--- title: "Introduction" description: "Introduction Doks." lead: "Doks is a Hugo starter helping you build modern documentation websites." date: 2020-04-17T08:48:57+00:00 draft: false images: [image-doks.png] menu: docs: parent: "prologue" weight: 010 toc: true --- ## Features - Lightweight code base - 100 scores Google Lighthouse - A+ scores [Mozilla Observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/) - [Algolia DocSearch](https://docsearch.algolia.com/) support - Dark/Light toggle - Blog ready - Easily make it your own - All in [Hyas](https://github.com/h-enk/hyas) See a working example at [doks.netlify.app](https://doks.netlify.app/) ## Requirements Make sure all dependencies have been installed: - [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) >= 0.69.0/extended - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) >= 13.11.0 - [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) >= 1.22.4 (recommended) ## Get started Create a new Doks project: ```bash $ git clone git@github.com:h-enk/doks.git my-doks-site ``` Install dependencies: ```bash # @ my-doks-site/ $ yarn install ``` Build development theme with live reloading and injection: ```bash # @ my-doks-site/ $ yarn start ``` ### Other commands - `yarn lint:styles` - Check Sass for errors - `yarn lint:scripts` - Check JavaScript for errors - `yarn clean` - Delete temporary directories - `yarn build` - Build production theme ## Documentation - [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/documentation/) - [Hyas](https://gethyas.com/) - [Doks](https://getdoks.org/)