--- title: "Shortcodes" description: "A quick reference to the Doks shortcodes." summary: "A quick reference to the Doks shortcodes." date: 2023-05-12T16:36:04+02:00 lastmod: 2023-05-12T16:36:04+02:00 draft: false images: [] menu: docs: parent: "" identifier: "shortcodes-b20379ce4f24fa487bf2dd1a8367a4f1" weight: 230 toc: true --- A quick reference to the Doks shortcodes. {.lead} {{< callout icon="info-circle" >}} Refer to [components](https://getdoks.org/docs/components/) for more information. {{< /callout >}} ## SVG Add an [SVG](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG) from the assets directory, page resources, or Tabler icons. {{< callout icon="info-circle" >}} The [SVG](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG) gets embedded into the pages' HTML. {{< /callout >}} ### Assets directory Add e.g. a logo from the `assets` directory: ```md {{}} ``` {{< svg icon="svgs/logos/logo-netlify-small-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="192px" height="79px" class="icon-custom netlify-logo" >}} ### Page resources {{< callout icon="info-circle" >}} Refer to [page resources](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-resources/) and [page bundles](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/) for more information. {{< /callout >}} Add e.g a monogram : ```md {{}} ``` {{< svg icon="logo-netlify-monogram-monochrome-lightmode.svg" width="64px" height="57px" class="icon-custom netlify-monogram" >}} ### Tabler icons {{< callout icon="copy" >}} Copy the icon name from [Tabler Icons](https://tabler-icons.io/) by clicking on it's name. {{< /callout >}} Add a Tabler icon: ```md {{}} ``` {{< svg "rubber-stamp" >}} Specify [SVG attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute), for example: ```md {{}} ``` {{< svg icon="rubber-stamp" stroke-width="1" height="3rem" width="3rem" class="icon-custom" >}} ## Callouts ```md {{}} This is a default callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` ```md {{}} This is an info callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` ```md {{}} This is a warning callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` ```md {{}} This is a danger callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` {{< callout >}} This is a default callout. Example text to show it in action. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout info >}} This is an info callout. Example text to show it in action. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout warning >}} This is a warning callout. Example text to show it in action. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout danger >}} This is a danger callout. Example text to show it in action. {{< /callout >}} ### Tabler icons {{< callout icon="copy" >}} Copy the icon name from [Tabler Icons](https://tabler-icons.io/) by clicking on it's name. {{< /callout >}} ```md {{}} This is an **info** callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` {{< callout context="info" icon="info-circle" >}} This is an **info** callout. Example text to show it in action.{{< /callout >}} ```md {{}} Aww yeah, you successfully read this important alert message. This example text is going to run a bit longer so that you can see how spacing within a callout works with this kind of content. {{}} ``` {{< callout context="info" icon="info-circle" >}} Aww yeah, you successfully read this important alert message. This example text is going to run a bit longer so that you can see how spacing within a callout works with this kind of content. {{< /callout >}} ### Title ```md {{}} This is an info callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` {{< callout context="info" title="Callout title" >}} This is an info callout. Example text to show it in action. {{< /callout >}} ```md {{}} This is an info callout. Example text to show it in action. {{}} ``` {{< callout context="info" title="Callout title" icon="info-circle" >}} This is an info callout. Example text to show it in action. {{< /callout >}} ### Inline code {{< callout context="light" icon="info-circle" >}} You can change the commands in the scripts section of `./package.json`. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout context="warning" icon="info-circle" >}} You can change the commands in the scripts section of `./package.json`. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout context="danger" icon="info-circle" >}} You can change the commands in the scripts section of `./package.json`. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout context="info" icon="info-circle" >}} You can change the commands in the scripts section of `./package.json`. {{< /callout >}} ## Details ```md {{}} All meetings will be held *remotely*. {{}} ``` {{< details "How will we conduct IEP and 504 meetings?" >}} All meetings will be held *remotely*. {{< /details >}} ### Start in open state ```md {{}} This Boolean attribute indicates whether the details — that is, the contents of the
element — are currently visible. The details are shown when this attribute exists, or hidden when this attribute is absent. By default this attribute is absent which means the details are not visible. {{}} ``` {{< details "Start in open state" open >}} This Boolean attribute indicates whether the details — that is, the contents of the `
` element — are currently visible. The details are shown when this attribute exists, or hidden when this attribute is absent. By default this attribute is absent which means the details are not visible. {{< /details >}} ## Tabs ````md {{}} {{}} ```bash npm create hyas@latest ``` {{}} {{}} ```bash pnpm create hyas@latest ``` {{}} {{}} ```bash yarn create hyas ``` {{}} {{}} ```` {{< callout icon="info-circle" >}} The selected tab is remembered in and across pages. {{< /callout >}} Run the following command in your terminal to start our handy install wizard, `create-hyas`. {{< tabs "create-new-site" >}} {{< tab "npm" >}} ```bash npm create hyas@latest ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "pnpm" >}} ```bash pnpm create hyas@latest ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Yarn" >}} ```bash yarn create hyas ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} `cd` into your new project directory to begin using Hyas. Install your dependencies before continuing. {{< tabs "install-dependencies" >}} {{< tab "npm" >}} ```bash npm install ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "pnpm" >}} ```bash pnpm install ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Yarn" >}} ```bash yarn install ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} ## Video ```md {{}} ``` {{< video ratio="16x9" attributes="controls autoplay muted" webm-src="videos/flower.webm" mp4-src="videos/flower.mp4" >}}