resulting provider installer is constructed from the results of
// the other methods providerLocalCacheDir, providerGlobalCacheDir, and
// providerInstallSource.
// Only one object returned from this method should be live at any time,
// because objects inside contain caches that must be maintained properly.
// Because this method wraps a result from providerLocalCacheDir, that
// limitation applies also to results from that method.
func (m *Meta) providerInstaller() *providercache.Installer {
return m.providerInstallerCustomSource(m.providerInstallSource())
// providerInstallerCustomSource is a variant of providerInstaller that
// allows the caller to specify a different installation source than the one
// that would naturally be selected.
// The result of this method has the same dependencies and constraints as
// providerInstaller.
// The result of providerInstallerCustomSource differs from
// providerInstaller only in how it determines package installation locations
// during EnsureProviderVersions. A caller that doesn't call
// EnsureProviderVersions (anything other than "terraform init") can safely
// just use the providerInstaller method unconditionally.
func (m *Meta) providerInstallerCustomSource(source getproviders.Source) *providercache.Installer {
targetDir := m.providerLocalCacheDir()
globalCacheDir := m.providerGlobalCacheDir()
inst := providercache.NewInstaller(targetDir, source)
if globalCacheDir != nil {
var builtinProviderTypes []string
for ty := range m.internalProviders() {
builtinProviderTypes = append(builtinProviderTypes, ty)
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
unmanagedProviderTypes := make(map[addrs.Provider]struct{}, len(m.UnmanagedProviders))
for ty := range m.UnmanagedProviders {
unmanagedProviderTypes[ty] = struct{}{}
return inst
// providerCustomLocalDirectorySource produces a provider source that consults
// only the given local filesystem directories for plugins to install.
// This is used to implement the -plugin-dir option for "terraform init", where
// the result of this method is used instead of what would've been returned
// from m.providerInstallSource.
// If the given list of directories is empty then the resulting source will
// have no providers available for installation at all.
func (m *Meta) providerCustomLocalDirectorySource(dirs []string) getproviders.Source {
var ret getproviders.MultiSource
for _, dir := range dirs {
ret = append(ret, getproviders.MultiSourceSelector{
Source: getproviders.NewFilesystemMirrorSource(dir),
return ret
// providerLocalCacheDir returns an object representing the
// configuration-specific local cache directory. This is the
// only location consulted for provider plugin packages for Terraform
// operations other than provider installation.
// Only the provider installer (in "terraform init") is permitted to make
// modifications to this cache directory. All other commands must treat it
// as read-only.
// Only one object returned from this method should be live at any time,
// because objects inside contain caches that must be maintained properly.
func (m *Meta) providerLocalCacheDir() *providercache.Dir {
command: new cache directory .terraform/providers for providers Terraform v0.10 introduced .terraform/plugins as a cache directory for automatically-installed plugins, Terraform v0.13 later reorganized the directory structure inside but retained its purpose as a cache. The local cache used to also serve as a record of specifically which packages were selected in a particular working directory, with the intent that a second run of "terraform init" would always select the same packages again. That meant that in some sense it behaved a bit like a local filesystem mirror directory, even though that wasn't its intended purpose. Due to some unfortunate miscommunications, somewhere a long the line we published some documentation that _recommended_ using the cache directory as if it were a filesystem mirror directory when working with Terraform Cloud. That was really only working as an accident of implementation details, and Terraform v0.14 is now going to break that because the source of record for the currently-selected provider versions is now the public-facing dependency lock file rather than the contents of an existing local cache directory on disk. After some consideration of how to move forward here, this commit implements a compromise that tries to avoid silently doing anything surprising while still giving useful guidance to folks who were previously using the unsupported strategy. Specifically: - The local cache directory will now be .terraform/providers rather than .terraform/plugins, because .terraform/plugins is effectively "poisoned" by the incorrect usage that we can't reliably distinguish from prior version correct usage. - The .terraform/plugins directory is now the "legacy cache directory". It is intentionally _not_ now a filesystem mirror directory, because that would risk incorrectly interpreting providers automatically installed by Terraform v0.13 as if they were a local mirror, and thus upgrades and checksum fetches from the origin registry would be blocked. - Because of the previous two points, someone who _was_ trying to use the legacy cache directory as a filesystem mirror would see installation fail for any providers they manually added to the legacy directory. To avoid leaving that user stumped as to what went wrong, there's a heuristic for the case where a non-official provider fails installation and yet we can see it in the legacy cache directory. If that heuristic matches then we'll produce a warning message hinting to move the provider under the terraform.d/plugins directory, which is a _correct_ location for "bundled" provider plugins that belong only to a single configuration (as opposed to being installed globally on a system). This does unfortunately mean that anyone who was following the incorrectly-documented pattern will now encounter an error (and the aforementioned warning hint) after upgrading to Terraform v0.14. This seems like the safest compromise because Terraform can't automatically infer the intent of files it finds in .terraform/plugins in order to decide automatically how best to handle them. The internals of the .terraform directory are always considered implementation detail for a particular Terraform version and so switching to a new directory for the _actual_ cache directory fits within our usual set of guarantees, though it's definitely non-ideal in isolation but okay when taken in the broader context of this problem, where the alternative would be silent misbehavior when upgrading.
