{{ define "main" }}

{{ .Title | safeHTML }}

{{ .Params.lead | safeHTML }}

{{/* {{ i18n "get_started" }} */}} {{/* {{ .Content }} */}}
{{ end }} {{ define "sidebar-prefooter" }} {{ if site.Params.doks.backgroundDots -}}
{{ end -}} {{ if eq $.Site.Language.LanguageName "Français" }}

{{- partial "inline-svg" "pencil" }}  Prise de notes  {{- partial "inline-svg" (dict "src" "currency-euro-off" "stroke-width" "1" "stroke" "#ee52b7" "height" "1rem" "width" "1rem" "class" "svg-inline-custom") }}

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{{ .Content }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "sidebar-footer" }} {{ if site.Params.doks.sectionFooter -}}

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{{ i18n "get-started" }}
{{ end -}} {{ end }}