
114 lines
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# Meta Data for SEO
## Homepage
title = "Doks"
titleSeparator = "-"
titleAddition = "Modern Documentation Theme"
description = "Hyas is a Hugo starter helping you build modern websites that are secure, fast, and SEO-ready — by default."
## Open Graph
images = ["hyas.png"]
ogLocale = "en_US"
titleHome = "Hyas Hugo Starter"
## Twitter Cards
twitterSite = "@gethyas"
twitterCreator = "@henkverlinde"
# schemaType = "Person"
schemaType = "Organization"
schemaName = "Hyas"
schemaAuthor = "Henk Verlinde"
schemaAuthorTwitter = "https://twitter.com/henkverlinde"
schemaAuthorLinkedIn = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/henkverlinde/"
schemaAuthorGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk"
schemaLocale = "en-US"
schemaLogo = "logo-hyas.png"
schemaLogoWidth = 512
schemaLogoHeight = 512
schemaImage = "hyas.png"
schemaImageWidth = 1280
schemaImageHeight = 640
schemaTwitter = "https://twitter.com/gethyas"
schemaLinkedIn = ""
schemaGitHub = "https://github.com/h-enk/hyas"
# Feed
copyRight = "Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Henk Verlinde"
# Footer
footer = "Powered by <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://www.netlify.com/\">Netlify</a>, <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://gohugo.io/\">Hugo</a>, and <a class=\"text-muted\" href=\"https://getdoks.org/\">Doks</a>"
## Documentation
# docsVersion = "1.0"
# Edit Page
# repoHost [Github | Gitea | GitLab | Bitbucket | BitbucketServer ] is used for building the edit link based on git hoster
repoHost = "GitHub"
#repoHost = "Gitea"
docsRepo = "https://github.com/h-enk/doks"
docsRepoBranch = "master"
docsRepoSubPath = ""
editPage = false
lastMod = false
# Images
## defaultImage
defaultImage = "default-image.jpg" # put in `./assets/images/`
## imaging
anchor = 'Smart'
bgColor = '#fff'
hint = 'photo'
quality = 95
resampleFilter = 'Lanczos'
## lazyimg
resizer = "auto"
renderer = "lqip-webp"
# Resizer options:
lqipSize = "120x Gaussian"
# maxSize = "1920x"
maxSize = "1366x"
responsiveSizes = [ "320x", "640x", "768x", "1024x", "1366x", "1600x", "1920x" ]
resizeOptions = "Lanczos q95"
# Renderer options:
class = "img-fluid"
# alt = ""
noscript = true
errorHandler = "warning"
sectionNav = ["docs", "guides", "books"]
lazySizes = true # no longer an option (included by default)
clipBoard = true # no longer an option (included by default)
instantPage = false # no longer an option (replaced with quicklink, included by default)
flexSearch = true # new setup
searchSectionsShow = [] # new setup
searchSectionsIndex = [] # new setup
darkMode = true # new setup
bootStrapJs = true # new setup
breadCrumb = false # new setup
highLight = false # no longer an option (dropped, use Hugo's Chroma syntax highlighting)
kaTex = false
multilingualMode = false
docsVersioning = false
fullWidth = false # new setup
navbarSticky = true # same option
toTopButton = false # new setup (included by default)
scrollSpy = false # experimental; needs Bootstrap >= 5.2.0-beta1
auto = true
collapsibleSidebar = true