2020-10-14 00:03:56 +02:00
dir := filepath.Join(m.DataDir(), "providers")
return providercache.NewDir(dir)
// providerGlobalCacheDir returns an object representing the shared global
// provider cache directory, used as a read-through cache when installing
// new provider plugin packages.
// This function may return nil, in which case there is no global cache
// configured and new packages should be downloaded directly into individual
// configuration-specific cache directories.
// Only one object returned from this method should be live at any time,
// because objects inside contain caches that must be maintained properly.
func (m *Meta) providerGlobalCacheDir() *providercache.Dir {
dir := m.PluginCacheDir
if dir == "" {
return nil // cache disabled
return providercache.NewDir(dir)
// providerInstallSource returns an object that knows how to consult one or
// more external sources to determine the availability of and package
// locations for versions of Terraform providers that are available for
// automatic installation.
// This returns the standard provider install source that consults a number
// of directories selected either automatically or via the CLI configuration.
// Users may choose to override this during a "terraform init" command by
// specifying one or more -plugin-dir options, in which case the installation
// process will construct its own source consulting only those directories
// and use that instead.
func (m *Meta) providerInstallSource() getproviders.Source {
// A provider source should always be provided in normal use, but our
// unit tests might not always populate Meta fully and so we'll be robust
// by returning a non-nil source that just always answers that no plugins
// are available.
if m.ProviderSource == nil {
// A multi-source with no underlying sources is effectively an
// always-empty source.
return getproviders.MultiSource(nil)
return m.ProviderSource
// providerDevOverrideInitWarnings returns a diagnostics that contains at
// least one warning if and only if there is at least one provider development
// override in effect. If not, the result is always empty. The result never
// contains error diagnostics.
// The init command can use this to include a warning that the results
// may differ from what's expected due to the development overrides. For
// other commands, providerDevOverrideRuntimeWarnings should be used.
func (m *Meta) providerDevOverrideInitWarnings() tfdiags.Diagnostics {
if len(m.ProviderDevOverrides) == 0 {
return nil
var detailMsg strings.Builder
detailMsg.WriteString("The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI configuration:\n")
for addr, path := range m.ProviderDevOverrides {
detailMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - %s in %s\n", addr.ForDisplay(), path))
detailMsg.WriteString("\nSkip terraform init when using provider development overrides. It is not necessary and may error unexpectedly.")
return tfdiags.Diagnostics{
"Provider development overrides are in effect",
// providerDevOverrideRuntimeWarnings returns a diagnostics that contains at
// least one warning if and only if there is at least one provider development
// override in effect. If not, the result is always empty. The result never
// contains error diagnostics.
// Certain commands can use this to include a warning that their results
// may differ from what's expected due to the development overrides. It's
// not necessary to bother the user with this warning on every command, but
// it's helpful to return it on commands that have externally-visible side
// effects and on commands that are used to verify conformance to schemas.
// See providerDevOverrideInitWarnings for warnings specific to the init
// command.
func (m *Meta) providerDevOverrideRuntimeWarnings() tfdiags.Diagnostics {
if len(m.ProviderDevOverrides) == 0 {
return nil
var detailMsg strings.Builder
detailMsg.WriteString("The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI configuration:\n")
for addr, path := range m.ProviderDevOverrides {
detailMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - %s in %s\n", addr.ForDisplay(), path))
detailMsg.WriteString("\nThe behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published releases.")
return tfdiags.Diagnostics{
"Provider development overrides are in effect",
// providerFactories uses the selections made previously by an installer in
// the local cache directory (m.providerLocalCacheDir) to produce a map
// from provider addresses to factory functions to create instances of
// those providers.
