$size-small: 500px @import "font" body --color-background: #fff8eb --color-paragraph: #2d3824 --color-highlight: #c14508 --border-style: dashed --border-size: 4px --link-style: dotted --tile: 2rem color: var(--color-paragraph) background: var(--color-background) margin: 0 auto padding: 0 var(--tile) max-width: 800px @media screen and (max-width: $size-small) --border-size: 2px --tile: 1rem hr border: 0 border-bottom: var(--border-size) var(--border-style) var(--color-highlight) margin: var(--tile) auto @media screen and (max-width: $size-small) margin: calc(var(--tile)*2) calc(var(--tile)*-1) ul.no-style margin: 0 padding: 0 list-style-type: none a, h1, h2, h3 color: var(--color-highlight) a text-decoration: underline var(--link-style) &:hover text-decoration: underline h1, h2, h3 text-align: center h2 margin: calc(var(--tile)*1.5) auto h3 border: var(--border-size) var(--border-style) var(--color-highlight) // display: inline-block margin: calc(var(--tile)*1.5) auto var(--tile) padding: var(--tile) .footer font-size: 0.8rem @media screen and (max-width: $size-small) .cell, .cell.-right text-align: center flex: 0 0 100% .flex --margin-tile: calc(var(--tile)/2) margin: calc(var(--margin-tile) * -1) padding: 0 list-style-type: none width: calc(100% + 2 * var(--margin-tile)) display: flex flex-wrap: wrap li text-align: center padding: var(--margin-tile) flex: 0 0 50% box-sizing: border-box img max-width: 100% width: 40% @media screen and (max-width: $size-small) margin: 0 width: 100% li flex: 0 0 100% .quote border: var(--border-size) var(--border-style) var(--color-highlight) padding: var(--tile) margin: calc(1.5 * var(--tile)) 0 position: relative text-align: center h2 color: var(--color-paragraph) margin: 0 strong color: var(--color-highlight) font-size: 130% // Grid .grid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .grid.\-middle { align-items: center; } .grid.\-bottom { align-items: end; } .cell { flex: 1; box-sizing: border-box; } .cell.\-left { text-align: left ;} .cell.\-right { text-align: right; } .cell.\-center { text-align: center ;} .cell.\-6of12 { flex: 0 0 calc(100% * 6 / 12); } @import "../../themes/hugo-theme-lowtech/assets/styles/obfuscates"