--- title: "Shortcodes" description: "This cheat sheet provides a quick overview of all available Doks shortcodes." summary: "This cheat sheet provides a quick overview of all available Doks shortcodes." date: 2023-03-31T12:07:31+02:00 lastmod: 2023-03-31T12:07:31+02:00 draft: false weight: 50 images: [] categories: [] tags: [] contributors: ["Henk Verlinde"] pinned: false homepage: false --- ## Alert ### Default ```md {{}} **Note**: Advisories for malware are currently in beta and subject to change. {{}} ``` {{< alert >}} **Note**: Advisories for malware are currently in beta and subject to change. {{< /alert >}} ### Context ```md {{}} **Note**: Advisories for malware are currently in beta and subject to change. {{}} ``` {{< alert context="primary">}} **Note**: Advisories for malware are currently in beta and subject to change. {{< /alert >}} ### Icon ```md {{}} Advisories for malware are currently in beta and subject to change. {{}} ``` {{< alert icon="👉" >}} Advisories for malware are currently in beta and subject to change. {{< /alert >}} ## Details ```md {{}} All meetings will be held *remotely*. {{}} ``` {{< details "How will we conduct IEP and 504 meetings?" >}} All meetings will be held *remotely*. {{< /details >}} ## Tabs Run the following command in your terminal to start our handy install wizard, `create-hyas`. ````md {{}} {{}} ```bash npm create hyas@latest ``` {{}} {{}} ```bash pnpm create hyas@latest ``` {{}} {{}} ```bash yarn create hyas ``` {{}} {{}} ```` {{< tabs "create-new-site" >}} {{< tab "npm" >}} ```bash npm create hyas@latest ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "pnpm" >}} ```bash pnpm create hyas@latest ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Yarn" >}} ```bash yarn create hyas ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} `cd` into your new project directory to begin using Hyas. Install your dependencies before continuing. ````md {{}} {{}} ```bash npm install ``` {{}} {{}} ```bash pnpm install ``` {{}} {{}} ```bash yarn install ``` {{}} {{}} ```` {{< tabs "install-dependencies" >}} {{< tab "npm" >}} ```bash npm install ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "pnpm" >}} ```bash pnpm install ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Yarn" >}} ```bash yarn install ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} ## Video ```md {{}} ``` {{< video ratio="16x9" attributes="controls autoplay muted" webm-src="videos/flower.webm" mp4-src="videos/flower.mp4" >}}