// providerFactories will return an error if the installer's selections cannot
// be honored with what is currently in the cache, such as if a selected
// package has been removed from the cache or if the contents of a selected
// package have been modified outside of the installer. If it returns an error,
// the returned map may be incomplete or invalid, but will be as complete
// as possible given the cause of the error.
func (m *Meta) providerFactories() (map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory, error) {
locks, diags := m.lockedDependencies()
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read dependency lock file: %s", diags.Err())
// We'll always run through all of our providers, even if one of them
// encounters an error, so that we can potentially report multiple errors
// where appropriate and so that callers can potentially make use of the
// partial result we return if e.g. they want to enumerate which providers
// are available, or call into one of the providers that didn't fail.
var err error
// For the providers from the lock file, we expect them to be already
// available in the provider cache because "terraform init" should already
// have put them there.
providerLocks := locks.AllProviders()
cacheDir := m.providerLocalCacheDir()
// The internal providers are _always_ available, even if the configuration
// doesn't request them, because they don't need any special installation
// and they'll just be ignored if not used.
internalFactories := m.internalProviders()
// We have two different special cases aimed at provider development
// use-cases, which are not for "production" use:
// - The CLI config can specify that a particular provider should always
// use a plugin from a particular local directory, ignoring anything the
// lock file or cache directory might have to say about it. This is useful
// for manual testing of local development builds.
// - The Terraform SDK test harness (and possibly other callers in future)
// can ask that we use its own already-started provider servers, which we
// call "unmanaged" because Terraform isn't responsible for starting
// and stopping them. This is intended for automated testing where a
// calling harness is responsible both for starting the provider server
// and orchestrating one or more non-interactive Terraform runs that then
// exercise it.
// Unmanaged providers take precedence over overridden providers because
// overrides are typically a "session-level" setting while unmanaged
// providers are typically scoped to a single unattended command.
devOverrideProviders := m.ProviderDevOverrides
unmanagedProviders := m.UnmanagedProviders
factories := make(map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory, len(providerLocks)+len(internalFactories)+len(unmanagedProviders))
for name, factory := range internalFactories {
factories[addrs.NewBuiltInProvider(name)] = factory
for provider, lock := range providerLocks {
reportError := func(thisErr error) {
err = multierror.Append(err, thisErr)
// We'll populate a provider factory that just echoes our error
// again if called, which allows us to still report a helpful
// error even if it gets detected downstream somewhere from the
// caller using our partial result.
factories[provider] = providerFactoryError(thisErr)
version := lock.Version()
cached := cacheDir.ProviderVersion(provider, version)
if cached == nil {
"there is no package for %s %s cached in %s",
provider, version, cacheDir.BasePath(),
// The cached package must match one of the checksums recorded in
// the lock file, if any.
if allowedHashes := lock.PreferredHashes(); len(allowedHashes) != 0 {
matched, err := cached.MatchesAnyHash(allowedHashes)
if err != nil {
"failed to verify checksum of %s %s package cached in in %s: %s",
provider, version, cacheDir.BasePath(), err,
if !matched {
"the cached package for %s %s (in %s) does not match any of the checksums recorded in the dependency lock file",
provider, version, cacheDir.BasePath(),
factories[provider] = providerFactory(cached)
for provider, localDir := range devOverrideProviders {
// It's likely that providers in this map will conflict with providers
// in providerLocks
factories[provider] = devOverrideProviderFactory(provider, localDir)
for provider, reattach := range unmanagedProviders {
factories[provider] = unmanagedProviderFactory(provider, reattach)
return factories, err
func (m *Meta) internalProviders() map[string]providers.Factory {
return map[string]providers.Factory{
"terraform": func() (providers.Interface, error) {
return terraformProvider.NewProvider(), nil
"test": func() (providers.Interface, error) {
return moduletest.NewProvider(), nil
// providerFactory produces a provider factory that runs up the executable
// file in the given cache package and uses go-plugin to implement
// providers.Interface against it.
func providerFactory(meta *providercache.CachedProvider) providers.Factory {
return func() (providers.Interface, error) {
execFile, err := meta.ExecutableFile()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := &plugin.ClientConfig{
HandshakeConfig: tfplugin.Handshake,
Logger: logging.NewProviderLogger(""),
AllowedProtocols: []plugin.Protocol{plugin.ProtocolGRPC},
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
Managed: true,
Cmd: exec.Command(execFile),
AutoMTLS: enableProviderAutoMTLS,
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
VersionedPlugins: tfplugin.VersionedPlugins,
SyncStdout: logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stdout", meta.Provider)),
SyncStderr: logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stderr", meta.Provider)),
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
client := plugin.NewClient(config)
rpcClient, err := client.Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
raw, err := rpcClient.Dispense(tfplugin.ProviderPluginName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// store the client so that the plugin can kill the child process
protoVer := client.NegotiatedVersion()
switch protoVer {
case 5:
p := raw.(*tfplugin.GRPCProvider)
p.PluginClient = client
return p, nil
case 6:
p := raw.(*tfplugin6.GRPCProvider)
p.PluginClient = client
return p, nil
panic("unsupported protocol version")
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
func devOverrideProviderFactory(provider addrs.Provider, localDir getproviders.PackageLocalDir) providers.Factory {
// A dev override is essentially a synthetic cache entry for our purposes
// here, so that's how we'll construct it. The providerFactory function
// doesn't actually care about the version, so we can leave it
// unspecified: overridden providers are not explicitly versioned.
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Provider %s is overridden to load from %s", provider, localDir)
return providerFactory(&providercache.CachedProvider{
Provider: provider,
Version: getproviders.UnspecifiedVersion,
PackageDir: string(localDir),
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
// unmanagedProviderFactory produces a provider factory that uses the passed
// reattach information to connect to go-plugin processes that are already
// running, and implements providers.Interface against it.
func unmanagedProviderFactory(provider addrs.Provider, reattach *plugin.ReattachConfig) providers.Factory {
return func() (providers.Interface, error) {
config := &plugin.ClientConfig{
HandshakeConfig: tfplugin.Handshake,
Logger: logging.NewProviderLogger("unmanaged."),
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
AllowedProtocols: []plugin.Protocol{plugin.ProtocolGRPC},
Managed: false,
Reattach: reattach,
SyncStdout: logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stdout", provider)),
SyncStderr: logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stderr", provider)),
command: Unmanaged providers This adds supports for "unmanaged" providers, or providers with process lifecycles not controlled by Terraform. These providers are assumed to be started before Terraform is launched, and are assumed to shut themselves down after Terraform has finished running. To do this, we must update the go-plugin dependency to v1.3.0, which added support for the "test mode" plugin serving that powers all this. As a side-effect of not needing to manage the process lifecycle anymore, Terraform also no longer needs to worry about the provider's binary, as it won't be used for anything anymore. Because of this, we can disable the init behavior that concerns itself with downloading that provider's binary, checking its version, and otherwise managing the binary. This is all managed on a per-provider basis, so managed providers that Terraform downloads, starts, and stops can be used in the same commands as unmanaged providers. The TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable is added, and is a JSON encoding of the provider's address to the information we need to connect to it. This change enables two benefits: first, delve and other debuggers can now be attached to provider server processes, and Terraform can connect. This allows for attaching debuggers to provider processes, which before was difficult to impossible. Second, it allows the SDK test framework to host the provider in the same process as the test driver, while running a production Terraform binary against the provider. This allows for Go's built-in race detector and test coverage tooling to work as expected in provider tests. Unmanaged providers are expected to work in the exact same way as managed providers, with one caveat: Terraform kills provider processes and restarts them once per graph walk, meaning multiple times during most Terraform CLI commands. As unmanaged providers can't be killed by Terraform, and have no visibility into graph walks, unmanaged providers are likely to have differences in how their global mutable state behaves when compared to managed providers. Namely, unmanaged providers are likely to retain global state when managed providers would have reset it. Developers relying on global state should be aware of this.
2020-05-27 02:48:57 +02:00
// TODO: we probably shouldn't hardcode the protocol version
// here, but it'll do for now, because only one protocol
// version is supported. Eventually, we'll probably want to
// sneak it into the JSON ReattachConfigs.
if plugins, ok := tfplugin.VersionedPlugins[5]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no supported plugins for protocol 5")
} else {
config.Plugins = plugins
client := plugin.NewClient(config)
rpcClient, err := client.Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
raw, err := rpcClient.Dispense(tfplugin.ProviderPluginName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := raw.(*tfplugin.GRPCProvider)
return p, nil
// providerFactoryError is a stub providers.Factory that returns an error
// when called. It's used to allow providerFactories to still produce a
// factory for each available provider in an error case, for situations
// where the caller can do something useful with that partial result.
func providerFactoryError(err error) providers.Factory {
return func() (providers.Interface, error) {
return nil, err